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  • 中文名:李子建
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:中國香港
  • 畢業院校:香港大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:課程與教程、環境教育與地理教育、學校改進等
  • 職務:香港教育大學學術及首席副校長 
  • 主要成就:聯合國教科文組織區域教育發展與終身學習教席;教育部長江學者講座教授;香港特別行政區太平紳士(JP)
  • 發表論文數目:100多篇(截至2019年7月)




Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
  • 李子建、許景輝(2019):〈21世紀技能和生涯規劃教育的教學與評估〉,載於李子建、姚偉梅、許景輝(編),《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》,(頁77-98),台北市,高等教育文化事業有限公司。
  • 李子健、江浩民和陳念慈(2019):〈生涯規劃教育的相關理論及維度〉,輯於李子健、姚偉梅、許景輝(編),《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》,(頁 51-74),台灣,高等教育文化事業有限公司。
  • 李子健和秦偉燊(2019):〈職業倫理教育、經驗式學習與生涯規劃教育:企業和學校的角色〉,輯於李子健、姚偉梅、許景輝(編),《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》,(頁 99-127),台灣,高等教育文化事業有限公司。
  • 李子建、姚偉梅和許景輝(2019):,輯於,《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》,(頁223-239),台北市,高等教育出版公司。
  • 李子建、姚偉梅和許景輝(2019):,輯於,《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》,(頁1-26),台北市,高等教育出版公司。
  • 江浩民、秦偉燊和李子健(2019):〈歐美國家的生涯教育:設計與實踐特色〉,輯於李子健、姚偉梅、許景輝(編),《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》,(頁 169-197),台灣,高等教育文化事業有限公司。
  • 李子建、姚偉梅、許景輝編著(2019):21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育,台灣,高等教育出版公司。
  • Cheng E. C. K., & Lee J. C. K. (2019). Lesson Study: Curriculum Management for 21st Century Skills. In M Connolly, D. H. Eddy-Spicer, C James, & S. D. Kruse (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of School Organization (447-464). UK: SAGE.
  • K. Kennedy & J.C.K Lee (2018). Schools and schooling in Asia: Achievements and challenges for "Asia rising": An Introduction to the Handbook. In K. Kennedy & J.C.K Lee (Eds.), Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (1-11). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Lee, J.C.K., Maclean, R., and Yang, L.J. (2018). Life Planning Vocational and Technical Educations and Secondary Schooling in the Context of Educational Reform and Socioeconomic Changes in Hong Kong. M. Pavlova, J. C-K. Lee and R. Maclean (Eds.), Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs (129-150). Singapore: Springer.
  • Pavlova, M., Lee, C-K. J. and Maclean, R. (2018). Stepping into the world: transitions to post-school life. M. Pavlova, J. C-K. Lee and R. Maclean (Eds.), Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs (1-10). Singapore: Springer.
  • K. Kennedy and J.C.K Lee (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia. London and New York: Routledge.
  • M. Pavlova, J.C-K. Lee and R. Maclean (Eds) (2018). Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs. Singapore: Springer.
  • Lee, J.C.K., & Ho, O.N-K. (2017). Schools’ Support for Postschool Planning: A Hong Kong Perspective. M. Pavlova, J. C-K. Lee and R. Maclean (Eds.), Transitions to Post-School Life: Responsiveness to Individual, Social and Economic Needs (167-181). Singapore: Springer.
  • Yu, W. M. C. & Lee, C. K. J. (2017). Sustaining entrepreneurship education in Hong Kong as a learning city through partnership building: A Case of Teen Entrepreneurs Competitions. In James et al (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions: Delivering on the UNESCO 2013, Beijing Declaration on Building Learning Cities (pp. 137-154). Dordredht:: Springer Publishers.
  • Lee, J.C.K., & Song, H. (2017). Primary education. In W. J. Morgan, Q. Gu, & F. Li (Eds.), Handbook of education in China (95-117). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Tan, I.G.C., Lee, J.C.K., Chang, T., & Kim, C. (2017). Four Asian Tigers. In Russ, A., & Krasny, M.E. (Eds.), Urban Environmental Education Review (31-38). New York: Cornell University Press.
  • John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J Kennedy (Eds.) (2017). Theorizing Teaching and Learning in Asia and Europe – A Conversation between Chinese Curriculum and European Didactics. London and New York: Routledge.
  • J.C.K Lee and K. Kennedy (2017). Theorizing curriculum, teaching and learning in multiple spaces. In John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J Kennedy (Eds.), Theorizing Teaching and Learning in Asia and Europe – A Conversation between Chinese Curriculum and European Didactics (1-10). London and New York: Routledge.
  • K.Kennedy and J.C.K. Lee (2017). Lessons learned from theorizing curriculum, learning and teaching in an Asia-Europe dialogue. In John Chi-Kin Lee and Kerry J Kennedy (Eds.), Theorizing Teaching and Learning in Asia and Europe – A Conversation between Chinese Curriculum and European Didactics (311-322). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Law, E.H.F.,Galton, M., Kennedy, K. & Lee, J.C.K. (2016). Developing curriculum leadership among teachers for school-based curriculum innovations in Hong Kong: A distributed and problem solving approach. M. Robertson & P.K. Tsang, Everyday Knowledge, education & Sustainable Futures (177-193). Singapore: Routledge.
  • Lai, K.C., Yen, K-L. and Lee, J.C.K. (2016). Teachers’ professional development for small class teaching in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In P. Blatchford, K.W. Chan, M. Galton, K.C. Lai and J.C.K. Lee (Eds.), Class size: Eastern and western perspectives (193-207). New York/London: Routledge.
  • Lee, J.C.K. (2016). East Asian contexts of small class teaching: Policies and practices. In P. Blatchford, K.W. Chan, M. Galton, K.C. Lai and J.C.K. Lee (Eds.), Class size: Eastern and western perspectives (40-56). New York/London: Routledge.
  • Zhang, E.Y., Lee, J.C.K. and Chau, M.H.F. (2016). Curriculum adaptation in small class environment in Hong Kong. In P. Blatchford, K.W. Chan, M. Galton, K.C. Lai and J.C.K. Lee (Eds.), Class size: Eastern and western perspectives (232-246). New York/London: Routledge.
  • Blatchford, P., Chan, K.W., Galton, M., Lai, K.C. and Lee, J.C.K. (Eds.) (2016). Class Size: Eastern and Western Perspectives. New York/London: Routledge 291pp.
  • 何榮漢、李子建、王秉豪、李璞妮、江浩民(2016):知行合一, 同步向前 --香港教育學院執行 「協助中/國小規劃生命教育計畫」的經驗,王秉豪、李子建、朱小蔓、歐用生、吳庶深、李漢泉、李璞妮編,《生命教育的知、情、意、行》,(476-490),台灣新北市,揚智文化。
  • 王秉豪、李子建、朱小蔓、歐用生、吳庶深、李漢泉、李璞妮編(2016):《生命教育的知、情、意、行》(Life Education: Its intellectual, emotional, volitional and practical dimensions),台灣新北市,揚智文化,490頁。
  • Cheng, M.M.H. and Lee, J.C.K. (2016). Different modes of field experience in teacher education programmes. In J.C.K. and C. Day (Eds.), Quality and Change in Teacher Education – Western and Chinese Perspectives (129-147). The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Huang, X., Lee, J.C.K., Zhang, Z. and Wang, J. (2016). Teacher commitment in Northwest China: A comparative study of Han and Uighur teachers. In J.C.K. Lee, Z. Yu, X. Huang and E.H.F. Law (Eds.), Educational Development in Western China: Towards quality and equity (261-275). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Lee, J.C.K. and Day, C. (2016). Western and Chinese perspectives on quality and change in teacher education. In Lee, J.C.K. and Day, C. (Eds.), Quality and Change in Teacher Education – Western and Chinese Perspectives (1-16). The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Lee, J.C.K. and Song, H. (2016). Teacher education in the Greater China region: Status, issues and prospects. In J.C.K. and C. Day (Eds.), Quality and Change in Teacher Education – Western and Chinese Perspectives (39-57). The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Lee, J.C.K., Yu, Z., Huang, X. and Law, E.H.F. (2016). Educational Development in Western China: Towards quality and equity. In J.C.K. Lee, Z. Yu, X. Huang and E.H.F. Law (Eds.), Educational Development in Western China: Towards quality and equity (1-20). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Lim, C.P., Lee, J.C.K. and Jia, N. (2016). E-portfolios in pre-service teacher education: Sustainability and lifelong learning. In J.C.K. and C. Day (Eds.), Quality and Change in Teacher Education – Western and Chinese Perspectives (163-174). The Netherlands: Springer.
  • Lee, J.C.K., Yu, Z., Huang, X. and Law, E.H.F. (Eds.) (2016). Educational Development in Western China: Towards quality and equity. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Lee, J.C.K. and Day, C. (Eds.) (2016). Quality and Change in Teacher Education – Western and Chinese Perspectives. The Netherlands: Springer. 321 pp.
  • Lam, T. S., Xu, H., Lee, C. K., Chan, K. S. J., Huang, X. H., & Zhang, S. (Eds.) (2015). School Curriculum Change: Wisdom and Challenges. Hong Kong: Academic and Professional Book Center.
  • Cheng, I.N.Y., & Lee, J.C.K. (2015). Environmental and outdoor learning in Hong Kong: Theoretical and practical perspectives. In M. Robertson, R. Lawrence, & G. Heath (Eds.), Experiencing the outdoors: Enhancing strategies for wellbeing (135-146). The Netherlands, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Journal Publications
  • Huang, X.,Lee, J. C. K., & Yang, X. (2019). What really counts? Investigating the effects of creative role identity and self-efficacy on teachers’ attitudes towards the implementation of teaching for creativity.Teaching and Teacher Education, 84, 57-65.
  • Cheung, L.T.O.*, Ma, A.T.H., Chow, A.S.Y., Lee, J.C.K., Fok, L., Cheng, I.N.Y. & Cheang, C.C. (2019). Contingent valuation of dolphin watching activities in South China: The difference between local and non-local participants.Science of the Total Environment (SCI), 684, 340-350.
  • Gu, M. Y. M., Guo, X., & Lee, J. C. K. (2019). The interplay between ethnic and academic identity construction among South Asian students in Hong Kong tertiary education.Higher Education, 77, 1-19.
  • Xu, H.,& Lee, J. C. K. (2019). Exploring the contextual influences on adolescent career identity formation: A qualitative study of Hong Kong secondary students.Journal of Career Development, 46(3), 219-234.
  • Lee, J. C. K., Wan, Z. H., Hui, S. K. F., & Ko, P. Y. (2019). More student trust, more self-regulation strategy? Exploring the effects of self-regulatory climate on self-regulated learning.The Journal of Educational Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/002206, xx-xx.
  • Wong, K.L., Lee, C K J., Chan, K.S.J. & Kennedy, K.J. (2019). Teacher self-efficacy in cultivating students to become ‘good citizens’: a Hong Kong case.Teacher Development, 23, 155-173.
  • Bozymbekova, K., & Lee, J. C. K. (2018). Change and Continuity in Nation-building and Citizenship Education in Kazakhstan.Educational Practice and Theory, 40(2), 29-54.
  • 锺明倫、李子建、秦偉燊、江浩民(2018):香港課程改革下的價值教育: 回顧與前瞻,《香港教師中心學報》,17,19-35。
  • Gu, M.M., & Lee, J.C.K. (2018). “They lost internationalization in pursuit of internationalization": Students' language practices and identity construction in a Cross-disciplinary EMI programme in a university in China”.Higher Education, online first, 1-17.
  • Huang, X., Lee J.C.K., & Dong X. (2018). Mapping the factors influencing creative teaching in mainland China: An exploratory study.Thinking Skills and Creativity, 31, 79-90.
  • Zhang, Q., Clarke, A., & Lee, J.C.K. (2018). Pre-service teachers' professional identity development within the context of school-based learning to teach: An exploratory study in China.The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 27(6), 477-486.
  • 邱德峰、李子建(2018):學習者身份的意涵及教育價值探析,《國家教育行政學院學報(CSSCI來源期刊)》,8,86-94。
  • Yu, W. M. & Lee, C. K. J. (2018). Significance of narrative knowing in student-centred university education curricula: A Hong Kong perspective.Curriculum and Teaching, 33 (1), 39-53.
  • Lee, J.C.K. (2018). Editorial.Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(5), 461-464.
  • 邱德峰、李子建(2018):教師共同體的發展困境及最佳化策略,《河北師範大學學報(教育科學版)》,20(2),53-58。
  • 黃顯涵、李子建(2018):突破學校課程與教學的圍城:民眾教育的視角,《課程研究》,13(1),77-91。
  • 宋萑、馮海洋、李子建(2018):師範院校合併升格背景下的教師教育者專業困境:以一所地方新建本科院校為例,《教師教育研究(CSSCI來源期刊)》,30(1),95-102。
  • Wan, Z. H., & Lee, J. C. K. (2017). Hong Kong secondary school students’ attitudes towards science: A study of structural models and gender differences.International Journal of Science Education, 39(5), 507-527.
  • Yin, H., Huang, S., & Lee, J.C.K. (2017). Choose your strategy wisely: Examining the relationships between emotional labor in teaching and teacher efficacy in Hong Kong primary schools.Teaching and Teacher Education (Elsevier, SSCI Journal), 66(2017), 127-136.
  • 黃顯涵、李子建和羅厚輝(2017):課程改革中教師挑戰與困境:中國大陸教師的個案分析,《教師教育研究》,29(4),92-97, 114。
  • LEE, J.C-K., LAW, E.H-F., CHUN, D.W-S. and CHAN, K.N-C. (2017). Cultivating Self-management and Leadership Skills Among Hong Kong Students.Curriculum and Teaching, 32(1), 5-24.
  • Zhang, Z., & Lee, J. C.-K. (2017). Students' behavioral and emotional participation in academic activities in the mathematics classroom: A multilevel confirmatory factor analysis.The Journal of Experimental Education, 86(4), 610-632.
  • 李子建(2017):21世紀技能教學與學生核心素養︰趨勢與展望,《河北師範大學學報(教科版)》,19(3),頁72-76。
  • Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Chan, K. S. J., & Kennedy, K. J. (2017). The model of teachers’ perceptions of “good citizens”: Aligning with the changing conceptions of “good citizens”.Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 12(1), 43-66.
  • Lee, J.C.K. (2017). Curriculum reform and supporting structures at schools: challenges for life skills planning for secondary school students in China (with particular reference to Hong Kong).Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 16(1), 61-75.
  • Pavlova, M., Lee, J.C.K., & Maclean, R. (2017). Complexities of school to work transitions.Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 16(1), 1-7.
  • Li, Z. (Lee, J.C.K.) & Qiu, D. 李子建、邱德峰(2017):Student's Self-regulated Learning: The Conditions and Strategies of Teaching ,《Global Education 《全球教育展望》(CSSCI journal)》,46(1),47-57。
  • Wong, K.L.,Lee, C. K. J., Chan, K. S. J., & Kennedy, K. J (2017). Constructions of Civic Education: Hong Kong Teachers’ Perceptions of Moral, Civic and National education.Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 17, 1-19.
  • Lee, J.C.K., & Chun, D.W.S. 李子建、秦偉燊(2016):Teachers’ perspective on the role of career and life planning teachers: Implications for career and life planning education in Hong Kong ,《Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal 《香港教師中心學報》》,15,27-43。
  • Zhang, Q. & Lee, J.C.K. 張倩、 李子建(2016):Teachers' Cultivation: From the Perspective of Learning to Become a Teacher ,《Journal Of Educational Studies《教育學報》(CSSCI journal)》,12(6),32-39。
  • Li, Z. (Lee, J.C.K.) & Qiu, D. 李子建、邱德峰(2016):Communities of Practice: New Views of Teachers' Professional Identity ,《Global Education 《全球教育展望》(CSSCI journal)》,45(5),102-111。
  • Cheng, E.C.K. and Lee, J.C.K. (2016). Knowledge management process for creating school intellectual capital.The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, doi:10, 1007/s4029-0283-4.
  • Zhang, Z.H., Lee, J.C.K., & Wong, P.H. (2016). Multilevel structural equation modeling analysis of the servant leadership construct and its relation to job satisfaction.Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(8), 1147-1167.
  • Lee, J.C.K., Pavlova, M. and Maclean, R. (2016). School-to-work Transition in Hong Kong: Suggestions for the Vocationalization of Secondary Education.Curriculum and Teaching, 31(1), 47-66.
  • Tao, L. and Lee, J.C.K. 陶麗、李子建 (2016). Overseas research on teacher-student relationships: Progress and implications〈國外師生關係研究進展探析〉.International and Comparative Education 《比較教育研究》, 38,314, 61-68.
  • Tao, L. and Lee, J.C.K. 陶麗、李子建 (2016). Research on school teachers’ use of new media: A perspective of teacher-student interaction. 〈中國小教師運用新媒體的研究:師生互動的視角〉.e-Education Research 《電化教育研究》, 37(2), 102-107.
  • 李子建、朱琳(2015):大中國小教師教育專業共同體的建構,《教師教育學報》,2(6),41-46。
  • 李子建、江浩民(2015):生涯規劃教育理論與實踐: 邁向優質教育,《香港教師中心學報》,14,89-106。
  • Huang, X.H. and Lee, J.C.K. (2015). Mapping the interaction between high-stake testing and curriculum reform: A case study in mainland China.Curriculum and Teaching, 30(2), 81-98.
  • Ngan, M.Y., Li, K.M. & Lee, J.C.K. (2015). Teacher Professional Development in Hong Kong: The implementation of Information Technology in Education of Hong Kong schools.Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 14, 69-87.
  • Huang, X.H. & Lee, J.C.K. (2015). Disclosing Hong Kong teacher beliefs regarding creative teaching: Five different perspectives.Thinking Skills and Creativity, 15, 37-47.


