
曾顯營,男,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師,動物流感基礎與防控研究團隊研究骨幹,2006年以來,一直致力於事禽流感病毒變異和防控疫苗的研究工作;主持和參加國家自然基金、黑龍江省自然基金、十三五國家重點研發計畫、國家現代農業產業技術體系等多項禽流感研究項目;近年來,在Science, JVI, Vaccine等國際專業雜誌上發表SCI論文19篇,為PLOS one雜誌審稿專家;研製禽流感系列疫苗和診斷試劑10餘種,獲新獸藥證書4項,居國際或國內領先水平,其中H5亞型禽流感系列疫苗已在我國和東南亞、埃及等國家廣泛套用,生了巨大的經濟和社會效益;獲得黑龍江省科技進步一等獎(2010年)和三等獎(2015)各1項,獲中國農業科學院傑出科技創新獎1項(2015年)。


  • 中文名:曾顯營
  • 畢業院校:河南農業大學、揚州大學、中國農業科學院研究生院
  • 職務:中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所副研究員
  • 獲獎項目:黑龍江省科技進步一等獎等


1999.9~2003.7 河南農業大學牧醫工程學院,動物醫學,學士學位
2003.9~2006.7 揚州大學獸醫學院,預防獸醫學獲,碩士學位
2010.9~2013.12 中國農業科學院研究生院,預防獸醫學,博士學位


2006.7~2009.12 中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所,研究實習員
2009.12~2015.12 中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所,助理研究員
2016.1 ~今 中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所,副研究員


(1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31672593,H5亞型禽流感病毒同義HA的設計及其免疫特性研究,2017/1 -2020/12,62萬元,項目負責人
(2) 國家重點研發計畫項目,2017YFD0500700,雞重要疫病免疫防控新技術研究,2017/7-2020/12,2073萬元,課題骨幹
(3) 現代農業產業技術體系,CARS-41-G12,肉雞體系禽流感防控, 2016/1-2020/12,350萬元,項目骨幹


(1) Shi J?, Deng G?, Kong H?, Gu C?, Ma S?, Yin X?, Zeng X, Cui P, Chen Y, Yang H, Wan X, Wang X, Liu L, Chen P, Jiang Y, Liu J, Guan Y, Suzuki Y, Li M, Qu Z, Guan L, Zang J, Gu W, Han S, Song Y, Hu Y, Wang Z, Gu L, Yang W, Liang L, Bao H, Tian G, Li Y, Qiao C, Jiang L, Li C, Bu Z, Chen H. 2017. H7N9 virulent mutants detected in chickens in China pose an increased threat to humans. Cell Research doi:10.1038/cr.2017.129.
(2) Zeng X, Deng G, Liu L, Li Y, Shi J, Chen P, Feng H, Liu J, Guo X, Mao S, Yang F, Chen Z, Tian G, Chen H*. 2016. Protective Efficacy of the Inactivated H5N1 Influenza Vaccine Re-6 Against Different Clades of H5N1 Viruses Isolated in China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Avian Diseases 60:238-240.
(3) Zeng X, Chen P, Liu L, Deng G, Li Y, Shi J, Kong H, Feng H, Bai J, Li X, Shi W, Tian G, Chen H*. 2016. Protective Efficacy of an H5N1 Inactivated Vaccine Against Challenge with Lethal H5N1, H5N2, H5N6, and H5N8 Influenza Viruses in Chickens. Avian Diseases 60:253-255.
(4) Liu L?, Zeng X?, Chen P, Deng G, Li Y, Shi J, Gu C, Kong H, Suzuki Y, Jiang Y, Tian G, Chen H*. 2016. Characterization of Clade 7.2 H5 Avian Influenza Viruses That Continue to Circulate in Chickens in China. Journal of Virology doi:10.1128/JVI.00855-16.
(5) Zhao Y, Wang X, Chen P, Zeng X, Bao H, Wang Y, Xu X, Jiang Y, Chen H*, Li G. 2015. Detection of antibodies against avian influenza virus by protein microarray using nucleoprotein expressed in insect cells. The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science 77:413-419.
(6) Xu X, Bao H, Ma Y, Sun J, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Shi J, Zeng X, Li Y, Wang X, Chen H*. 2015. Simultaneous detection of novel H7N9 and other influenza A viruses in poultry by multiplex real-time RT-PCR. Virology journal 12:69.
(7) Wen Z, Wu C, Chen W, Zeng X, Shi J, Ge J, Chen H, Bu Z*. 2015. Establishment of MDCK Stable Cell Lines Expressing TMPRSS2 and MSPL and Their Applications in Propagating Influenza Vaccine Viruses in Absence of Exogenous Trypsin. Biotechnology research international 2015:402628.
(8) Wen X, Sun J, Wang X, Bao H, Zhao Y, Zeng X, Xu X, Ma Y, Gu L, Chen H*. 2015. Identification of a novel linear epitope on the NS1 protein of avian influenza virus. BMC microbiology 15:168.
(9) Bao H, Ma Y, Shi J, Zeng X, Zhao Y, Wang X, Chen H*. 2015. Evaluation and application of a one-step duplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay for the rapid detection of influenza A (H7N9) virus from poultry samples. Archives of virology 160:2471-2477.
(10) Shi J, Deng G, Zeng X, Kong H, Wang X, Lu K, Wang X, Mu G, Xu X, Cui P, Bao H, Tian G, Chen H*. 2014. Novel influenza A(H7N2) virus in chickens, Jilin province, China, 2014. Emerging infectious diseases 20:1719-1722.
(11). Bao H, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Xu X, Shi J, Zeng X, Wang X, Chen H*. 2014. Development of a reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of subtype H7N9 avian influenza virus. BioMed research international 2014:525064.
(12) Zhang Q?, Shi J?, Deng G?, Guo J?, Zeng X?, He X, Kong H, Gu C, Li X, Liu J, Wang G, Chen Y, Liu L, Liang L, Li Y, Fan J, Wang J, Li W, Guan L, Li Q, Yang H, Chen P, Jiang L, Guan Y, Xin X, Jiang Y, Tian G, Wang X, Qiao C, Li C, Bu Z, Chen H*. 2013. H7N9 influenza viruses are transmissible in ferrets by respiratory droplet. Science 341:410-414.
(13) Shan S, Jiang Y, Bu Z, Ellis T, Zeng X, Edwards J, Tian G, Li Y, Ge J, Chen H*, Fenwick S. 2011. Strategies for improving the efficacy of a H6 subtype avian influenza DNA vaccine in chickens. Journal of virological methods 173:220-226.
(14) Liu J?, Chen P?, Jiang Y, Wu L, Zeng X, Tian G, Ge J, Kawaoka Y, Bu Z, Chen H*. 2011. A duck enteritis virus-vectored bivalent live vaccine provides fast and complete protection against H5N1 avian influenza virus infection in ducks. Journal of virology 85:10989-10998.
(15) Li Y, Liu L, Zhang Y, Duan Z, Tian G, Zeng X, Shi J, Zhang L, Chen H*. 2011. New avian influenza virus (H5N1) in wild birds, Qinghai, China. Emerging infectious diseases 17:265-267.


(1)禽流感(H5+H9)二價滅活疫苗(H5N1 Re-1+H9N2 Re-2株),黑龍江省科學技術進步一等獎,陳化蘭、田國彬、李雁冰、施建忠、曾顯營、馮菊艷、姜永萍、鄧國華、王秀榮、喬傳玲,2010年。




