1. 學士(B.S.) 1999/09-2003/06 中國 浙江大學 機械工程自動化
2. 碩士(M.S.) 2003/09-2005/01 英國
曼徹斯特大學 控制工程自動化
3. 博士(Ph.D) 2005/01-2008/11 英國 曼徹斯特大學 電子工程自動化
英國曼徹斯特大學(University of Manchester UK)獲得電子工程
愛爾蘭國立大學梅努斯(NUIM)、新加坡國立大學(NUS)、新加坡Mtech Imaging公司和新加坡科技發展局(A*STAR)等單位從事科研工作。
紅外成像(Infrared imaging),多源信息融合(Multispectralsensor fusion),三維重建(3D reconstruction),深度學習(Deep learning)
常微分方程初值問題的數值解法。算法面向計算機,注重培養學生運用計算機進行科學計算解決工程問題的能力,並熟練掌握Matlab 軟體,會用Matlab實現各種計算方法。在此基礎上,學生進一步學習和掌握
1.Method and system for projecting image with differing exposure times, US20170103279A1, SukHONG, NikkiJARRETT, Eric HOMMEMA, JasonARAVICH,Yanpeng CAO, Benyong SHI, Kok Siong Teo.
2. Systems, methods, and apparatuses for optimizingfieldof view, US20180124313A1,Yanpeng CAO,Suk HONG, Tiong Han Toh, Steven Yeo, Benyong SHI, Kok Siong Teo, Brian Webb.
3. Noise correction in an infra-red imaging system, WO 2014173464 A1, Christel-LoicTISSE,Yanpeng CAO.
(*-通訊作者, #-聯合一作)
Cao, Yanpeng, Zhangyu Ye, Zewei He, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, Christel-Loic Tisse, and Michael Ying Yang. 'Multi-channel residual network model for accurate estimation of spatially-varying and depth-dependent defocus kernels.' Optics Express 28, no. 2 (2020): 2263-2275. (Code is Available)
Fu, Guizhong, Peize Sun, Wenbin Zhu, Jiangxin Yang,Yanlong Cao*, Michael Ying Yang, and Yanpeng Cao. 'A deep-learning-based approach for fast and robust steel surface defects classification.' Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121 (2019): 397-405.(Code is Available)
Cao, Yanpeng, Dayan Guan, Yulun Wu, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Michael Ying Yang. 'Box-level segmentation supervised deep neural networks for accurate and real-time multispectral pedestrian detection.'ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing150 (2019): 70-79.(Code is Available)
Guan, Dayan,Yanpeng Cao*, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Michael Ying Yang. 'Fusion of Multispectral Data Through Illumination-aware Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection.' Information Fusion 50 (2019): 148-157.(Code is Available)
Cao,Yanpeng, Dayan Guan, Weilin Huang, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Yu Qiao. 'Pedestrian Detection with Unsupervised Multispectral Feature Learning Using Deep Neural Networks.'Information Fusion 46 (2019):206-217. (Code is Available)
He, Zewei,Yanpeng Cao*, Yafei Dong, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Christel-LoicTisse. 'Single-image-based nonuniformity correction of uncooled long-wave infrared detectors: a deep-learning approach.'Applied Optics57, no. 18 (2018): D155-D164. (Code is Available)
He,Zewei,YangJiangxin,TangSiliang,CaoYanlong,YangMichaelYing,andCao Yanpeng*. 'Cascaded Deep Networks with Multiple Receptive Fields for Infrared Image Super-Resolution.'IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(2018),Accepted.(Code is Available)
Guan, Dayan,Yanpeng Cao*, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Christel-Loic Tisse. 'Exploiting fusion architectures for multispectral pedestrian detection and segmentation.' Applied Optics 57, no. 18 (2018): D108-D116. (Code is Available)
Cao, Yanpeng, Baobei Xu, Zhangyu Ye, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, Christel-Loic Tisse, and Xin Li. 'Depth and thermal sensor fusion to enhance 3D thermographic reconstruction.' Optics Express 26, no. 7 (2018): 8179-8193. (Experimental Results areAvailable)
Cao, Yanpeng, Michael Ying Yang, and Christel-Loic Tisse. 'Effective Strip Noise Removal for Low-Textured Infrared Images Based on 1-D Guided Filtering.'IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology26, no. 12 (2016): 2176-2188.(Code is Available)