- 中文名:晏妮娜
- 外文名:Yan Nina
- 民族:漢
- 畢業院校:東北大學
- 學歷:博士研究生
2012.8-2013.8,Georgia Institute of Technology,訪問學者
2004.3-2007.3,東北大學,管理科學與工程 ,博士(碩博連讀)
1.Nina Yan, Baowen Sun, Hui Zhang, Chongqing Liu. A Partial Credit Guarantee Contract in a Capital-constrained Supply Chain: Financing Equilibrium and Coordinating Strategy, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 173: 122-133. (SCI檢索).
2.Nina Yan, Baowen Sun.Coordinating loan strategies for supply chain financing with limited credit[J], OR Spectrum, 2013,35(4): 1039-1058.(SCI檢索)
3.Hongyan Dai, Jianbin Li, Nina Yan, Weihua Zhou.Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage,European Journal of Operational Research,2015, 250(2):457-469.(SCI檢索).
4.Nina Yan, Chongqing Liu,Ye Liu, Baowen Sun. Effects of risk aversion and decision preference on equilibriums in supply chain finance incorporating bank credit with credit guarantee, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2017,1-24.(SCI檢索).
5.Nina Yan, Baowen Sun. Comparative Analysis of Supply Chain Financing Strategies between Different Financing Modes, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2015, 11(4): 1073-1087. (SCI檢索).
6.Nina Yan,Hongyan Dai,Baowen Sun. Optimal Bi-level Stackelberg Strategies for Supply Chain Financing with both capital-constrained buyers and sellers, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,2014, 30(6):783-796. (SCI檢索)
7.Nina Yan, Baowen Sun. Stackelberg Strategies for Closed-loop Supply Chain with Third-party Reverse Logistics[J], Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2012,29(5):1250026(21 pages) (SCI檢索)
8.Huang Xiao-yuan, YAN Nina, Qiu Ruo-zhen. Dynamic Models of Closed-loop Supply Chain and Robust H∞Control Strategies[J],International Journal of Production Research,2009, 47(9):2279-2300. (SCI檢索)
9.HUANG Xiao-yuan, YAN Nina, GUO Hai-feng. A control method of the bullwhip effect for a class of supply chain systems [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2007, 45(1): 207-226.(SCI檢索)
10.晏妮娜,孫寶文.有限融資的供應鏈金融系統協調策略,經濟管理,2014, 36(5):143-152.
11.晏妮娜,孫寶文.面向小微企業的網際網路金融模式創新與決策最佳化,科技進步與對策,2014, 31(7):74-78
12.Nina Yan,Robust Decisions of Capital-Constrained Supply Chain with Demand Uncertainty, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2014, 4(3):220-226.
13.Nina Yan, Chongqing Liu, Hui Zhang.Optimal Strategies of Capital-constrained Supply Chain with Credit Guarantee Financing,International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2014, 52(4): 84-96
14.Nina Yan, Baowen Sun.System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation for Capital-constrained Supply Chain based on Inventory Financing[J],Information Technology Journal,2013,12(24):8384-8390 (EI檢索)
15.Nina Yan, Baowen Sun. Closed-loop Supply Chain Models and Contract Coordination based on Material Recycling[J]. International Journal of Business Research, 2011, 11(4): 174-178.
16.Nina Yan, Tian Tian. Designing the Optimal Strategies for Supply Chain Financing under Warehouse Receipt Pledging with Credit Line[C], Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 2011: 274-278. (EI檢索)
17.晏妮娜,孫寶文.考慮信用額度的倉單質押融資模式下供應鏈金融最優策略[J].系統工程理論與實踐,2011,31(9):1674-1679. (EI檢索)
18.Nina Yan. Optimal Stackelberg Strategies for Supply Chain Financing with Credit Limits[C]. Proceedings of the 8International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Tianjin, 2011, 1114-1118.(EI檢索:20113414259886)
19.晏妮娜,強偉,黃小原.基於廢鋼回收的閉環供應鏈模型及協調研究[J],管理工程學報, 2009, 23 (1) :158-162.
20.晏妮娜,黃小原.基於第三方逆向物流的閉環供應鏈模型及其套用[J],管理科學學報, 2008,11(4): 83-93.
(1)晏妮娜(1/4),A Partial Credit Guarantee Contract in a Capital-constrained Supply Chain: Financing Equilibrium and Coordinating Strategy,中國物流學會,第十五次中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,二等獎,2016.
(2)晏妮娜(1/2), Comparative Analysis of Supply Chain Financing Strategies between Different Financing Modes,中國物流學會,第十四次中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,三等獎,2015.
(3)晏妮娜(1/3), Optimal Bi-level Stackelberg Strategies for Supply Chain Financing with both capital-constrained buyers and sellers,中國物流學會,第十三次中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,三等獎,2014.
(4)晏妮娜(1/2), Coordinating loan strategies for supply chain financing with limited credit,中國物流學會,第十二次中國物流學術年會優秀論文獎,二等獎,2013.