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  • 中文名:旅遊英語口語大全
  • 作者:李雪、李鐵紅、范宏博
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787111454175




Chapter 1 Departure 旅行出發
Unit 1 In a Travel Agency 在旅行社 /
Unit 2 Applying a Visa 辦理簽證 /
Unit 3 Booking Tickets 預訂機票 /
Unit 4 Changing Foreign Currency 兌換外幣 /
Unit 5 Going through Customs 通過海關 /
Unit 6 At the Airport 在機場 /
Unit 7 On the Plane 在飛機上 /
Unit 8 Chatting during the Journey 旅途閒聊 /
Chapter 2 Accommodation 住宿
Unit 1 Reserving a Room 預訂房間 /
Unit 2 Registering 登記住宿 /
Unit 3 Arranging the Luggage 安置行李 /
Unit 4 Tidying the Room 整理房間 /
Unit 5 Laundry Service 洗衣服務 /
Unit 6 Losing Luggage in the Hotel丟失物品 /
Unit 7 Lodging a Complaint at a Hotel 賓館投訴 /
Unit 8 Checking out at a Hotel 結賬退房 /
Chapter 3 Enjoying Meals 享用美食
Unit 1 Booking a Table 預訂餐桌 /
Unit 2 Taking a Seat 入座 /
Unit 3 Having Chinese Food 吃中餐 /
Unit 4 Having Western Food 吃西餐 /
Unit 5 Sending a Wrong Dish 送錯了餐 /
Unit 6 Asking Service during a Meal 席間服務 /
Unit 7 Complaining about the Service 抱怨服務 /
Unit 8 Paying the Bill 結賬 /
Chapter 4 Transportation 交通
Unit 1 Taking a Bus 乘公車 /
Unit 2 Taking a Taxi 乘計程車 /
Unit 3 Taking a Subway 乘捷運 /
Unit 4 Driving a Car 自駕車 /
Unit 5 Taking a Train 乘火車 /
Unit 6 Taking a Ship 乘船 /
Unit 7 Renting a Car 租車 /
Unit 8 Taking a Coach 乘長途汽車 /
Chapter 5 Sightseeing 旅遊觀光
Unit 1 Natural Scenery of China 中國自然風光 /
Unit 2 Sights in Chinese Cities 中國城市景觀 /
Unit 3 Chinese Customs 中國風俗 /
Unit 4 A Trip in Africa 非洲之旅 /
Unit 5 A Trip in Europe 歐洲之旅 /
Unit 6 A Trip in America 美洲之旅 /
Unit 7 A Trip in Oceania 大洋洲之旅 /
Unit 8 Western Customs 西方習俗 /
Chapter 6 Asking for Help 尋求幫助
Unit 1 Asking Someone for Taking Pictures 請人拍照 /
Unit 2 Asking for Directions 問路 /
Unit 3 Language Barriers 語言障礙 /
Unit 4 Asking a Favor of Police 求助警察 /
Unit 5 Calling for Help in an Emergency 緊急求救 /
Unit 6 Seeing a Doctor 生病就醫 /
Unit 7 Lost and Stolen 丟失與遭盜 /
Unit 8 Traffic Accident 車禍 /
Chapter 7 Shopping during the Tour 旅途購物
Unit 1 Purchasing Arts and Crafts 購買工藝美術品 /
Unit 2 Purchasing Specialities 購買特產 /
Unit 3 Purchasing Clothes 購買服裝 /
Unit 4 Purchasing Toys 購買玩具 /
Unit 5 Purchasing Cosmetics 購買化妝品 /
Unit 6 Purchasing Jewels and Ornaments購買珠寶和飾品 /
Unit 7 Paying the Bill 結賬付款 /
Unit 8 Refund or Exchange 退款或退換 /


