



  • 書名:終極365天旅遊英語口語王
  • 定價:人民郵電出版社 
  • 出版時間:2015-07


【作者】 優尼創新外語研發中心
【ISBN】 978-7-115-39430-9
【日期】 2015-07




1 Travel Advisory 旅行諮詢 / 2
2 Prepare for Traveling 出行準備 / 8
3 Flight Ticket Booking 機票預訂 / 15
4 Arrive at Airport 到達機場 / 21
5 The Customs Pass 海關通過 / 27
6 Registered Luggage 託運行李 / 35
7 On the Way to chat 途中聊天 / 42
1By Plane 乘飛機 / 50
2 Buy Bus 乘公共汽車 / 56
3By Train 乘火車 / 61
4 By Taxi 乘計程車 / 67
5 Car Rental 汽車出租 / 73
6 Drive Themselves 自己開車 / 79
7 Take the Subway 乘捷運 / 86
8 On the Other Transportation Means 乘坐其他交通工具 / 93
1 Foreign Tourism 國外游 / 99
2 nbound Tourism 國內游 / 107
3 Foreign Customs 國外風俗 / 117
4 China Customs 中國風俗 / 124
5 Tourism Shopping 旅遊購物 / 130
6 Ask for Help 請求幫助 / 137
7 Buy Payment 購買付款 / 144
8 Changing and Returning Goods 退換商品 / 150
1 Booking a Room 客房預訂 / 157
2 Greeting the Guests 迎賓接待 / 163
3 Clean up the Room 整理房間 / 170
4 Laundry Service 洗衣服務 / 177
5 Guest Complaints 客房投訴 / 183
6 Paying the Bill 結賬 / 190
7 Luggage Placed 行李安置 / 197
8 Losing Something 物品遺失 / 203
1 Table Reservation 餐位預訂 / 210
2 Entertain Seating 招待入座 / 216
3 The Wrong Food 上錯菜 / 223
4 Chinese Food 中餐 / 229
5 Western-style Food 西餐 / 235
6 Check Out 結賬離開 / 241
7 The Meal Service 餐間服務 / 248
8 Complaints of the Service 抱怨投訴 / 255
1 Talk about the Weather 談論天氣 / 262
2 Talk about the Network 談論網路 / 269
3 Talk about Love and Marriage 討論愛情和婚姻 / 275
4 Take Photos And Photo Sessions 拍照合影 / 282
5 Communicating at Work 工作交流 / 288
6 Talk about Clothing 談論服裝 / 295
7 Introductions and Greetings 介紹和問候 / 302
8 Talk about the Media 議論媒體 / 308
1 Buying Cosmetics 買化妝品 / 315
2 Sales Promotion 促銷 / 322
3 Lost Property 失物招領 / 328
4 Clerk Duties 售貨員責任 / 335
5 Buy Jewelry 買珠寶 / 341
6 Buying Clothes 買衣服 / 346
7 Wheel and Deal 討價還價 / 352
8 Payment 付款 / 357


