



  • 書名:旅遊英語口語300句
  • 作者:郭泉江
  • ISBN:9787118073898
  • 頁數:205
  • 定價:¥18.00
  • 出版社:國防工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2011-3-1
  • 開本:大32開
  • 字數:201000


《旅遊英語口語300句》以“源自生活”為基本原則來選取素材,內容共分8章,依次為旅行準備、飛機旅程、賓館住宿、交通出行、食尚文化、購物天地、觀光旅遊、其他事宜等。每章細分為4節,每節提供旅行中最常用的對話,並從對話中提煉出重點英語、漢語對照的句型和例句,所選例子都以旅遊真實場景為模板,並配有相關景點、特產、美食等精美插圖。 《旅遊英語口語300句》可供本科生、專科生作為英語學習輔助教材使用,也可供導遊及英語愛好者參考使用。本書由郭泉江編著。


Unit 1 Travel preparations 旅行準備
Lesson 1 Choosing a destination
Lesson 2 Making sightseeing inquiries
Lesson 3 Currency exchange
Lesson 4 Supplies of medicine and sunscream
Unit 2 Travelling by air 飛機旅程
Lesson 1 Booking flight tickets
Lesson 2 Check in
Lesson 3 On the plane
Lesson 4 Claiming luggage
Unit 3 Hotel accommodations 賓館住宿
Lesson 1 Reserving a room
Lesson 2 Check in
Lesson 3 Room service
Lesson 4 Check out
Unit 4 Loacl transportation 交通出行
Lesson 1 Travelling by train
Lesson 2 Travelling by bus
Lesson 3 Travelling by taxi
Lesson 4 Travelling by coach
Unit 5 Fashion food 食尚文化
Lesson 1 Restaurant reservations
Lesson 2 Seating and ordering for a meal
Lesson 3 Repast complaints
Lesson 4 Paying the bill
Unit 6 Shopping 購物天地
Lesson 1 Department stores
Lesson 2 Electric appuance shops
Lesson 3 Supermarkets
Lesson 4 Bargaining
Unit 7 Sightseeing 觀光旅遊
Lesson 1 Making plans
Lesson 2 Asking for traveling information
Lesson 3 Tourist attractions
Lesson 4 Taking pictures
Unit 8 Other issues 其他事宜
Lesson 1 Lost and found
Lesson 2 Hotel complaints
Lesson 3 Visa applications
Lesson 4 Asking the way


