



  • 書名:旅遊實用英語3
  • 出版社高等教育出版社; 第1版 (1990年1月1日)
  • 平裝:215頁
  • 正文語種:英語, 簡體中文


開本: 32
ISBN: 7040029111
條形碼: 9787040029116
尺寸: 18.2 x 12.8 x 0.8 cm
重尋微整量: 159 g




Unit One
Text A: Good Food
Text B: Booking a Room by Telephone
Reading practice: A Good Travel Agent
Unit Two
Text A: The Guitar
Text B: Coffee or Tea?
Reading practice: Red Wine and White Wine
Unit Three
Text A: Mr White's Bookstore
Text B: A Complaint
Reading practice: Lantern Festival
Unit Four
Text A: Food and Beverage Service
Text B: Room Service
Reading practice: Who Is the Better Cook?
Unit Five
Text A: Back in Fashion
Text B: Something about a Hotel
Reading practice: A Polite Driver
Unit Six
Text A: They Missed Fmh
Text B: At the Barber's
Reading pracuce: Who Is the Worst Barber?
Unit Seven
Text A: Making Preparations to Travel
Text B: The Missing Wallet
Reading pracuce: The Start of Mr Brown's Tour
Unit Eight
Text A: Going around the Hotel
Text B: Paying the Bill
Reading practice: What Is a Hotel?
Unit Nine
Text A: The Postman
Text B: Today's Special
Reading practice: ADoormsn's Job
Unit Ten
Text A: A Good Trip
Text B: Looking for a Hotel
Reading practice: Was It Steve's Fault?
Unit Eleven
Text A: A Customs Official's Job
Text B. A Mistake?
Reading practice: Security Check
Unit Twelve
Text A: Good Manners
Text B: Putting up in a Hotel
Reading practice: Manners with Hats and Gloves
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Unit Sixteen
Text A: Going around the Hotel
Text B: Paying the Bill
Reading practice: What Is a Hotel?
Unit Nine
Text A: The Postman
Text B: Today's Special
Reading practice: ADoormsn's Job
Unit Ten
Text A: A Good Trip
Text B: Looking for a Hotel
Reading practice: Was It Steve's Fault?
Unit Eleven
Text A: A Customs Official's Job
Text B. A Mistake?
Reading practice: Security Check
Unit Twelve
Text A: Good Manners
Text B: Putting up in a Hotel
Reading practice: Manners with Hats and Gloves
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Unit Sixteen


