



  • 中文名:新英語演講教程
  • 作者:李昀、榮榕、李昀、屈薇、榮榕、安德魯·克羅科姆
  • 出版時間:2023年2月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302625346
  • 定價:59 元


本教程以英語演講技能訓練為抓手,以介紹中國實現聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs)的道路、方案和智慧為導線,引領學生運用公共演講技巧系統地向世界介紹改革開放以來,中國在落實扶貧攻堅、健康福祉、清潔能源、公平公正、氣候行動、維護和平、城市可持 續發展和倡導人類命運共同體等方面取得的令世界矚目的成就。本教程強調真實場景的模擬訓練,特意增加了知識激活、技能實踐、自我反思、情景演講任務、基於任務學習等板塊,把協作調研、項目規劃等融入演講設計,引導學生在思考、實踐和社會中學習如何向世界介紹中國。


Unit 1
Introducing Public Speaking 1
1.1 What Is Public Speaking? 3
1.2 How Does “Being in Public” Affect Your Speaking? 4
1.3 How to Be a Responsible Public Speaker? 7
1.4 How to Speak More Confidently? 10
1.5 Final Questions 11
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production 11
Unit 2
Analyzing Audience 15
2.1 What Is Audience Demographics? 17
2.2 What Are Audience Culture and Stereotyping? 20
2.3 What Do You Know About the Audience’s Psychology, and How Can You Use It? 21
2.4 How to Find Out More About the Audience? 22
2.5 Final Questions 25
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 25
Unit 3
Designing Topics and Purposes 29
3.1 Why Do You Need a Topic and Purposes for Your Speech? 31
3.2 How Can You Choose a Really Good Topic? 33
3.3 How to Narrow Down a Topic? 39
3.4 General Purpose, Specific Purpose & Thesis Statement 40
3.5 Final Questions 43
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being 44
Unit 4
Using Supporting Information 47
4.1 What Is Supporting Information and Why Is It Important? 49
4.2 What Kinds of Supporting Information Are There? 51
4.3 Where to Find Supporting Information? 53
4.4 How to Use Supporting Materials? 56
4.5 Final Questions 58
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 59
Unit 5
Organizing Speeches 63
5.1 Why Is a Good Structure Important to a Speech? 65
5.2 How to Select the Main Ideas? 67
5.3 How to Organize the Main Ideas of a Speech? 68
5.4 How to Make Ideas Flow Nicely Using Language? 72
5.5 Final Questions 74
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality 74
Unit 6
Beginning and Ending Speeches 77
6.1 Why Is an Introduction Important to a Speech? 79
6.2 How to Structure the Introduction of a Speech? 80
6.3 How to Get the Audience’s Attention? 82
6.4 How to Structure the Conclusion of a Speech? 86
6.5 Final Questions 88
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth 88
Unit 7
Creating Speech Outlines 93
7.1 What Is a Speech Outline? 95
7.2 Why Do You Need an Outline? 96
7.3 How to Create an Outline? 97
7.4 Final Questions 103
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation 104
Unit 8
Giving Informative Speeches 107
8.1 What Is an Informative Speech? 109
8.2 How to Design an Informative Speech? 109
8.3 Final Questions 116
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty 117
Unit 9
Giving Persuasive Speeches 121
9.1 What Is a Persuasive Speech? 123
9.2 Why Is It Difficult to Persuade People? 123
9.3 How to Reduce the Constraints on Persuasive Speeches? 124
9.4 How to Structure a Persuasive Speech? 126
9.5 Exemplifying Structuring Persuasive Speeches: the Motivation Sequence 128
9.6 Final Questions 132
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water 132
Unit 10
Performing Speeches 137
10.1 How to Use Notes During Speaking? 139
10.2 How to Use Voice to Make Your Presentation More Interesting? 141
10.3 How to Use Your Body to Make Your Presentation More Interesting? 144
10.4 How to Use Visuals to Make Your Presentation More Interesting? 146
10.5 Final Questions 148
Final Speech Topic
Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals 148
Work Together to Build a Community of Shared Future for Mankind 151


