


  • 中文名:新編英語專業口語教程(1)
  • 作者:都寧、陳誼
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787301304952




1 University Life
1.1 Meeting for the First Time
1.2 Fun University
1.3 About Campus Life
2 Hobbies and Interests
2.1 Knowing More about Your Classmates
2.2 An Interview
2.3 A Journey to Tibet
2.4 Chinese Culture
3 The Weekend
3.1 What Do People Do during the Weekend?
3.2 Eating Out
3.3 In the Supermarket
3.4 Chinese Culture
4 Describing a Person
4.1 How to Describe a Person
4.2 Describing Yourself
4.3 Describing Your Family
4.4 Chinese Culture
5 A Day of Wonder
5.1 Seeing New Things in Life
5.2 Building Others through Advice
5.3 Encouragement
6 Traveling on Vacation
6.1 Transportation
6.2 YES or NO?
6.3 Travel Arrangement
6.4 Chinese Culture
7 Foods
7.1 Ordering Food and Drink
7.2 Having Western-Style Food
7.3 Dining Culture in the West
7.4 Chinese Culture
8 Hotels and Restaurants
8.1 The World on a Plate
8.2 Checking In
8.3 Hotel Facilities
8.4 Chinese Culture
9 Family
9.1 Family Life: Past and Present
9.2 Family Life and Relationship
9.3 Family Responsibilities
10 Parties and Friends
10.1 Invitations and Replies
10.2 Talking to New People
10.3 Being a Good Host
10.4 Chinese Culture
11 Shopping
11.1 Buying and Selling
11.2 Bargaining
11.3 Ways of Payment
11.4 Chinese Culture
12 Movies and Sports
12.1 Movies
12.2 Sports in the United States: For Play and Fitness
12.3 The Olympic Games
12.4 Chinese Culture
13 Favorite Holiday
13.1 New Year
13.2 Making Suggestions for the New Year
13.3 More Holidays
14 Internet Addiction
14.1 Are You Addicted?
14.2 Compulsive Internet Disorder
14.3 Solutions to the Problem
15 Discovering Your Talents
15.1 Does Everyone Have Talent?
15.2 How to Discover Your Talents?
15.3 Develop Your Talents into Strengths
16 Sharing Stories
16.1 Tell Me Your Worries
16.2 Double Happiness
16.3 Fish for the Moon in the Well
Tapescripts & Possible Answers


