



  • 書名:新時代大學英語視聽教程2
  • 作者:李小輝、張梅、楊宇、蘭橙、王旭
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568912853


《新時代大學英語視聽教程2》按主題編寫,共10個單元。每一單元包含兩大部分。第一部分為引入部分,由聽寫(Dictation)、主題討論(Discussion)和視頻觀看(Video Watching)構成。其中聽寫部分按循序漸進的原則,從短句聽寫,到長句聽寫,逐漸過渡到短文聽寫。視頻部分為學生提供了相關文化背景和辭彙表等信息,配有選擇題和簡答題兩種聽力題型,用以檢測學生對視頻材料主旨和細節的把握。此外,學生還需完成和視頻主題相關的寫作任務。《新時代大學英語視聽教程2》第二部分為聽力實踐部分,包括短對話(Short Conversations)、長對話(Long Conversations)、新聞報導(News Reports)和學術演講(Lecture Listening)。本教材選用真實、新穎、地道的語料,貼合時代脈搏,貼近學生生活,充分利用現代信息技術,將視、聽、說、讀、寫相結合,旨在通過真實的語境、地道的語言、靈活多樣的練習形式和豐富生動的內容來提高大學生英語視聽興趣,促進其語言綜合套用能力、批判思維能力和跨文化交際能力的提升。


Unit One Leisure Time and Fun
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Two Exploring Online World
Section A
Part One l-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Three Knowledge and Discovery
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Four Humanity and Arts
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Five Cultural Diversity
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Uint Six Pursuit of Career
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Seven Business World
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Eight Protecting the Planet
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Nine Volunteering Your Time
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Unit Ten Pursuit of Lifelong Learning
Section A
Part One 1-minute Dictation
Part Two 5-minute Video
Section B
Part One Short Conversations
Part Two Long Conversations
Part Three News Reports
Part Four Lecture Listening
Reference Keys


