- 書名:新交際英語口語
- ISBN:9787561137895
- 頁數:329頁
- 出版社:大連理工大學出版社
- 出版時間:2007年10月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:32開
- 版次:第一版
Module 1 Everyday English
1 Introductions and'Greetings
2 Expressing Gratitude and Apologies
3 Asking the Way
4 Asking about Times and Dates
5 Maldng Requests
6 Offering Suggestions and Help
7 Asking for Advice and Help
8 Making Telephone Calls
9 Going Shopping
10 Seeing a Doctor
11 Concerning the Weather
12 Food
13 Entertainments and Recreation
14 Making an Appointment
15 At a Bank
16 Sports
17 Talking about Hobbies
18 Expressing Consent and Disagreement
19 At the Post Office
20 At the Customs
Module 2 Business English
1 At the Reception Desk
2 Entertaining Customers
3 At a Hotel
4 Job Interview
5 Speaking at Meeting
5 Sales Promotion
Module 3 Travelling English
1 Travelling by Air
2 Travelling by Railway
3 Travelling by Bus
4 Travelling by Car
5 Taking a Taxi
6 Sightseeing