



  • 中文名:教育大百科全書:教育經濟學
  • 作者:卡諾伊
  • 出版時間:2011年4月
  • 出版社:西南師範大學出版社
  • 頁數:405 頁
  • ISBN:9787562138471
  • 定價:63 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




農業生產率和教育(Agricultural Productivity and Education)
教育的收益(Benefits of Education)
教育的消費性收益(Consumption Benefits of Education)
教育和經濟成長(Educmion and Economic Growth)
教育和生育(Education and Fertility)
教育和勞動生產率(Education and Productivity)
教育的外部收益(External Benefits of Education)
職業技術教育與勞動生產率(Vocational Education and Productivity)
教育的成本分析(Cost Analysis in Education)
開發中國家學校教育的私人和公共成本(Private and Public Costs of Schooling in Developing Nations)
學生費用(Student Fees)
開發中國家的教育與女性勞動力參與(Education and Female Labor Force Participation in Industrializing Countries)
性別和教育選擇的經濟學(Gender and Education Choices,Economics of)
性別與職業分割(Gender and Occupational Segregation)
收入的性別差異(Gender Differences in Earnings)
移民教育和經濟績效(Immigrants'Education and Economic Performance)
不同種族的收入差異(Race Earnings Differentials)
教育和收入(Education and Earnings)
教育、職業與收入(Education,Occupation and Earnings)
家庭地位與經濟地位(Family Status and Economic Status)
收入分配與教育(Income Distribution and Education)
對家族影響的研究(Kinship Studies)
人才流失的經濟學(Brain Drain,Economics of)
受過教育的勞動力的需求和供給彈性(Demand and Supply Elasticities for Educated Labor)
教育與次要勞動力市場(Education and Informal Labor Markets)
開發中國家的教育和勞動力市場(Education and Labor Markets in Developing Nations)
教育和就業契約(Education and the Employment Contract)
教育和勞動力市場(Education and the Labor Market)
人力資本概述(Human Capital Concepts)
內部勞動力市場與教育(Internal Labor Markets and Education)
內部遷移和教育(Internal Migration and Education)
工作信息與教育(Job Information and Education)
勞動力市場和教育擴張(Labor Marke and Educational Expansion)
勞動力市場分割和教育(Labor Market Segmentation and Education)
公共部門就業與教育(Public Sector Employment and Education)
篩選模型和教育(Screening Models and Education)
代際效應與教育(Vintage Effects and Education)
教育與國際勞動新分工(Education and the New International Division of Labor)
技術變革及其對受過教育的勞動力的需求(Technical Change and the Demand for Educated Labor)
技術變革和技能降低(Technological Change and Deskilling)
技術變革和教育(Technological Change and Education)
學徒制的經濟學(Apprenticeship,Economics of)
成本-收益分析(Cost-Benefit Analysis)
成本-效益分析(Cost-effectiveness Analysis)
人力預測和教育規劃(Manpower Forecasting and Educational Planning)
公司教育和培訓的市場失靈(Market Failure in Firm-based Education and Training)
教育的收益率(Rates of Return to,iEdueation)
開發中國家職業教育的收益(Returns to Vocational Education in Developing Nations)
用於教育的社區基金(Community Financing of Education)
(Educational Finance and Economic Adjustment in Developing Nations)
教育財政(Educational Financing)
國際教育支出(International Educational Expenditures)
國際教育指標(International Educational Indicators)
國際性的教育資助(International Financing of Education)
公共部門和私營部門的教育責任(Public-Private Division of Responsibility for Education)
學生貸款(Student Loans)
兒童保育的經濟學(Childcare,Economics of)
教育生產函式(Education Production Functions)
教育技術經濟學(Education Technology,Economics of)
工業重組和教育改革(Industrial Restructuring and Educational Reforms)
教育的聯合生產(Joint Production of Education)
教育時間和學習的總量經濟學(Macroeconomics of Educational Time and Learning)
學校生產的個體經濟學(Microeconomics of School Production)
教育生產的政治經濟學(Political Economy of Educational Production)
學前教育經濟學(Preschool Education,Economics of)
學校的選擇:市場機制(School Choice:Market Mechanisms)
輟學(School Dropouts)
校辦企業經濟學(School Enterprise,Economics of)
教師的供給(Supply of Teachers)
教師教育的經濟學(Teacher Education,Economics of)
教師工會的經濟學(Teacher Unionization,Economics of)


