



  • 中文名:操振華 
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:材料學
  • 任職院校:南京大學




1.微納米金屬薄膜結構特徵與力學性能的尺度效應;2. 微電子互連金屬膜基結構的多場服役失效特性;3. 超高真空磁控濺射製備薄膜技術;4. 新一代原位納米力學表征技術。


先後承擔國家自然科學青年基金、中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目和中國博士後科學基金面上項目,作為學術骨幹參加了科技部國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973 計畫)、國家自然科學基金、江蘇省自然基金等項目。近年來發表SCI 學術論文20餘篇,申請國家發明專利6項(其中獲授權1 項)。多次參加國內外學術會議並做大會報告。2011 年獲得教育部科技進步二等獎(排名第9)。


1. Z.H. Cao, F. Wang, L Wang, X.K. Meng, Coupling effect of the electric and temperature fields on the growth of nanocrystalline copper films, Physical Review B, 81 (2010) 113405.
2. Z.H. Cao, Y.L. Huang, X.K. Meng, Size dependent rate sensitivity and plasticity of nanocrystalline Ru films, Scripta Materialia, 63 (2010) 993.
3. Z.H. Cao, P.Y. Li, H.M. Lu, Y.L. Huang, Y.C. Zhou, X.K. Meng, Indentation size effects on the creep behavior of nanocrystalline tetragonal Ta films, Scripta Materialia, 60 (2009) 415.
4. Z.H. Cao, H.M. Lu, X.K. Meng, A.H.W. Ngan, Indentation size dependent plastic deformation of nanocrystalline and ultrafine grain Cu films at nanoscale,Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (2009) 083521. Selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 19 (18) 2009.
5. Z.H. Cao, K. Hu, X.K. Meng, Diffusion barrier properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Ta films for Cu interconnects, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (2009) 113513.
6. Z.H. Cao, K. Hu, X.K. Meng, Strain rate sensitive stretchability and fracture behavior of nanocrystalline films on flexible substrate, Materials Science and Engineering A, 536 (2012) 244.
7. Z.H. Cao, P.Y. Li, X.K. Meng, Nanoindentation creep behaviors of amorphous, tetragon- al, and bcc Ta films, Materials Science and Engineering A, 516 (2009) 253.
8. Z.H. Cao, P.Y. Li, Z.H. Jiang, X.K. Meng, Rolling deformation induced reduction of rate sensitivity and enhancement of hardness in nanocrystalline NiFe alloy, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (2011) 295403.
9. Z.H. Cao, P.Y. Li, H.M. Lu, Y.L. Huang, X.K. Meng, Thickness and grain size dependent mechanical properties of Cu films studied by nanoindentation tests, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (2009) 065405.
10. Z.H. Cao, Q.W. She, Y.L. Huang, X.K. Meng, The rate sensitivity and plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Tantalum films, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6 (2011) 186.
11. Z.H. Cao, P. Liu, X.K. Meng, S.C. Tang, H.M. Lu, In situ transmission electron microscopy observations of the crystallization of amorphous Ge films,Applied Physics A, 94 (2009) 393.
12. Z.H. Cao, H.M. Lu, X.K. Meng, Barrier layer and annealing temperature dependent microstructure evolution of nanocrystalline Cu films, Materials Chemistry and Physics,117 (2009) 321.
13. Z.H. Cao, X.K. Meng, Inverse Hall-Petch effect of hardness in nanocrystalline Ta films, Advanced Materials Research, 378-379 (2012) 575.
14. L. Wang, Z.H. Cao, J.A. Syed, K. Hu, Q.W. She, X.K. Meng, Electric field accelerating interface diffusion in Cu/Ru/TaN/Si stacks during annealing,Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 15 (2012), H188.
15. L. Wang, Z.H. Cao, K. Hu, Q.W. She, X.K. Meng, Effects of electric field annealing on the interface diffusion of Cu/Ta/Si stacks, Applied Surface Science, 257 (2011) 10845.
16. K. Hu, Z.H. Cao, X.K. Meng, Inverse effect of thickness on the ductility in nanocrystalline Cu films, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011) 8546.
17. P.Y. Li, Z.H. Cao, Z.H. Jiang, X.K. Meng, FMAA-MS Investigation of Ni68Fe32 Nanoalloy with Sample Length Less than 30 mm, Chinese Physics Letters, 28 (2011) 086401.
18. P.Y. Li, Z.H. Cao, X.Y. Zhang, X.L. Wu, Y.N. Huang, X.K. Meng, Curie Transition of NC Nickel by Mechanical Spectroscopy and Magnetization Study,Chinese Physics Letters, 26 (2009) 036102.
19. H.M. Lu, Z.H. Cao, C.L. Zhao, P.Y. Li, X.K. Meng, Size-dependent ordering and Curie temperatures of FePt nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 123526.
20. H.M. Lu, P.Y. Li, Z.H. Cao, X.K. Meng, Size-, Shape-, and Dimensionality- Dependent Melting Temperatures of Nanocrystals, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 7598.
21. P.Y. Li, H.M. Lu, Z.H. Cao, S.C. Tang, X.K. Meng, X.S. Li, Z.H. Jiang, Order-disorder transition and Curie transition in Ni70Fe30 nanoalloy, Applied Physics Letters, 94 (2009) 066921.
22. H.M. Lu, D.N. Ding, Z.H. Cao, S.C. Tang, X.K. Meng, Surface Energy and Melting Temperature of Elemental Nanocavities, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (2007) 12914.
23. P.Y. Li, X.Y. Zhang, H.T. Ni, Z.H. Cao, X.K. Meng, Deformation induced internal friction peaks in nanocrystalline Nickel, Chinese Physics Letters, 29 (2012) 026201.
24. S.C. Tang, X.K. Meng, C.C. Wang, Z.H. Cao, Flowerlike Ag microparticles with novel nanostructure synthesized by an electrochemical approach,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 114 (2009) 842.


1. 孟祥康,操振華,李平雲,劉澎,徐春,陸海鳴,一種基於模擬 IC 服役條件的多場耦合實驗方法和裝置,專利授權號:ZL 200710191015.0。
2. 孟祥康,操振華,劉澎,李平雲,陸海鳴,徐春,一種不同相結構的納米晶金屬Ta 薄膜的製備方法,專利申請號:2008100224717,公開號:CN101323946A。
3. 孟祥康,操振華,胡坤,汪蕾,佘茜緯,李平雲,一種超高強度納米晶金屬Ru薄膜的製備方法,中國發明專利,申請號:201110419244.X。
4. 孟祥康,汪蕾,操振華,胡坤,佘茜緯,一種高熱穩定性雙層擴散阻擋層材料的製備方法,中國發明專利,申請號:201110374157.7。
5. 孟祥康,李平雲,唐少春,操振華,陸洪彬,任華,陸海鳴,小尺寸磁性二元合金納米材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,申請號:201110341324.8。
6. 孟祥康,陸洪彬,胡勇,顧敏豪,唐少春,朱少鵬,陸海鳴,操振華,李平雲,一種高性能金屬防護納米塗層的製備方法,專利申請號:200910024505.0,公開號:CN101486869A


