



  • 中文名:投資併購在中國
  • 作者:肖金泉、張婷
  • 出版時間:2005年9月
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • ISBN:9787119039756


What iS the secret of China’S sustained economic upsurge?How can investors smooth their entry into the Chinese market?To what extent do China’S political,legal and economic situations,and population.cultural and environmental factors aflfect investment in China?How can foreign investors manage mergers and acquisitions,and protect their interests in China?The authors of this book provide insightful answers tO these questions and others,and offer both theoretical and practical advice.Foreign investors will find this book a treasure house of knowledge of the Chinese market。as well as a guide to the legal aspects of participating inChina’S burgeoning economy.


ChapterⅠ China's Investment Climate
1. Overview of the Chinese Investment Environment
(1) The Favorable Chinese Macro Environment and Economic Growth: Major Attractions for Foreign Investment
(2) Hard Environment for Foreign Investment
(3) Soft Environment for Foreign Investment
(4) Reforms Promise More Attractive Opportunities
2. Further Views on GDP
3. China's Consumption Capacity
4. Changes Brought by WTO Accession
(1) Three Major New Changes in China's Policies,Laws and Regulations
(2) Changes in Industry
5. Labor Cost Priority
6. Favorable Policies for Foreign Investors
(1) Income Tax
(2) Circulation-stage Tax
(3) Import-stage Value-added Tax
Chapter Ⅱ Foreign Investment in China over the Past 10 Years
1. Confidence of Foreign Investors
2. Current Situation of FDI
3. Profitability Status
4. Payback Channels of Foreign Investment in China
5. Existing Problems
(1) Cultural Differences
(2) Legal Environment
(3) Relevant Policies, Laws and Regulations
(4) Relationship with the Government -- Friends or Foes?
Chapter III China's Legal Environment
1. China's Legal System
2. Legal Environment Following China's WTO Accession
3. Legal Protection and Favorable Policies for Foreign Investors
Chapter IV Foreign Investment Modes in China
1. Some Fundamental Concepts Concerning M&A
2. Types of Invested Companies
(1) Sino-foreign Joint Ventures
(2) Cooperative Businesses
(3) Exclusively Foreign-owned Enterprises
(4) Joint Exploitation
(5) Foreign-funded Share-holding Companies
(6) New Types of Foreign Investment
3. M&A Situation in China
4. M&A Strategies and Modes of Foreign Investment
(1) Direct Holding by Foreign Investors
(2) Indirect Holding of Listed Companies
(3) Other Methods
Chapter V Strategy and Procedure of Foreign
Investment in China
1. Setting Up a Business in China: Strategy
2. Setting Up a Business in China: Practical Steps
3. Establishing a Representative Office in Beijing
Chapter Ⅵ Investment Target Analysis
Chapter Ⅶ Status Quo of M&A in China


