第一條 為促進我國技術進口的發展,根據《中華人民共和國對外貿易法》、《中華人民共和國技術進出口管理條例》,制定本辦法。
第二條 凡列入《中國禁止進口限制進口技術目錄》(另行發布)中禁止進口的技術,不得進口。
第三條 國家對限制進口的技術實行許可證管理,凡進口列入《中國禁止進口限制進口技術目錄》中限制進口技術的,應按本辦法履行進口許可手續。
第四條 屬於本辦法第三條規定的限制進口技術的進口許可由對外貿易經濟合作部(以下簡稱"外經貿部")會同國家經濟貿易委員會(以下簡稱"國家經貿委")管理。
第五條 技術進口經營者進口本辦法第三條所規定的限制進口技術時,應填寫《中國限制進口技術申請書》(以下簡稱《申請書》,見附表一),報送外經貿部履行進口許可手續。
第六條 外經貿部自收到《申請書》之日起30個
第七條 限制進口技術的貿易審查應包括以下內容:
第八條 限制進口技術的技術審查應包括以下內容:
(三) 是否破壞生態環境;
第九條 進口申請獲得批准後,由外經貿部頒發統一印製和編號的《中華人民共和國技術進口許可意向書》(以下簡稱《技術進口許可意向書》,見附表二)。技術進口經營者取得《技術進口許可意向書》後,可對外簽訂技術進口契約。
第十條 技術進口經營者簽訂技術進口契約後,應持《技術進口許可意向書》、契約副本及其附屬檔案、簽約雙方法律地位證明檔案到外經貿部申請技術進口許可證。
第十一條 外經貿部應自收到本辦法第十條所規定的檔案之日起10個工作日內,對技術進口契約的真實性進行審查,並決定是否準予許可。
第十二條 技術進口經營者依照本辦法第五條向外經貿部提出技術進口申請,履行進口許可手續時,可一併提交已簽訂的技術進口契約副本及其附屬檔案。
第十三條 技術進口經許可的,外經貿部向進口經營者頒發統一印製和編號的《中華人民共和國技術進口許可證》(以下簡稱《技術進口許可證》,見附表三)。 限制進口技術的技術進口契約自技術進口許可證頒發之日起生效。
第十四條 技術進口經營者到外經貿部領取技術進口許可證時,應登錄中國國際電子商務網上的"中華人民共和國技術進出口契約管理系統",按程式錄入契約內容。
第十五條 需經有關部門批准的投資項目,如涉及限制進口技術,技術進口經營者依照本辦法第五條或第十二條規定向外經貿部提出技術進口申請時,應提交有關部門的批准檔案。
第十六條 技術進口經營者獲得《技術進口許可證》後,如需更改技術進口內容,應按本辦法規定的程式重新履行技術進口許可手續。
第十七條 技術進口經營者憑《技術進口許可證》,辦理
第十八條 凡違反本辦法規定的,將依據《中華人民共和國技術進出口管理條例》,追究技術進口經營者相關責任。
第十九條 國防軍工專有技術的進口不適用本辦法。
第二十條 本辦法自2002年1月1日施行。
第一階段。共簽訂技術引進契約 845 項,契約金額為119.7億
技術引進的方式主要是成套設備引進的單一方式, 技術引進工作的組織管理高度集中,資金來源基本是國家撥款,技術引進業務也完全由專營公司負責。
第二階段。我國共對外簽訂技術引進契約 5784項,契約總金額為 539.8 億美元,該階段技術引進的決策與管理體制出現了較大變化, 由原來中央統一管理轉變為中央和地方分級管理,逐步走上科學化、
第三階段。技術引進穩步全面展開。1995 年是我國技術引進工作大發展的一年,共簽訂技術和設備引進契約 3629 項,契約總計金額 130.32 億美元,這一年國家增加了對技術引進資金的投入尤其是加大了對重大項目的投入,技術引進的資金來源實現多樣化,並且進一步深化了對技術引進工作的管理,國外環境明顯改善,為我國技術引進提供了良好的條件。 1996 年共簽訂技術和設備引進契約 6074 項,契約總計金額 152.57 億美元, 這一年引進技術和設備的國家/地區、領域均出現了多元化,資金渠道拓寬,企業自主籌集資金的比例不斷增加。1997 年共簽訂技術和設備引進契約 5984 項,契約總計金額 159.23億美元,這一年技術引進的國別和領域多元化進一步加深, 軟體和硬體技術的比例進一步最佳化,從過去基本依
專有技術等軟體技術轉化。1998 年共簽訂技術和設備引進契約 6254 項,契約總計金額 163.75 億
Article 1 in order to promotethe development ofChina'stechnologyimports,according to"people's Republic of China","foreign trade lawof thepeople's Republic of China onthe administration of technology import and exportregulations",make this way.
Article secondwhere included in the"Chinabanned the import ofa technology restricted from ImportDirectory"(published separately)technology prohibited from importshall not be imported.
Article thirdcountry to restrict importstechnologyimplement license management,who importsincluded in the"Chinabanned the import ofa technology restricted from import"in thecatalogueof technologies restricted from importshall,according to the measuresfor import licenses.
Belong to the fourth article of thisapproach to a thirdprescribedrestricted technology importlicenseby theMinistry of foreign trade and Economic Cooperation(hereinafter referred to as the"MOFTEC")jointly with the StateEconomic and Trade Commission(hereinafter referred to as"the State Economic and Trade Commission")management.
Article fifththe operator of technology importto importthe measuresstipulated in Clause thirdof therestrictions on the import oftechnology,should fill in"Chineserestrictions on the import oftechnologyapplication"(hereinafter referred to as the"application form",see AnnexA),submitted to theMinistry of foreign tradeimport licenses.
Article sixthafter receiving the"MOFTEC"application formwithin 30working days,jointly with national classics trade appointrespectivelyontechnology importprojecttrade review and technical review,and decide whether to approve theimport.
Because of the applicationmaterials are not complete,the application contents are not clearor otherapplicationdoes not comply with the prescribedconditions,the applicantsmodifications or additions,the applicantre-apply oradd a finaldate forreceipt of the applicationmaterialson.
Article sevenththe technologies restricted from importtradereviewshall include the followingcontents:
(a)whether to accord with ourcountry's foreign trade policy,be helpful for foreigneconomic and technical cooperationdevelopment;
(two)whether to accord with ourcountry foreignobligations.
Eighthrestrictions on the import oftechnologyreviewshall include the followingcontents:
(a)whetherendanger national securityorpublic interest;
(two)whether theharm tohuman life or health;
(three)whether thedestruction of ecologicalenvironment;
(four)whether toaccord with national industry policy andstrategy of economic and social development,to promote China'stechnological progress and industrial upgrading,to maintainour country economytechnologyrights and interests.
Ninth importapplication is approved,MOFTEC shall issueunified printedand numbered by the"people's Republic of Chinatechnology import licence"(hereinafter referred to as the"technology import licence",see annex two).The operator of technology importto obtain"technology import licence"aftersigning a contract for technology import,external.
Article tenththe operator of technology importafter signing a contract for technology import,should hold the"technology import licence",a copy of the contractand its annex,legal status of the contracting partiesto theMinistry of foreign trade and economic cooperationdocumentsto apply for the technology import license.
Elevenththe MOFTECshallreceivethe measuresstipulated in Clause tenthof thedocuments within 10working days,the authenticity of the technology import contractreview,and decide whetherto license.
Article twelfththe operator of technology importin accordance with the provisions ofarticle fifth ofthe MOFTEC forapplication for technology import,import licenses,maysubmit acopy of the signed technology import contractand its annex.
The MOFTEC shall,upon receipt of the above-mentioneddocuments within 30working days,jointly with national classics trade appointrespectivelyontechnology importprojecttrade review and technical review,decide whetherto approve the import.Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperationsince theapproval of importdate of 10 working days,the authenticity of the technology import contractreview,and decide whetherto license.
Because of the applicationmaterials are not complete,the application contents are not clearor otherapplicationdoes not comply with the prescribedconditions,the applicantsmodifications or additions,the applicantre-apply oradd a finaldate forreceipt of the applicationmaterialson.
Article thirteenththe technology importlicensing,import operatorsMinistry of foreign trade and economic cooperationtoissue the uniformly printedand numbered by the"people's Republic of Chinathe technology import license"(hereinafter referred to as"the technology import license",see Annex three).Restrictions on the import oftechnologyimport contractsince the technologyimport license is issueddate.
Article fourteenththe operator of technology importto theMinistry of foreign trade and economic cooperationforthe technology import license,shouldsignthe China International Electronic CommerceNetwork"of the people's Republicof China technology import and exportcontract management system",according to the procedureinputthe contents of the contract.
Article fifteenthrequires the approval of the relevant departmentof investment projects,such asinvolvinga technology restricted from import,technologyimport business operatorin accordance with the provisions ofarticle fifthorarticle twelfthprovisions ofthe MOFTECshall submitan application for technology import,the approval documents from the relevant department.
Article sixteenththe operator of technology importto obtain"the technology import license",such asthe need to changethe content of technology importshall be in accordance with theprovisions of the present measures,theprogramtoperformthe technology importlicensing procedures.
Article seventeenththe operator of technology importwith"the technology import license",go through the foreign exchange,banking,taxation,customs formalities.
EighteenthWhoeverviolates the provisions of the present measures,will be based on"the people's Republic of Chinatechnology import and export administrationregulations",heldthe operator of technology importrelatedliability.
Article nineteenthnational defensetechnologyimport is notapplicable this method.
This the twentieth methodapply from January 1, 2002.