埃因霍芬理工大學(Eindhoven University of Technology;荷蘭語為Technische Universiteit Eindhoven;縮寫為TU/e),位於荷蘭王國埃因霍芬。TU/e作為歐洲卓越理工大學聯盟戰略成員,高度重視產學合作,其高質量的教學與科研在國際上享有很高的知名度,是歐洲著名理工大學之一。代爾夫特理工大學、埃因霍芬理工大學、特文特大學和瓦赫寧根大學共同組成4TU聯盟,展開廣泛的交流與合作活動。
埃因霍芬理工大學依託其在能源、生物與生命科學、智慧型移動這三大領域的研究背景和學術實力,與工業界開展了廣泛的合作,包括荷蘭光刻機巨頭阿斯麥爾(ASML)以及殼牌,飛利浦,NXP, TomTom等知名企業。其知名校友包含圖靈獎得主艾茲格·迪科斯徹,計算機流程探勘之父Wil van der Aals,聯合利華公司主席Marijn Dekkers,沃達豐(Vodafone)董事長Gerard Kleisterlee,約翰·克魯伊夫競技場執行長Henk Markerink等。
The Institute of Biomedical Engineering Sciences & Technology/Eindhoven is the Eindhoven chapter of the BEST institute. BEST is dedicate to offering research and educational programs in the field of biomedical engineering.
CWT/e (無線通訊技術研究)
The Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven is a research institute which combines the research of five different research groups of the department of Electrical Engineering. This research spans all forms of wireless technology and communication and includes research into electromagnetism, mixed-signal microelectronics, signal processing systems and electro-optical communication
ECIS (創新性研究)
The Eindhoven Center for Innovation Studies is a research institute dedicated to the understanding of innovation processes. To this end the institute studies sources of innovation, the nature of innovation processes and the effects of those processes on society. The institute considers innovation to be a process of societal actors, so its research is multidisciplinary and spans technological as well as social studies.
EIRASS (歐洲零售和服務研究)
European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies
ESI (嵌入式系統研究)
The Eindhoven Embedded Systems Institute was founded in 2002 in order to improve cooperation between the university and industry in the area of embedded system. The institution offers educational and research programs, but also helps industrial partners with knowledge creation and product development and also leverages its industrial contacts to enable knowledge valorisation.
The European Institute for Statistics, Probability, Stochastic Operations Research and its Applications is an institute dedicated to fostering research in the stochastic sciences and their applications. To this end the institute actively attracts yound talent for its research and doctoral programs, facilitates research and actively seeks European cooperation.
ICMS (高分子系統研究)
The Institute for Complex Molecular Systems is a multidisciplinary research institute dedicated to building knowledge of complex molecular systems, as well as infrastructure for creating and studying such systems.
The Intelligent Lighting Institute is a research institute started at the TU/e in 2010. It combines the research capacities of six different university departments in order to research and produce lighting-related products. The institute studies lighting technology, but also the interaction between lighting and the environment and the psychological impact of lighting.
2014年11月30日,數位化社會創新研究組(Digital Social Innovation Cluster)成立。該研究組是在DESIS聯盟框架下新成立的專題研究組,由江南大學、荷蘭埃因霍芬理工大學、清華大學和湖南大學作為聯合發起單位,它著重於將數位化技術和平台作為社會創新的語境和條件,從數位化技術的釋義中探索更多的從技術到理論方面的不同方法;其目標是分析和研究數位化、社會化和泛在網路背景下社會創新的案例和發展趨勢,以及其中相應的設計研究的問題和戰略。