

呂旭東,浙江大學生物醫學工程與儀器科學學院教授,博士生導師 。荷蘭艾因霍芬科技大學訪問研究教授,openEHR Foundaton Management Board Member,中國醫療器械行業協會醫用軟體分會秘書長,中國醫療器械行業協會智慧與移動醫療分會副秘書長,中國醫院協會信息管理專業委員會委員,中華醫學會數字醫學分會青年委員,《中國生物醫學工程學報》審稿專家。


  • 中文名:呂旭東
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:醫學信息學、臨床決策支持、醫療健康大數據
  • 職務:醫療健康信息工程技術研究所副所長
  • 職稱:教授




1、Kaili Dou, Ping Yu, Ning Deng, Fang Liu, YingPing Guan, Zhenye Li, Yumeng Ji, Ningkai Du, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Patients’ Acceptance of Smartphone Health Technology for Chronic Disease Management: a Theoretical Model and Empirical Test. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, In Press.
2、Hu, Danqing; Huang, Zhengxing; Chan, Tak-Ming; Dong, Wei; Lu, Xudong; Duan, Huilong. Utilizing Chinese Admission Records for MACE Prediction of Acute Coronary Syndrome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2016, 13(9): 912.
2011年- 2015年
3、Wang, Li; Min, Lingtong; Wang, Rui; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong. Archetype relational mapping - a practical openEHR persistence solution. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING. 2015, 15: 88.
4、Yin, Ziming; Dong, Zhao; Lu, Xudong*; Yu, Shengyuan; Chen, Xiaoyan; Duan, Huilong. A clinical decision support system for the diagnosis of probable migraine and probable tension-type headache based on case-based reasoning. JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN. 2015, 16: 29.
5、Yin, Ziming; Zhao, Yinhong; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong. A Hybrid Intelligent Diagnosis Approach for Quick Screening of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multiple Neuropsychological Rating Scales. COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE. 2015: 258761.
6、Huang, Zhengxing; Bao, Yurong; Dong, Wei; Lu, Xudong; Duan, Huilong. Online Treatment Compliance Checking for Clinical Pathways. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS. 2014, 38(10): 123.
7、Z Dong, Z Yin, M He, X Chen, X Lv*, S Yu. Validation of a guideline-based decision support system for the diagnosis of primary headache disorders based on ICHD-3 beta [J]. The journal of headache and pain, 2014, 15(1): 1-7. Impact factor:3.281
8、Nie, Hongchao; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong. Supporting BPMN choreography with system integration artefacts for enterprise process collaboration. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 2014, 8(4): 512-529.
9、Huang, Zhengxing; Dong, Wei; Ji, Lei; Gan, Chenxi; Lu, Xudong; Duan, Huilong. Discovery of clinical pathway patterns from event logs using probabilistic topic models. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS. 2014, 47: 39-57.
10、Li WANG, Ling-tong MIN, Ji-ye AN, Xu-dong LU and Hui-long DUAN, ABDP: an Archetype-driven Biomedical Data Platform on Relational Database, 2014 International Conference on Medicine, Pharmacy and Biological Engineering [MPBE 2014], February 22-23, 2014, Shenzhen, China
11、Shan Nan, Pieter Van Gorp, Hendrikus H.M. Korsten, Richard Vdovjak, Uzay Kaymak, Xudong Lu and Huilong Duan,Tracebook: A Dynamic Checklist Support System,IEEE CBMS 2014
12、Haixia Chen, Xudong Lv, Huilong Duan, “Context-aware Medical Instant Message Middleware”, proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2014)
13、Huang, Zhengxing; Lu, Xudong; Duan, Huilong. Latent Treatment Pattern Discovery for Clinical Processes. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS. 2013, 37(2): 9915.
14、Huang, Zhengxing; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong; Fan, Wu. Summarizing clinical pathways from event logs. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS. 2013, 46(1): 111-127.
15、Hongchao Nie, Shasha Li, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, From Healthcare Messaging Standard to Semantic Web Service Description: Generating WSMO Annotation from HL7 with Mapping-based Approach, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2013), IEEE, Santa Clara, California, USA, 2013: 470-477.(會議,EI)
16、Yin Ziming,Dong Zhao,Yu Shenyuan,Lu Xudong,Feng Guanjun,Duan Huilong , A Guideline-based Decision Support System for Headache Diagnosis, MedInfo2013.
17、Zhengxing Huang, Chenxi Gan, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Mining the changes of medical behaviors for clinical pathways, 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, MedInfo2013.
18、Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Similarity measuring between patient traces for clinical pathway analysis, 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME2013.
19、Huang, Zhengxing; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong. On mining clinical pathway patterns from medical behaviors. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE. 2012, 56(1): 35-50.
20、Huang, Zhengxing; Lu, Xudong; Duan, Huilong. A Task Operation Model for Resource Allocation Optimization in Business Process Management. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS. 2012, 42(5: 1256-1270.
21、Lu, Xudong; Huang, Zhengxing; Duan, Huilong. Supporting adaptive clinical treatment processes through recommendations. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE. 2012, 107(3): 413-424.
22、Huang, Zhengxing; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong. Resource behavior measure and application in business process management. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 2012, 39(7): 6458-6468.
23、Huang, Zhengxing; Lu, Xudong*; Duan, Huilong; Zhao, Chenhui. Collaboration-based medical knowledge recommendation. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE. 2012, 55(1): 13-24.
24、周小甲,周慶利,李昊旻,呂旭東,中文病歷文本中時間信息自動標註,中國生物醫學工程學報, 2012, 31(3), pp434-439
25、Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Anomaly detection for clinical processe, AIMA2012, 2012
26、Lin Yin, Jiye An, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, A WYSIWYG Template Designer for Medical Report Systems, 2012 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012), , 2012, pp979-983
27、Zhengxing Huang, W.M.P. van der Aalst, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Reinforcement learning based resource allocation in business process management, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol 70(1), 2011, pp.127-145.
28、Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Context-aware recommendation using rough set model and collaborative filtering, Artificial Intelligence Review, 2011,Vol35(1),pp85-99.
29、Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Mining association rules to support resource allocation in business process management, Expert Systems with Applications, 2011,V38(8), pp9483-9490.
30、Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Variation prediction in clinical processes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Vol6747,pages286-295
31、Ling Zheng, Li Wang, Da Wang, Ning Deng, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, A Clinical Omics Database Integrating Epidemiology, Clinical, and Omics Data for Colorectal Cancer Translational Research, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp2049-2053
32、Hushan Chen, Jiye An, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, A Problem-Snapshot View of Patient History Data for Cardiac Preoperative Evaluation, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1921-1925
33、Wu Fan, Xudong Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Weifei Yu, Huilong Duan, Constructing clinical pathway ontology to incorporate patient state, intervention and time, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1714-1718
34、Yang Liu, Jinliang Wang, Chenhui Zhao, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Xing Yao, Weiqing Xu, Enhancing Interoperability of ECG Machine to Support ECG Telediagnosis Service, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1104-1107
35、Huicui Ding, Chenhui Zhao, Yinsheng Zhang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, ECG Information System Based on AHA/ACC/HRS Electrocardiography Diagnostic Statement List, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1946-1949
36、Shicai Xu, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Chenjiao Wu, Ying Fang, A RFID-based tracking system of endoscopes, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2011,pp1926-1930
2001年- 2010年
37、Xudong Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Huilong Duan, Supporting adaptive clinical treatment processes through recommendations, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2010.12.005.
38、Jiye An, Zhe Wu, Hushan Chen, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, “Level of Detail Navigation and Visualization of Electronic Health Records”. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010). Yantai China, 2010.10. pp2516-2519.
39、Qin Zhu, Hongchao Nie, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan. “Radiology Workflow-Based Monitoring Dashboard in a Heterogeneous Environment”. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010). Yantai China, 2010.10. pp2494-2498.
40、Zhengxing Huang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Using recommendation to support adaptive clinical pathways, Journal of Medical Systems, 2011, doi: 10.1007/s10916-010-9644-3.
41、Yibao Wang, Yang Liu, Xudong Lu, Jiye An*,Huilong Duan ”A General-purpose Representation of Biosignal Data Based on MFER and CDA”, 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2010). Yantai China, 2010.10. pp689-693.
43、吳哲安繼業呂旭東段會龍,“基於Google Earth的電子病歷漸進導航與可視化方法”,中國生物醫學工程年會2010
45、Jinyan Zhang, Xudong Lu, Hongchao Nie, Zhengxing Huang, and Wil van der Aalst, 'Radiology information system: a workflow-based approach,' International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2009, 4(5), pp509-516.
46、Zhen Hou, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu. “Design of ECG Workflow Integration Profile”. The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009). Tianjin China, 2009.10. pp1803-1806.
47、Jinyan Zhang, Xudong Lu* Huilong Duan, Hongchao Nie “Process-Driven Data Communication in Healthcare”. The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009). Tianjin China, 2009.10. pp1812-1816.
48、Hongchao Nie, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Jinyan Zhang “Integration of IHE-based Systems with Petri Net Workflow Management Systems”. The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009). Tianjin China, 2009.10. pp1788-1792.
49、Xudong Lu, Hongchao Nie, Zhengxing Huang, Jinyan Zhang, W.M.P. van der Aalst , “Radiology Information System: a Workflow-Based Approach”, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2009). Berlin Germany, 2009.6.
50、Yinyao Zhu, Peipei Jia, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, “Integration of Medical Information Systems Based on Virtual Database and Web Services”The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Beijing China, 2009.6.(ICBBE2009).
51、ZHANG Jin-yan, LU Xu-dong *, DUAN Hui-long, NIE Hong-chao, “A Medical Information System Architecture Based on Workflow Technology” 2009 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education(ITME2009).Jinan China, 2009.8.
53、楊艷’,吳彬飛,葉楓“,呂旭東,“基於SAGE的醫學知識模型的設計與套用”中國醫療器械雜誌.2009,33(1), pp27-30
54、葉楓周根貴南山呂旭東段會龍,老年痴呆症診斷臨床決策支持系統設計與評估.2009,28(6), pp872-877
55、趙晨暉,薛萬國,史洪飛,劉濟全,呂旭東,段會龍. “醫療信息系統集成研究與實踐”,中國數字醫學,2009,4(1),pp22-25
58、呂旭東,“一種電子病歷系統體系結構及其關鍵技術”,中國生物醫學工程學報,2008.2, 27(2),199~205
61、李昊旻,李瑩,段會龍,呂旭東,“中文病歷文檔的術語提取和否定檢出方法”,中國生物醫學工程學報, 2008.10 pp
64、Liu Jiquan, Deng Wenliang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, “A Term-mapping Framework for Data Mining in Heterogeneous Medical Data Sources”, The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008). Shanghai China, 2008.5. pp767-770
65、Binfei Wu, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, “An Automatic Knowledge Acquisition Mechanism for Independent Inference Engine Module of CDSS”,The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008). Shanghai China, 2008.5. pp1293-1296
66、Jiye An, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan. “Integrated Visualization of Multi-modal Electronic Health Record Data”.The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008). Shanghai China, 2008.5. pp640-643.
67、Chenhui Zhao, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu,“An Integration Approach of Healthcare Information System”, The First International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008), 2008.5. pp606-609
68、Ying Li, Junjie, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, “Structuralization of Digestive Endoscopic Report Vased on NLP”, The First International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008), 2008.5. pp920-923
69、Liqin Wang, Jiye An, Xudong Lu, etc. A viewer for DICOM enhanced information objects. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2008). Barcelona Spain, 2008. Int. J CARS (2008) 3 (Suppl 1):S169-S170.
70、Huang Zhengxing, Lu Xudong􀀍, Duan Huilong, Yin Dengfeng,The Process Data Driven Workflow Modeling Approach and its’implementation on Medical Infection Control Process“,The First International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008), 2008.5. pp879-882
71、呂穎瑩,段會龍,呂旭東,“基於J P E G 2 0 0 0的心電無損混合壓縮方法”,中國醫療器械雜誌,2008,32(4),pp246-248
72、趙晨暉,薛萬國,史洪飛,劉濟全,呂旭東,段會龍. “醫療信息系統集成研究與實踐”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp261-268
73、呂旭東,薛萬國,史洪飛,劉濟全,李昊旻,安繼業,趙晨暉,周群一,王進亮,歐陽亞迪,鐘光林,段會龍。“電子病歷系統的體系結構設計與實踐”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp121-130
74、安繼業,薛萬國,史洪飛,李昊旻,趙晨暉,劉濟全,周群一,呂旭東,歐陽亞迪,王進亮,段會龍。“臨床數據中心構建方法探討”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp163-169
75、李昊旻,薛萬國,段會龍,呂旭東,史洪飛,歐陽亞迪。“電子病歷與標準化和結構化”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp333-339
76、周群一,田慧,楊艷,吳彬飛,呂旭東,歐陽亞迪,鐘光林,段會龍。“基於臨床指南的臨床決策支持系統”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp448-449
77、聶鴻超,黃正行,張金艷,王世威,許茂盛,呂旭東,段會龍。“醫療流程管理:基於工作流技術的放射信息系統探索”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp524-533
78、李昊旻,段會龍,呂旭東,李瑩。“醫學語言處理技術及套用”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp1131-1135
79、劉濟全,史洪飛,呂旭東,周群一,安繼業,歐陽亞迪,王進亮,段會龍。“一種開放式醫療信息服務中間件”,中華醫院信息網路大會2008(CHINC 2008),中國南寧,2008.9. pp1136-1144
81、黃正行,呂旭東,段會龍,李昊旻,“動態腳本在結構化數據錄入中的套用”,CBME’2007, 2007.4.20~24
82、姜濤,安繼業,呂旭東,段會龍,“基於IHE的醫學圖像軟拷貝一致性表達”,CBME’2007, 2007.4.20~24
83、李昊旻,段會龍,呂旭東,黃正行,“基於CDA的電子病歷系統”,CBME’2007, 2007.4.20~24
85、呂旭東,段會龍,“電子病歷系統體系結構及其關鍵技術”,CBME’2007, 2007.4.20~24
87、王世威呂旭東許茂盛,“基於I H E技術框架實現工作流集成”,物理技術,
90、Jinyan Zhang, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, “A Convenient DICOM Validation Tool for System Integration in Radiology”, Proceedings of Computer Assisted Radiology and surgery 21th International Congress and Exhibition(CARS’2007), June 27-30, 2007
91、Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Huiying Zheng, “XML-ECG: An XML-Based ECG Presentation for Data Exchanging”, The 1th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. July 6-8, 2007
92、Jiye An, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan, Haomin Li, Peipei Jia, “An Act Indexing Information Model for Clinical Data Integration”, The 1th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. July 6-8, 2007
93、Li Haomin, Duan Huilong, Lu Xudong*, Huang Zhengxing, “A clinical document repository for CDA documents”, The 1th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. July 6-8, 2007 (EI)
94、Jinyan Zhang, Xudong Lu*, Huilong Duan,“DICOM Validation Sets: A DICOM Test Case Preparation Method for System Integration in Radiology”, The 1th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. July 6-8, 2007
95、Zhengxing Huang, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, Haomin Li, “Enhanced CDA with Electronic Signature”, The 1th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. July 6-8, 2007
97、馮靖禕,朱大榮,呂旭東, ” IHE技術框架及其實現”.中國醫療器械信息,2005 29(3),pp199-201
100、呂旭東,“數位化醫院發展趨勢及構想”,智慧型建築,2005 6 , pp15-19
103、Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, etc. “The Architecture of Enterprise Hospital Information System”, 7th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. September 1~4, 2005
104、Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, etc. “The Design of Formatted Report Language and its Applications in Medical Information Systems”, 7th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. September 1~4, 2005
105、Haoming Li, Huilong Duan, Xudong Lu, etc. “Integrating all medical records to an enterprise viewer”, 7th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. September 1~4, 2005
106、段會龍,呂旭東,“醫療信息系統的工作流集成”,浙江大學學報(工學版),2002,36(2),pp 199-204
108、段會龍,張金艷,呂旭東,“DICOM伺服器的設計與實現”,中國醫療器械雜誌,2003,27(6),pp 4-8
110、葉楓呂旭東段會龍,“基於分散式對象技術的醫療信息系統平台”計算機套用與軟體,2003,20(10). pp31-32
116、段會龍,呂旭東,“醫療信息系統發展現狀及趨勢”,中國醫療器械信息,2004 10(2),pp1-6
119、賈春光,譚鷗,呂旭東,段會龍,呂維雪,“Visible Human圖象數據集的自動匹配方法”,中國生物醫學工程學報,2001,20(2),pp143-147
120、Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, “IHE-compatible Radiology Information System”, CAR’2001, pp1174
123、呂旭東,段會龍,“基於IHE技術框架的放射科信息系統”,CBME’2001, 2001.11.9~11
124、孫孟傑,段會龍,呂旭東,“基於ASP模式的ECG分析中心”, CBME’2001, 2001.11.9~11
125、Chunguang Jia, Ou Tan, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan,Weixue Lu, “Automatic registration and segmentation of human brain with a computerized brain atlas”, Proceedings of Computer Assisted Radiology and surgery 12th International Congress and Exhibition(CAR’98), 1998, pp153 –158
127、Lu Xudong, Hong Wei, Duan Huilong, Lu Weixue, “High-End Ambulatory ECG Scanner System', IEEE-EMBS Asia-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Hangzhou, China, 2000, pp483-484
128、Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan, Weixue Lu, 'Design of Healthcare Enterprise Integration Platform', IEEE-EMBS Asia-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Hangzhou, China, 2000, pp751-752




1、 中國重大疾病與罕見病臨床與生命組學資料庫,國家重點專項項目,2017 ~ 2020
2、 精準醫學臨床決策支持系統,國家重點專項項目,2018 ~ 2020
3、 精準醫學大數據處理和利用的標準化技術體系建設,國家重點專項項目,2016 ~ 2020
4、 冠脈臨床影像大數據平台及其開發利用技術體系建設,國家重點專項課題,2016 ~ 2020
5、 面向數字醫院的醫療物聯網關鍵技術研究與設備開發及驗證,國家科技重大專項課題,2013 ~ 2015
6、 醫療信息集成融合技術與系統開發,國家863重大項目課題,2012 ~ 2015
7、 高端電子病歷技術開發與系統套用示範,國家863重大項目課題,2012 ~ 2015
8、 功能性臨床信息系統研發與套用,國家863重大項目課題,2012 ~ 2015
9、 醫學知識庫與臨床決策支持系統研發,國家863重大項目課題,2012 ~ 2015
10、國家電子健康檔案基礎信息構架戰略研究,國家自然科學基金委員會,2009 ~ 2010
11、醫療信息融合與臨床支持系統,國家863課題,2006 ~ 2008
12、基於城鄉醫療資源共享的多功能電子病歷和遠程診療平台,浙江省科技廳重大項目,2006 - 2008
1、 智慧型安全清單系統,荷蘭皇家飛利浦公司/荷蘭埃因霍芬科技大學,2017 ~ 2020
2、基於大數據的心血管疾病風險評估研究,荷蘭皇家飛利浦公司/荷蘭埃因霍芬科技大學,2011 ~ 2015
3、 臨床決策支持系統,荷蘭皇家飛利浦公司/荷蘭埃因霍芬科技大學,2012 ~ 2015
4、面向臨床路徑管理的過程分析和挖掘技術研究,荷蘭皇家飛利浦公司/荷蘭埃因霍芬科技大學,2011 ~ 2015
5、 醫療中的工作流管理和過程挖掘,荷蘭皇家飛利浦公司/荷蘭埃因霍芬科技大學,2006 ~ 2009
6、 放射治療中的三維應用程式開發,美國東CAROLINA大學,2004
1、 基於OPENEHR的區域人口健康信息平台開發,深圳中興網信科技有限公司,2017 ~ 2020
2、 山西大醫院數位化醫療軟體系統建設,山西大醫院,2012 ~ 2015
3、U-EMR電子病歷系統,哈爾濱工業大學,2012 ~ 2017
4、 心血管信息系統研究,蘇州麥迪斯頓醫療科技股份有限公司,2013 ~ 2015
5、 電子病歷系統,北京和仁中控數字醫療技術有限公司,2009 ~ 2010
6、 沙烏地阿拉伯國家數字醫療及數位化醫院建設方案撰寫諮詢及標書撰寫培訓,深圳中興網信科技有限公司,2012 ~ 2012
7、 心電網路化信息系統開發,深圳市理邦精密儀器有限公司,2008 ~ 2009
8、 醫院醫療數據中心建設研究,湖州市中心醫院,2007 ~ 2008
9、 基於工作流的現代影像學管理系統,中程科技有限公司,2007 ~ 2010
1、 一種基於遺傳算法和粗糙集的屬性約簡方法及精神狀態評估方法.發明專利,.2017:2/3
2、 一種openEHR信息到關係資料庫的轉換方法.發明專利,.2015:2/4
3、 具有電子簽名的標準多媒體電子病歷文檔編輯管理系統.發明專利,.2010:2/5
4、 一種基於CQL與標準信息模型openEHR的臨床質量指標計算方法 申請號:201810323021.5 申請日:2018-04-11
5、 一種用於靈活流程的工作流執行方法 申請號:201810323017.9 申請日:2018-04-11
6、 一種基於OCR與命名實體提取技術的臨床佇列數據協同校驗方法 申請號:201810323020.0 申請日:2018-04-11
7、 一種基於反向連線和套用層隧道的企業區域網路訪問方法 申請號:201810323018.3 申請日:2018-04-11
8、 一種openEHR Template到關係資料庫的轉換方法 申請號:201710059819.9 申請日:2017-01-24
9、 一種基於訊息語義標註的醫療信息系統集成監控方法 申請號:201710159369.0 申請日:2017-03-17
10、一種基於openEHR模板的數據接口動態生成方法 申請號:201710159380.7 申請日:2017-03-17
11、基於分詞編碼自動構建醫學術語映射關係的方法以及系統 申請號:201510922676.0 申請日:2015-12-11


