



  • 中文名:惠民小書屋叢書·行萬里路系列:旅遊英語
  • 作者:陳曉莉
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年1月1日
  • 頁數:167 頁
  • 開本:32 開
  • ISBN:9787562470380
  • 外文名:English for Jrauelers
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Chapter 1 By Air 坐飛機
Unit 1 Check in辦理登機手續/3
Unit 2 Boardin9登機/7
Unit 3 On the Airplane在飛機上/10
Unit 4 Transit&Transfer過境及轉機/15
Unit 5 Go through the Immigration入境詢問/19
Chaplet 2 Accommodation住宿
Unit 1 Hotel Reservation 訂房間/27
Unit 2 Check—in 入住登記/32
Unit 3 Room Service客房服務/36
Unit4 Check—out退房/39
Chapter 3 Traffic交通出行
Unit 1 Asking for Direction問路/47
Unit 2 By Bus坐公車/50
Unit 3 By Subway搭捷運/53
Unit 4 By Train坐火車/55
Unit 5 By Taxi打的/58
Unit 6 Rent Vehicle租車/61
Chapter 4 Dining 廁餐
Unit 1 Restaurant Reservation用餐訂位/69
Unit 2 Order點餐/72
Unit 3 Buffet自助餐/76
Unit 4 Paying Bills結賬/79
Chapter 5 Tourism 參觀遊覽
Unit 1 Travel with the Group跟團游/87
Unit 2 Scenic Spots游景點/90
Unit 3 Visiting a Museum參觀博物館/93
unit 4 Watching the Performance看錶演/96
Ohapter 6 Shopping購物
Unit 1 Shopping Mall購物中心/103
Unit 2 OUTLETS奧特萊斯/106
Unit 3 Flea Market跳蚤市場/109
Unit 4 Duty—free Shop免稅商店/113
Unit 5 In—flight Sales機上購物/117
Unit 6 Buying Souvenir買紀念品/120
Ohapter 7 Communication and Mail
Unit 1 Mailing寄郵件/127
Unit 2 Faxing發傳真/31
Unit 3 Surfing the Internet上網/135
Unit 4 Making an Overseas Call撥打國際電話/139
Unit 5 Renting Cell Phone租手機/143
Chapter 8 Emergencies突髮狀況
Unit 1 Money Exchange兌換貨幣/151
Unit 2 See a Doctor看病/155
Unit 3 Lost Stuff遺失物品/159
Unit 4 Lost Luggage遺失行李/163


