- 中文名:徐順高
- 出生地:江蘇姜堰市
- 出生日期:1965年
- 畢業院校:蘇州大學
1. Wang M, Luo Z, Du H, Xu S, Ni B, Zhang H, Sheng X, Xu H,Huang X. Molecular characterization of a functional type vi secretion system in salmonella enterica serovar typhi. Curr Microbiol. 2011. 63(1):22-31.
2. Xie X, Li A, Du H, Sheng X, Zhang H, Xu S,Huang X. Expression of tvia is transiently repressed by hfq in salmonella enterica serovar typhi at hyperosmotic stress. Microb Pathog. 2010. 49(1-2):54-7.
3. Shungao Xu, Xin Zou, Xiumei Sheng, Haifang Zhang, Lingxiang Mao, Hong Du, Huaxi Xu,Huang X. Z66 on a linear plasmid of salmonella enterica serovar typhi is dependent on flia and flhdc and regulated by ompr. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 2010. 41:729-740.
4. Du H, Sheng X, Zhang H, Zou X, Ni B, Xu S, Zhu X, Xu H,Huang X. Rpoe may promote flagellar gene expression in salmonella enterica serovar typhi under hyperosmotic stress. Curr Microbiol. 2010.
5. 張海方, 高宇琳, 黃新祥, 生秀梅, 徐順高,許化溪. 傷寒沙門菌鞭毛素基因fljb:Z66的克隆表達及其多克隆抗體的製備. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2009. (05).
6. 生秀梅, 黃新祥, 徐順高, 張海方,許化溪. 傷寒沙門菌基因組dna晶片基因表達譜分析技術的建立與最佳化. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2009. (04).
7. 生秀梅, 黃新祥, 茅凌翔, 朱超望, 徐順高, 張海方, 許化溪,劉秀梅. 傷寒沙門菌基因組dna晶片的製備與基因表達譜分析套用. 生物化學與生物物理進展. 2009. (02).
8. 高宇琳, 張海方, 鄒昕, 杜鴻, 夏秋風, 生秀梅, 徐順高,黃新祥. Pmra對傷寒沙門菌高滲應激後期基因表達調節初探. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2009. (02).
9. Zou X, Huang X, Xu S, Zhou L, Sheng X, Zhang H, Xu H,Ezaki T. Identification of a flja gene on a linear plasmid as the repressor gene of flic in salmonella enterica serovar typhi. Microbiol Immunol. 2009. 53(4):191-7.
10. Zhang H, Sheng X, Xu S, Gao Y, Du H, Li J, Xu H,Huang X. Global transcriptional response of salmonella enterica serovar typhi to anti-z66 antiserum. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2009. 298(1):51-5.
11. Zhang C, Xu S, Wei J,Guo H. Predicted co-receptor tropism and sequence characteristics of china hiv-1 v3 loops: Implications for the future usage of ccr5 antagonists and aids vaccine development. Int J Infect Dis. 2009. 13(5):e212-6.
12. Sheng X, Huang X, Li J, Xie X, Xu S, Zhang H,Xu H. Regulation of sulfur assimilation pathways in salmonella enterica serovar typhi upon up-shift high osmotic treatment: The role of uhpa revealed through transcriptome profiling. Curr Microbiol. 2009.
13. 朱超望, 茅凌翔, 徐順高,黃新祥. 傷寒沙門菌fljb∶∶lacz變異株的製備. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2008. (02).
14. Zhang C, Xu S, Wei JF,Forsdyke DR. Microsatellites that violate chargaff's second parity rule have base order-dependent asymmetries in the folding energies of complementary DNA strands and may not drive speciation. J Theor Biol. 2008. 254(1):168-77.
15. Xu S, Zhang H, Sheng X, Xu H,Huang X. Transcriptional expression of fljb:Z66, a flagellin gene located on a novel linear plasmid of salmonella enterica serovar typhi under environmental stresses. New Microbiol. 2008. 31(2):241-7.
16. 徐順高, 鄭鐵生, 姜旭淦,馬潔. 臨床生物化學與病例相結合的教學實踐. 檢驗醫學與臨床. 2007. (06).
17.徐順高, 魏繼福,張馳宇. Fors-d分析軟體“random_fold_scan”和不同鹼基隨機打亂算法對fors-d分析的影響. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2007. (06).
18. Xu S, Huang X, Xu H,Zhang C. Improved prediction of coreceptor usage and phenotype of hiv-1 based on combined features of v3 loop sequence using random forest. J Microbiol. 2007. 45(5):441-6.
19. 徐順高, 馬潔, 周麗萍, 張馳宇,黃新祥. 傷寒沙門菌flja樣基因缺陷變異株的製備. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2005. (03).
20. 徐順高, 黃新祥,周麗萍. 螢光實時定量rt-pcr觀察傷寒桿菌鞭毛z66和d/j抗原基因表達方法的建立. 江蘇大學學報(醫學版). 2005. (01).
21. 張馳宇, 徐順高,黃新祥. 一種新穎簡便的螢光實時rt-pcr相對定量方法的建立. 生物化學與生物物理進展. 2005. (09).