- 中文名:徐謙
- 外文名:Qian Xu
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江蘇蘇州
- 出生日期:1981年10月
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:香港科技大學
- 職 稱:副教授
- 所在學科 :工程熱物理
- 最高學位:博士
- Journal papers:
34. Zhentao Wang, Tianyu Guo, Lin Tian, Qian Xu, Shuiqing Zhan, Jiyuan Tu. Numerical simulation on circulation flow and mass transfer inside atmospheric water drops, Applied Thermal Engineering 118(2017)765-772. (SCI)
33. Qian Xu, Liyu Qin, Huaneng Su, Li Xu, Puiki Leung, Chunzhen Yang, Huaming Li. Electrochemical and transport characteristics of V(II)/V(III) redox couple in a nonaqueous reline deep eutectic solvent: Temperature effect,Journal of Energy Engineering 2017,in press. (SCI)
32.Li Xu,Pengcheng Yan,Henan Li,Siyan Ling, Qian Xu, Huaming Li. Metallic Bi self-doping BiOCl composites: synthesis and enhanced photoelectrochemical performance, Materials Letters 2017, in press. (SCI)
31.Li Xu,Pengcheng Yan,Henan Li,Jiexiang Xia,Qian Xu,Jingxia Qiu. Photo-electrochemical sensing of bisphenol a based on graphitic carbon nitride/bismuth oxyiodine composites, RSC Adv.7(2017)7929-7935. (SCI)
30. 徐謙,楊健,喬芬,蘇華能,徐麗,李華明.全釩液流電池與質子交換膜燃料電池中可控的傳熱傳質研究.現代化工(2017),in press. (SCOPUS)
29. L.Wei, T.S. Zhao, Q. Xu, X.L. Zhou,Z.H. Zhang.In-situ investigation of hydrogen evolution behavior in vanadium redox flow batteries, Applied Energy 190(2017)1112-1118. (SCI)
28. Huaneng Su,Qian Xu*,Junjie Chong,Huaming Li,Cordellia Sita,Sivakumar Pasupathi. Eliminating micro-porous layer from gas diffusion electrode for the use in high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources 341(2017)302-308. (SCI)
27. Qian Xu,Feihu Zhang,Li Xu,Puiki Leung,Chunzhen Yang, Huaming Li.The Applications and Prospect of Fuel Cells in Medical Field: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review 67(2017) 574-580. (SCI)
26.徐謙,秦立宇,蘇華能,徐麗,李華明.低共熔溶劑中溫度對釩離子氧化還原特性的影響.化工學報 67 (2016) 5298-5304. (EI)
25. Li Xu, Henan Li, Pengcheng Yan, Qian Xu, Shanqing Zhang. Graphitic carbon nitride/BiOCl composites for sensitive photoelectrochemical detection of cipro-floxacin,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 483 (2016) 241-248. (SCI)
24. P.Yan, L.Xu, J. Xia, Q. Xu, Q. Zhang, H.M. Li. Photoelectrochemical sensing of 4-chlorophenol based on Au/BiOCl nanocomposites, Talanta 156 (2016) 257-264. (SCI)
23. C. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, Q. Xu, L. An, G. Zhao. Effects of operating temperature on the performance of vanadium redox flow batteries,Applied Energy 155 (2015) 349-353. (SCI)
22. 張飛虎,徐謙*,張海方,徐麗.燃料電池在醫療領域的套用與前景展望.現代化工,35 (2015) 58-62.(EI)
21. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao. Fundamental Models for Flow Batteries, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 49 (2015) 40-58.(SCI TOP Journal, IF=19.221)
20. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, C. Zhang. Electrochemical characteristics and transport properties of Fe(II)/Fe(III) redox couple in a non-aqueous reline deep eutectic solvent, Electrochimica Acta 154 (2015) 462-467.(SCI)
19. P.K. Leung, M.R. Mohamed, A.A. Shah, Q. Xu. A mixed acid based vanadium-cerium redox flow battery with a zero-gap serpentine architecture,Journal of Power Sources 274 (2015) 651-658.(SCI)
18. C.Z. Yang, M. Zhou, Q. Xu*. Confining Pt Nanoparticles in Porous Carbon Structure for achieving Durable Electrochemical Performance, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 11863-11870.(SCI)
17. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, C. Zhang. Performance of a vanadium redox flow battery with and without flow fields, Electrochimica Acta 142 (2014) 61-67.(SCI)
16. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, C. Zhang. Effects of SOC-dependent electrolyte viscosity on performance of vanadium redox flow batteries, Applied Energy 130 (2014) 139-147.(SCI)
15. Chunzhen Yang, Ming Zhou and Qian Xu*. Three-Dimensional Ordered Macroporous MnO2/Carbon Nanocomposites as High-Performance Electrodes for Asymmetric Supercapacitors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2013), 19730-19740.(SCI)
14. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, P.K. Leung. Numerical investigations of flow field designs for vanadium redox flow batteries, Applied Energy 105 (2013) 47-56. (SCI)
13. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao. Determinations of mass transport properties of vanadium ions through the porous electrode of vanadium redox flow batteries, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2013) 10841-10848.(SCI)
12. P.K. Leung, Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, C. Zhang. Preparation of nanocomposite anion-exchange membranes with low vanadium-ion crossover for vanadium redox flow batteries, Electrochimica Acta 105 (2013) 584-592.(SCI)
11. P.K. Leung, Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao. A high voltage zinc-lead dioxide rechargeable battery, Electrochimica Acta 79 (2012) 117-125.(SCI)
10. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, W.W. Yang, R. Chen. A flow field enabling operating direct methanol fuel cells with highly concentrated methanol, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 830-838.(SCI)
9. R. Zuo, Q. Xu, H. Zhang. An inverse-flow showerhead MOVPE reactor design, J. Crystal Growth 298 (2007) 425-427.(SCI)
8. 徐謙, 張紅, 左然, 王謙, 何志霞. 提高“可再生能源概論”教學質量的方法探析, 中國電力教育, 35 (2013) 97-98.
7. 王國斌, 左然, 徐謙, 李暉. 切向噴射式MOCVD反應器的設計與數值模擬,人工晶體學報, 39 (2010) 267-271.(EI)
6. 徐謙, 左然, 張紅. MOCVD生長GaN的反應動力學分析與數值模擬, 化工學報, 60 (2009) 384-388.(EI)
5. 徐謙, 左然. 反向流動垂直噴淋式MOCVD反應器生長GaN的化學反應數值模擬, 人工晶體學報, 36 (2007) 338-343.(EI)
4. 徐謙, 張紅. MOCVD反應器輸運過程的研究綜述與展望, 裝備製造技術, 10 (2007) 105-110. (中文核心)
3. 徐謙, 左然, 張紅. 反向流動垂直噴淋式MOCVD反應器設計與數值模擬, 人工晶體學報, 34 (2005) 1059-1064.(EI)
2. 左然, 張紅, 徐謙. 徑向流動MOCVD輸運過程的數值模擬和反應器最佳化, 人工晶體學報, 34 (2005) 1011-1017.(EI)
1. 左然, 段清彬, 徐謙, 趙渝民. 太陽能建築採暖系統的研製, 能源研究與利用, 10 (2004) 71-75.(中文核心)
Conference presentations and papers:
9. 徐謙.非水性電解液體系液流電池中耦合的傳質和電化學過程研究,第八屆中國儲能與動力電池及其關鍵材料學術研討與技術交流會,中國廣州,2016.
8. 徐謙.鐵離子氧化還原電對在低共熔溶劑中的傳輸特性及其在非水體系液流電池中的套用,第七屆中國儲能與動力電池及其關鍵材料學術研討會,中國桂林,2015.
7. 徐謙.液流電池中耦合的傳質和電化學過程研究,2015年“新能源科學與技術”青年學者論壇暨第二屆工程熱物理青年學術論壇,中國哈爾濱,2015.
6. Qian Xu, Huaming Li. Electrochemical and transport properties of V(II)-V(III) redox couple in DES electrolyte, 1st Energy Storage Technology Meeting of China, Shanghai, China, October 23-25,2014.
5. Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao. A numerical study of the effect of flow field on cell performance and efficiency of VRFBs, 221st ECS Meeting, Seattle, USA, May 6-11, 2012.
4. 徐謙, 左然. MOCVD薄膜生長的最佳輸運過程條件, 第十屆全國MOCVD學術會議, 中國廣州,2007.
3. Q. Xu, R. Zuo. An inverse-flow showerhead MOCVD reactor design,13th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Miyazaki, Japan, May 22-26,2006.
2. 張紅,左然,徐謙. 行星式MOCVD反應器內部流動、傳熱和傳質的數值模擬研究, 第九屆全國MOCVD學術會議, 中國黃山,2005.
1. 徐謙, 左然.反向流動垂直式MOCVD反應器設計,第九屆全國MOCVD學術會議,中國黃山,2005.