



  • 中文名:徐夢珍
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生態水利學、生態泥沙學
  • 任職院校:清華大學


2007/09 – 2012/07清華大學 水利水電工程系 研究生/博士
2003/09 – 2007/07天津大學 港口航道與海岸工程 本科/學士
2017/07-至今 清華大學水利水電工程系 副教授
2016/02-2017/07 清華大學水利水電工程系 助理教授
2014/09-2016/01 清華大學水利水電工程系 講師
2012/08–2014/12 挪威水資源與能源指揮部 研究員
2012/07 – 2014/09 清華大學水利水電工程系 博士後
IAHR會員,EGU會員, River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM)委員


1) 河流綜合管理(Integrated River Management)
2) 水利專業英語(Professional English - for Hydraulic Engineering)




國家自然科學基金重大項目課題 大規模災害風險評估及綜合調控原理和模式(2018/01-2022/12)
國家自然科學基金面上項目 青海湖裸鯉生態魚道的適宜性研究(2018/01-2021/12)
南水北調中線幹線工程建設管理局 南水北調中線幹線工程總乾渠淡水殼菜生態風險防控研究(2017/06-2018/12)
中國科學院山地災害與地表過程重點實驗室開放基金 雅江上游堰塞湖泥沙沉積特徵及對河床演變影響機制研究(2017/1-2018/12)
國家重點研發計畫專題 黃河流域水沙變化趨勢集合評估-黃河流域水沙變化趨勢集合評估技術研究(2016/07-2020/06)
水沙科學與水利水電工程國家重點實驗室自主科研課題 溶洞水文地質環境及水生棲息地特性研究(2016/01-2018/12)
黃河水利委員會黃河水利科學研究院 黃河源區底棲動物採樣鑑定及河流生態評價(2016/03-2018/11)
中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”項目 水利工程中生物入侵的防治(2015/11-2017/12)
清華大學自主科研計畫 中國溶洞魚水生棲息地特性研究(2015/10-2018/09 )
國家自然科學基金青年基金項目 水利工程中淡水殼菜附著污損的生態水力學防治試驗(2015/01-2017/12)
中國博士後科學基金特別資助 輸水通道中沼蛤入侵的生態水力防治試驗研究(2013/06-2014/06)
國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫 天河動力學研究(2016/01-2019/12)
廣東省水利電力勘測設計研究院 輸水工程水生物侵蝕防治技術研究 (2015/04-2018/03)
國家自然科學基金面上基金項目 怒江堰塞湖群演變對河流生態的影響(2015/01-2018/12)
清華大學自主科研計畫 山洪泥沙動力學的若干基礎問題(2015/01-2018/12)
國家自然科學基金傑出青年科學基金 山區河流與流域泥沙動力學(2016/01-2019/12)
水利部公益性行業科研專項 三江源地區水文-生態系統演變研究(2015/01-2018/12)
水利部公益性行業科研專項經費項目 輸水工程中沼蛤入侵的生態防治試驗研究(2009/10-2013/10)
國家自然科學基金項目 尼克點在雅魯藏布地貌演變和生態平衡中的作用(2011/01-2013/12)
國家自然科學基金項目 底棲動物與河床組成的關係及其在水利工程生態評價中的套用,(2008/01-2010/12)
國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫) 汶川地震次生山地災害形成機理與風險控制(2008/01-2010/10)
廣東蓄能發電有限公司 電廠引水隧洞防淡水殼菜附著材料研究(2014/04-2015/06)
1) Zhaoyin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Mengzhen Xu, Guoan Yu. River morphodynamics and Steam Ecology of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Taylor & Francis Press, Oxon. 2016. 300pp.
2) Xu Mengzhen (2014) Chapters “Distribution and spread in China: history, present situation and future prospects” and “Impacts on man-made structures and biofouling control”. In Boltovskoy D. (eds) Limnoperna fortunei: the biology, ecology, impact and control of an invasive. Springer, Berlin.
3) 段學花, 王兆印, 徐夢珍 著. 底棲動物與河流生態評價. 北京:清華大學出版社. 2010年8月. 共168頁
4) 王兆印, 李志威, 徐夢珍 著. 青藏高原河流演變與生態. 北京:科學出版社. 2014年6月. 共300頁
1) Zhang Chendi, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhaoyin Wang Hassan A. Marwan, Chartrand M. Shawn. Experimental study on the stability and failure of individual step-pool. Geomorphology
2) Ji Ziqing, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen*, Liu An. Bank erosion aggravated by meander cut-off at the alpine meadow in the source region of Yellow River.the 1st World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change (CONSOWA), Lleida, Spain.June 10-19 2017
3) Yang Yufeng, Zhou Xiongdong, Yi Yujun *, Xu Mengzhen *, Zhifeng Yang. Influence of debris flows on macroinvertebrate diversity and assemblage structure. Ecological Indicators 85 (2018) 781–790
4) Xu Mengzhen, Liu Xing. Comparison of the various methodologies used in studying runoff and sediment load in the Yellow River Basin. AGU2017.
5) Lyv Liqun, Xu Mengzhen, Zhaoyin Wang, Peng Cui. The role of fine sediment content on soil consolidation and debris flows development after earthquake. AGU2017.
6) Lei Fakai, Xu Mengzhen, Ji Ziqing, Wang Zhaoyin, Michael Andrew Bisset,Vadim Zakirov. The Head-horn structure of cavefish (Sinocyclocheilus Tileihornes) may strengthen their sense efficiency in water flow. E-Proceedings Of The 37th Iahr World Congress, August 13 – 18, 2017 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
7) Zhang Chendi, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. Experimental study of turbulence on killing Limnoperna fortunei larvae in pipelines.Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress. 2017. August 13-18, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
8) Zhang Chendi, Li Zhiwei, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. Experimental Study on Individual Step-pool Stability. RCEM, September 14-21, 2017, Trento-Oadova, Italy.
9) Zhang Chendi, Xu Mengzhen *, Wang Zhaoyin, Liu Wei, Yu Dandan. Experimental Study on the Effect of Pipeline Turbulence in Pipelines on the Mortality of Limnoperna fortunei Veligers. Ecological Engineering, Ecological Engineering, 2017,Volume 109, Part A, 101-118,
10) Yao Guoyou, Xu Mengzhen *, An Xuehui. Concrete deterioration caused by freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei fouling. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 121 (2017) 55-65
11) Zhou Xiongdong, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen*, Yu Bofu, Liu Wei, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na, Shao Xuejun. The stream power parameter as a predictive indicator of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin (Tibetan Plateau). Hydrobiologia, ,2017,797:215–230
12) Lyu Liqun, Wang Zhaoyin, Cui Peng, Xu Mengzhen *, The role of bank erosion on the initiation and motion of gully debris flows. The address for the corresponding author was captured as affiliation for all authors. Please check if appropriate. Geomor(2017), 285: 137-151
13) ZHAO Na, XU Mengzhen, LI Zhiwei, WANG Zhaoyin, ZHOU Hanmi. Macroinvertebrate distribution and aquatic ecology in the Ruoergai (Zoige) Wetland, the Yellow River source region. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-016-0616-x
14) Pan Baozhu, Yuan Jianping*, Zhang Xinhua, Wang Zhaoyin, Lu Jinyou, Yang Wenjun, Chen Jiao, Li Zhiwei, Zhao Na, Xu Mengzhen. A review of ecological restoration techniques in fluvial rivers. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2016,31(2):110-119.
15) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Qi Lijian, and Liu Le. Disaster chains initiated by the Wenchuan earthquake. Environment Earth Sciences. 2012, 65(4):975-985.
16) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Na Zhao. Distribution and species composition of macroinvertebrates in the hyporheic zone of bed sediment. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2012, 7: 129-140.
17) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Duan,Xuehua Pan Baozhu. Effects of pollution on macroinvertebrates and water quality bio-assessment. Hydrobiologia. 2014, 729:247-259.
18) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Yu Guo-an. The assemblage characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Yalutsangpo Basin, the highest-altitude major river in the world. Frontiers of Earth Science. 2014, 8(3): 351-361.
19) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Lin Cheng Chieh, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na. Experimental study of invasion and biofouling of freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei. International Journal of Geosciences, 2013. Doi: 10.4236/ijg.2013.
20) Xu Mengzhen, Darrigran Gustavo, Wang Zhaoyin,Zhao Na,Lin Cheng Chieh. Experimental study on control of Limnoperna fortunei biofouling in water transfer tunnels. Journal of Hydro-environment Research (2015) 9:248-258.
21) Xu Mengzhen, Bogen Jim, Wang Zhaoyin, Bønsnes Truls E., Gytri Stine, and Ragulina Galina. Proglacial lake sedimentation from jökulhlaups (GLOF), Blåmannsisen, northern Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2015, 40(5): 654–665.
22) Xu Mengzhen, Bogen Jim, Ragulina Galina, Read Adrian. Early and late Holocene sediment yield of Austdalsbreen glacier, southwest Norway. Geomorphology 246 (2015) 277–289.
23) Xu Mengzhen, WANG Zhaoyin, ZHAO Na, PAN Baozhu. Growth, reproduction, and attachment of the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in water diversion projects. Acta Ecologica Sinica (International Journal), 2015, 35:70-75
24) Zhang Kang, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. Study on Reforestation with Seabuckthorn in the Pisha Sandstone Area. Journal of Hydro-environment research. 2009, 3(2): 77-84.
25) Bogen Jim, Xu Mengzhen*, Kennie Patricia. The impact of pro-glacial lakes on downstream sediment delivery in Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2015, 40(7): 942–952.
26) Wang Zhaoyin, Lee Joseph H.W., Xu Mengzhen. Eco-hydraulics and eco-sedimentation studies in China. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2013, 51:1, 19-32.
27) Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Macroinvertebrates in abandoned channels: assemblage characteristics and their indications for channel management. River Research and Applications. 2012, 28(8): 1149-1160
28) Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Relation between stream habitat conditions and macroinvertebrate assemblages in three Chinese rives. Quaternary International. 2012, 282: 178-183.
29) Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Effects of fluvial processes and human activities on stream macroinvertebrates, International Journal of Sediment Research. 2011, 26(4): 416-430.
30) Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen and Zhang Kang. Effect of streambed sediment on benthic ecology. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2009, 24 (3): 325-338. (This paper honored the Best Paper Award of the International Journal of Sediment Research, 2010)
31) Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Guoan, Xu Mengzhen. Management of the Three Gorges Dam. Gestión De La Presa De Las Tres Gargantas, ROP 3542 ABRIL 2013, 39-58. (In Spainish)
32) Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin, Ying Chao, Xu Mengzhen, Huang Guobing. Meiofaunal assemblages in relation to properties of fluid mud in river estuaries. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.2013,22(1): 67-73
33) Zhao Na, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Xu Mengzhen, Li Zhiwei. Macroinvertebrate assemblages in mountain streams with different streambed stability. River Research and Application, 2014. (SCI, online publication, DOI: 10.1002/rra.2775)
34) Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin, Li Zhiwei, Yu Guo-An, Xu Mengzhen, Zhao Na, Gary Brierley. An exploratory analysis of benthic macroinverte-brates as indicators of the ecological status of the Upper Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2013, 23(5): 871-882.
35) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Duan Xuehua, Zhuang Meiqi, de Souza Fabio Teodoro. Ecological measures of controlling invasion of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in water transfer systems. The 33rd IAHR Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering & Research. Canada, 2009. pp 1609-1616.
36) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Jin Xin. Thickness of Hyporheic Zone and Distribution of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in mountain streams. The 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2010), Korea. pp 1723-1731.
37) Xu Mengzhen. Experimental Study of Bio-fouling Control of Limnoperna Fortunei in Water Transfer Tunnels. IAHR world congress. Chengdu, China. 2013. (JFK Kennedy Award)
38) Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. The aquatic ecological characteristics of the Yalutsangpo, the highest-altitude major river in the world. The 10th ISE 2014, Trondheim, Norway, June 2014.
39) Xu Mengzhen, Li Yanfu, Wang Zhaoyin, Han Lujie, Pan Baozhu. Study of the relationship between desertification and blowing sand in the Sanjiangyuan Region in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands.
40) Xu Mengzhen. Zhaon Na, Wang Zhaoyin, Zhou Xiongdong, Li Zhiwei. Impact of marsh degradation on aquatic ecosystem in the zoige marsh, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The 11th ISE 2016, Melbourne, Australia, February 2016.
41) Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Habitat diversity of rivers and its relation with biodiversity. The 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2010), Korea. (Invited Lecture)
42) Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Problems and researches on eco-hydraulics and eco-sedimentation. River Flow 2012 – Murillo (Ed.), 27-35. (Keynote Lecture)
43) Zhang Kang, Xu Mengzhen and Wang Zhaoyin, Duan Xuehua, Bi Cifen. Ecological Impacts of Seabuckthorn in the Pisha Sandstone Area. In: Proceedings of the 16th IAHR-APD & 3rd IAHR-ISHS, Nanjing, China. 2008, Oct.10.
44) Yu Dandan, Xu Mengzhen, Tang Hongwu, Wang Zhaoying. Influence of pumped-storage power plant’s daily operation on the density of veligers of limnoperna fortunei. E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands.
45) Yao Guoyou, Xu Mengzhen, An Xuehui, Wang Zhaoyin. Experimental study of controlling Limnoperna fortunei attachment with coating materials. The 11th ISE 2016, Melbourne, Australia, February 2016.
46) Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Xu Mengzhen, and Yu Guo-an. 2010. Community characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in the source region of the Yellow River. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Korea. pp 705-711.
47) Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Xu Mengzhen and Yu Guoan. Preliminary investigation of aquatic ecology in the source region of the Yellow River. Landscape and environment science and management in the Sanjiangyuan Region. Qinghai People’s Publishing House, Xining. pp 92-103.
48) Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin and Xu Mengzhen. A practical method of calculating habitat suitability index (HSI) for macroinvertebrates, 17th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, New Zealand, 2010.
49) Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Assessment of effects of fluvial processes and human activities on river ecology using macroinvertebrates as indicator. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM2011, China. pp 686-700.
50) Zhao Na, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. Investigation of Aquatic Ecology in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yalu Tsangpo River. IAHR world congress, 2013. Chengdu, China.
51) Zhao Na, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Han Lujie, Zhou Xiongdong. Research on aquatic ecology in the Naban River and restoration suggestions. The 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics(River Flow 2014), Switzerland. Pp 350. (國際會議, EI收錄, 檢索號: 20143618127856)
52) Zhou Xiongdong, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na. Biodiversity and bio-community of macroinvertebrate in different stream powers in the Yarlung Tsangpo River. E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands
53) Chang Tung-Chiung, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Guo-an, Xu Mengzhen. Particle Size Characteristics Of Step Pool Of Mountain River And The Quantitative Study. International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS2010), South Africa. pp 1-12.
54) 呂立群,王兆印,崔鵬,徐夢珍. 溝岸側蝕對土石流不穩定動力過程的影響. 水科學進展,2018(接受)
55) 劉桉,劉成,冀自青,徐夢珍,李志威. 黃河源區彎曲河流濱河植被與河灣遷移的關係.水利水電科技進展,2018(接受)
56) 姚國友,徐夢珍*,安雪暉, 嚴振瑞,秦曉川. 沼蛤侵蝕對混凝土的性能損傷試驗研究. 水利學報,2017(in press)
57) 徐夢珍*, 李艷富,王兆印,李志威,韓魯傑. 三江源風沙活動區沙漠化風險與風動沙含量關係. 清華大學學報(自然科學版), 2017, 57, (4): 337-344
58) 呂立群,王兆印,崔鵬,徐夢珍. 溝岸側蝕對土石流形成與運動過程的影響研究. 水科學進展,2017,04:1-12.
59) 劉瑋,徐夢珍*,王兆印,于丹丹,周雄冬.沼蛤(Limnoperna fortunei)幼蟲的附著行為特性.生態學報,2017, 37(8) : 2779-2787.
60) 張晨笛,徐夢珍*,王兆印,王瑩,於鯤.沼蛤幼蟲管道湍流滅殺試驗研究Ⅰ: 水力學特徵[J].水利學報,2016,47(11):1405-1417
61) 張晨笛, 徐夢珍*, 王兆印, 劉瑋, 于丹丹, 王大強, . 沼蛤幼蟲管道湍流滅殺試驗研究Ⅱ:滅殺效果[J/OL]. 水利學報, 2016.47(12):1510-1518
62) 徐夢珍*,李威,于丹丹,強傑,胡志平,姚國友. 抽水蓄能電站中淡水殼菜生物污損及防治. 水力發電學報, 2016, 35(7): 75-83.
63) 姚國友,徐夢珍,安雪暉,周建為,華丕龍. 防附塗料的仿附著與抗侵蝕性能試驗. 水力發電學報, 2016, 35(5): 31-39.
64) 于丹丹,唐洪武,徐夢珍*,李威,王兆印,閔從軍. 抽水蓄能電站中淡水殼菜幼蟲密度日波動機制. 水力發電學報, 2016, 35(6): 74-79.
65) 呂立群,王兆印,徐夢珍,漆力健,張晨笛. 怒江土石流扇地貌特徵與扇體堵江機理研究,水利學報,2016, 47(10): 1245-1252
66) 李志威,余國安,徐夢珍,胡旭躍,楊洪明,胡世雄. 青藏高原河流演變研究進展. 水科學進展, 2016, 617-628.
67) 姚國友,徐夢珍,安雪暉,王兆印,防淡水殼菜附著塗料的快速評價指標研究,清華學報(自然科學版), 2015, 55(9): 957-963
68) 趙娜,王兆印,徐夢珍,周雄冬,張晨笛. 橡膠林種植對納板河水生態的影響. 清華學報(自然科學版), 2015, 55(12):1296-1302
69) 徐夢珍*,王兆印,潘保柱,趙娜. 卵石河床中底棲動物垂向分布特徵及影響因素. 清華大學學報(自然科學版), 2014, 54(8): 1038-1043
70) 曹小武, 徐夢珍, 王兆印, 王旭昭, 劉明祥,泥沙落淤對輸水工程中淡水殼菜污損的抑制作用,中國農村水利水電, 2014,(8):45-48
71) 趙娜, 王兆印, 潘保柱, 李志威, 徐夢珍, 2014, 以底棲動物為指示物種的雅魯藏布江生態和管理研究. 載: 第六屆全國河道治理與生態修復技術交流論文集. 北京, 244-248.
72) 徐夢珍*,王兆印,王旭昭,劉瑋,趙娜, 輸水通道中沼蛤入侵及水力學防治, 水利學報,2013,44(7): 856-872
73) 李志威,王兆印,徐夢珍,余國安,彎曲河流頸口裁彎的力學模式與機理, 清華學報,2013,5: 618-624
74) 徐夢珍*,王兆印,潘保柱, 鞏同梁,金鑫,雅魯藏布江河流生態研究,生態學報,2012,32(8): 2351-2360
75) 徐夢珍*,曹小武,王兆印,王旭昭,輸水工程中沼蛤附著特性研究,清華學報,2012,52(2):170-176
76) 徐夢珍*, 王兆印, 漆力健, 汶川地震引發的次生災害鏈研究, 山地學報, 2012, 30 (4): 502-512
77) 葉寶民,曹小武,徐夢珍*,王兆印,林正杰, 沼蛤對長距離輸水工程入侵調查研究.給水排水,2011,37(7):99-103
78) 徐夢珍,王兆印,施文婧,王旭昭. 汶川地震引發的次生山地災害鏈----以火石溝為例. 清華學報, 2010 (50) : 1338-1341.
79) 田世民, 王兆印, 徐夢珍, 張康. 底棲動物與水生棲息地面積耦合機制研究. 人民黃河, 2010, (32): 19-23.
80) 徐夢珍, 王兆印, 段學花. 輸水管線中淡水殼菜(Limnoperna fortunei)的防治研究. 給水排水. 2009, 35(5):205-208.
1) 王兆印,徐夢珍,王旭昭,曹小武,陳曉丹,劉樂,水體淨化裝置及包括該水體淨化裝置的輸水工程系統.2013.09,中國,201110256378 (發明專利)
2) 王兆印,徐夢珍,葉寶民,王旭昭,袁寶招,趙娜,一種污損生物的治理裝置及一種輸水工程系統.2013.04,中國,201110317506 (發明專利)
3) 王兆印,徐夢珍,王旭昭,劉瑋,水中有害微體生物的滅殺裝置、滅殺方法及輸水工程系統.2013.12,中國,CN102424458 B (發明專利)
4)王兆印,徐夢珍,王旭昭,張康. 浮游生物的附著裝置、附著系統、及輸水工程系統和養殖裝置. 2017.7,中國, 2011 2 0325605.X (發明專利)
5) 王兆印,趙娜,王旭昭,潘保住,徐夢珍,一種淺水淤泥分層取樣裝置.2013.03,中國,ZL2013 2 0115793.2 (發明專利)
6)王兆印,徐夢珍,趙娜,于丹丹,張晨笛,劉瑋,邢繼宏,袁波,汪衛平,熊續平,王大強,李威,王旭昭. 一種沼蛤殺滅池裝置及滅殺方法,ZL2015 1 0586644.8(發明專利)
7)王兆印,徐夢珍,王旭昭,朱海龍,蘇學敏,李文哲,水中有害微體生物的滅殺裝置、滅殺方法及輸水工程系統. 2013.12,中國,2011 1 2055939.9(發明專利)
8)王兆印, 徐夢珍, 于丹丹, 張晨笛, 劉瑋, 李建光, 強傑, 李威, 王瑩, 閔從軍, 於鯤, 吳培枝, 王旭昭. 一種沼蛤附著-沉降滅殺池與沼蛤滅殺裝置. 205061643U (發明專利)


2017年 “輸水系統生物污損防治”項目獲第11屆北京發明創新大賽銀獎
2017年 指導長江江豚生存現狀調研及保護宣傳實踐支隊 在清華大學水利系社會實踐年會中表現突出,成績顯著,授予“2017年清華大學水利系社會實踐年會最好故事獎”稱號及“2017年清華大學學生社會實踐銅獎支隊”稱號
2017年 指導基於穩定同位素的黃河源區水源組成分析項目 在清華大學第九屆水利創新大賽中獲得三等獎
2017年 指導“氣候變化及人類活動對三江源水文生態的影響”項目獲得“2017年大學生研究訓練(SRT)計畫優秀項目二等獎、優秀指導教師二等獎”
2016年 “清華大學第七屆青年教師教學大賽”獲得(理工科組)二等獎
2015年-2017年 青年人才托舉工程 (Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program By China Association for Science and Technology)
2014年 “Relation between stream habitat conditions and macroinvertebrate assemblages in three Chinese rivers”獲湖北省水力發電工程學會優秀學術論文一等獎
2014年“Macroinvertebrates in abandoned channels: assemblage characteristics and their indications for channel management”獲湖北省第十五屆自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎
2013年 國際水利學會(IAHR)甘迺迪獎(John F. Kennedy Award)
2012年 清華大學優秀博士論文獎二等獎 1
2010年 世界泥沙學會(WASER)優秀論文獎


