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  • 中文名:張黎明
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:天然大分子改性與其功能化
  • 任職院校:中山大學


1994年7月進入中山大學高分子研究所做博士後研究,兩年後留校任教。先後任講師 (1996年7月)、副教授 (1996年11月)、教授 (2002年6月)、博士生導師 (2003年6月),兼任中山大學高分子研究所教研室主任 (1997年1月-1999年12月)、副所長 (1998年1月-2000年12月, 2005年1月-2012年12月)、所長 (2013年1月-2016年2月)、新型聚合物材料設計合成與套用廣東省高校重點實驗室主任 (2013年1月-);曾在美國紐約州立大學石溪分校化學系和布魯克海文國家實驗室 (X27C) (2001年1月-2002年7月,ProfessorBenjamin Chu 和 Professor Benjamin S. Hsiao課題組)、美國史丹福大學化學系 (2011年5月-2012年5月,Professor Richard N. Zare課題組) 從事科研工作。


1. 天然大分子改性與其功能化
2. 醫用高分子與納米生物技術
3. 聚電解質及其凝膠與複合物
4. 納米雜化材料與高性能樹脂
5. 塗料和油墨及高分子型助劑


2003年度獲廣東省科學技術獎 ( 自然科學類 ) 三等獎 (排名: 1 / 5)
2007年度獲廣東省科學技術獎 ( 自然科學類 ) 二等獎 (排名: 1 / 5)
2010年度獲廣東省科學技術獎 ( 自然科學類 ) 二等獎 (排名: 1 / 8)
2013年度獲廣東省科學技術獎 ( 自然科學類 ) 二等獎 (排名: 1 / 6)
2018年度獲廣東省科學技術獎 ( 科技進步類 ) 二等獎 (排名: 8 / 10)


兼任《高分子通報》(2007年-)、《纖維素科學與技術》(2005年-)、《石油學報(石油加工)》(2004年-)、《腐植酸》(2009年-)、《廣州化學》(1999年-2000年)、《中國組織工程研究與臨床康復》(2006年-2007年)雜誌編委,《Frontiers in Chemistry》、《Frontiers in Materials》雜誌副主編。兼為全國材料新技術發展研究會常務理事、廣東省石油學會常務理事及中山大學基層委主任、廣東省人體生物組織工程學會理事、廣東省材料研究學會理事、廣東省生物醫學工程學會生物材料專業委員會委員、廣東省化學學會高分子化學專業委員會委員、廣東省博士後聯誼會理事及副秘書長(1995年-1999年)、全國質量監管重點產品檢驗方法標準化技術委員會委員及廣州市重大行政決策論證專家,曾任國家863計畫項目 (資源環境技術組)、廈門雙百人才及海外高層次人才計畫項目、廣州開發區創業領軍人才項目和廣東省科學技術獎等學科專家評審組成員。



[205] (with Liu Y, Miao YL,Deng FL) Electrospun Poly(aspartic acid)-modified Zein Nanofibers for Promoting Bone Regeneration. International Journal of Nanomedicine, Accepted Manuscript (2019).
[204] (with Yang LQ, Yin L, Fu SS, Wu RJ, Wei SY,Yi JZ) A neutral polysaccharide from green tea: Structure and α-amylase inhibitory activity studied by kinetic analysis and molecular docking. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Revised Manuscript (2019).
[203](with Deng LZ) Rheological Characteristics of Chitin / Ionic Liquid Gels and Electrochemical Properties of Regenerated Chitin Hydrogels.Colloidsand Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,In Press,Available online 12 November 2019.
[202] (with Deng LZ, Liu Y, Deng FL) Enhanced bone regeneration using thermosensitive nano-hydroxyapatite hybrid methylcellulose hydrogel as injectable carrier for bone mesenchymal stem cells. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, Revised Manuscript (2019).
[201] (with Li N, Yang LQ, Pan CL, Saw PI, Ren M, Lan BY, Wu JF, Wang XY, Zeng TT, Zhou LY, Yang C, Yan L) Naturally-Occurring Bacterial Cellulose- Hyperbranched Cationic Polysaccharide Derivatives/MMP-9 siRNA Composite Dressing for Wound Healing Enhancement in Diabetic Rats. Acta Biomaterialia, In Press, Accepted Manuscript (2019).
[200] (withChenSS,LiQM,LiHL,Yang LQ, Yi JZ, XieMQ)Long-circulating zein-polysulfobetaine conjugate-based nanocarriers for enhanced stability and pharmacokinetics of curcumin.Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, Revised Manuscript (2019).
[199] (with Long LL, Lai MH,Mao XH,Luo JH, Yuan X, Ke ZF, Yang LQ, Deng David YB) Investigation of vitamin B12-modified amphiphilic sodium alginate derivatives for enhancing the oral delivery efficacy of peptide drugs.International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019, 14, 7743-7758.
[198] (with Yi JZ, Li YQ, Yang LQ)Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Adsorption of Cu2+ and Methylene Blue into Casein Hydrogels. Journal of Polymer Research, 2019,26, 235 (1-14).
[197](withHuang YQ, Guo WH, Zhang JZ, Li GX, Yang LQ)Thermosensitive hydrogels based on methylcellulose derivatives for prevention of postoperative adhesion.Cellulose,In Press, Accepted Manuscript (2019).
[196] (with Yang HK, Miao YL, Li ZR, Yang RM, Xu XD, Liu ZS, Chen LP, Jiang XQ) Redox-responsive nanoparticles from disulfide bond-linked poly-(N-ε-carbobenzyloxy-L-lysine)-grafted hyaluronan copolymers as theranostic nanoparticles for tumor-targeted MRI and chemotherapy. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Revised Manuscript (2019).
[195] (with Chen SS)Casein Nanogels as Effective Stabilizers for Pickering High Internal Phase Emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 579,123662 (1-9).
[194] (with Chen SS, Xu XL, Zhou BY, Tian J, Luo BM) Acidic pH-Activated Gas-Generating Nanoparticles with Pullulan Decorating for Hepatoma-Targeted Ultrasound Imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019, 11(25), 22194-22205.
[193] (withLu HW, Li JP) New amylopectin graft copolymer as an efficient compatibilizer for melt blending of commercial corn starch and polylactic acid.Polymers, Revised manuscript (2019).
[192] (with Deng LZ, Guo WH, Li GX, Hu YF) Hydrophobic IR780 Loaded Sericin Nanomicelles for Phototherapy with Enhanced Antitumor Efficiency. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2019, 566,549-556.
[191] (with Fu CP, Duan XH, Cao MH, Jiang SQ, Ban XH, Guo N, Mao JJ, Ting HY, Shen J) Targeted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Modulation of Hypoxia with Multifunctional Hyaluronic Acid - MnO2 Nanoparticles in Glioma. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019, 8, 1900047 (1-11).
[190] (with Ou QM, Miao YL, Yang FQ, Lin XF, Wang Y) Zein/gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite nanofibrous scaffolds are biocompatible and promote osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells. Biomaterials Science, 2019, 7, 1973-1983.
[189] (with Lin KH, Yi JZ, Mao XH, Wu H, Yang LQ)Glucose-sensitive hydrogels from covalently modified carboxylated pullulan and concanavalin A for smartly controlled release of insulin. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2019, 139, 112–119.
[188](with Guo WH, Deng LZ, Chen ZY, Chen Z, Yu J, Liu H, Li TJ, Lin T, Chen H, Zhao ML, Li GX, Hu YF) Vitamin-B12-conjugated sericin micelles for targeting CD320-overexpressed gastric cancer and reversing drug resistance. Nanomedicine (Lond.), 2019, 14(3), 353–370.
[187] (with Yang HK, Wang NH, Huang YD, Wu M, Mo L, Lin JT, Xu XD, Jiang XQ) Reduction sensitive hyaluronan-SS-poly(ε-caprolactone) block copolymers as theranostic nanocarriers for tumor diagnosis and treatment. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2019, 98, 9-18.
[186] (with Wang GH) Electroactive polyaniline/silica hybrid gels: controllable sol-gel transition adjusted by polysaccharide derivatives. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 202, 523–529.
[185] (with Shi B, Liang L , Ban JF) Biodegradable spirulina extract / polycaprolactone porous scaffolds. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 15830-15838.
[184](with Wang F, Pang JD, Huang LL, Wang R, Jiang Q, Sun K) Inhibition of osteosarcoma growth and metastasis using a polysaccharide derivative of Amy-g-PLLD for the delivery of AEG-1 siRNA. Nano Research, 2018, 11(7), 3886–3898.
[183] (with Tan JY, Wang XJ, Yu Z, Luo JH, Lan BY, Li N, Xin YC, Zeng CL, Yan L, Chen XH, Guan SY, Li W, Yang LQ) Spectroscopic investigation of a hyperbranched cationic amylopectin derivative as a multi-guest molecular host for targeted delivery of a photosensitizer to pancreatic cancer cells. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 197, 38–46.
[182] (with Guo WH, Deng LZ, Yu J, Chen ZY, Woo YH, Liu H, Li TJ, Lin T, Chen H, Zhao ML, Li GX, Hu YF) Sericin nanomicelles with enhanced cellular uptake and pH-triggered release of doxorubicin reverse cancer drug resistance. Drug Delivery, 2018, 25(1), 1103–1116.
[181] (with Wang F, Pang JD, Huang LL, Wang R, Li D, Sun K, Wang LT) Nanoscale polysaccharide derivative as an AEG-1 siRNA carrier for effective osteosarcoma therapy. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2018, 13, 857-875.
[180] (with Fu CP, Yang RM, Wang L, Li NN, Qi M, Xu XD, Wei XH, Jiang XQ) Surface functionalization of superparamagnetic nanoparticles by an acid-liable polysaccharidebased prodrug for combinatorial monitoring and chemotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 41919-41928.
[179] (with Fu CP, Zhou HP, Wang YN, Liu D, Li JM, Deng HJ, Qi XL, Chen T, Li GX) One-pot synthesis of dextran-coated iron oxide nanoclusters for real-time regional lymph node mapping. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 3365-3374.
[178] (with Yang HK, Bao JF, Mo L, Yang RM, Xu XD, Tang WJ, Lin JT, Wang GH, Jiang XQ) Bioreducible amphiphilic block copolymers based on PCL and glycopolypeptide as multifunctional theranostic nanocarriers for drug delivery and MR imaging. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 21093-21106.
[177] (with Miao YL, Yang R, Deng David YB) Poly(L-lysine) modified zein nanofibrous membranes as efficient scaffold for adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of neural stem cells.RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 17711-17719.
[176] (with Luo HC, Li N, Yan L, Mai KJ, Sun K, Wang W, Lao GJ, Yang C, Ren M) Comparison of the cellular transport mechanism of cationic, star-shaped polymers and liposomes in HaCat cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 1085-1096.
[175] (with Yang RM, Fu CP, Fang JZ, Xu XD, Wei XH, Tang WJ, Jiang XQ) Hyaluronan-modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for bimodal breast cancer imaging and photothermal therapy.International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 197-206.
[174] (with Wu S, Lai M, Luo J, Pan J, Yang LQ) Interactions between alpha-amylase and an acidic branched polysaccharide from green tea. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 94, 669-678.
[173] (with Wang J, Tan J, Luo J, Huang P, Zhou W, Chen L, Long L, Zhu B, Yang LQ, Deng David YB.) Enhancement of scutellarin oral delivery efficacy by vitamin B12-modified amphiphilic chitosan derivatives to treat type II diabetes induced-retinopathy. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2017, 15, 18 (1-17).
[172] (with Lai M, Wang J, Tan J, Luo J, Deng David YB., Yang LQ) Preparation, complexation mechanism and properties of nano-complexes of Astragalus polysaccharide and amphiphilic chitosan derivatives. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 161, 261-269.
[171] (with Shi B, Liang L, Yang H, He F) Glycerol-plasticized spirulina-poly(vinyl alcohol) films with improved mechanical performance. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134, 44842 (1-10).
[170] (with Wu Z, Xu XL, Zhang JZ, Mao XH, Xie MW, Cheng ZL, Lu LJ, Duan XH, Shen J) Magnetic Cationic Amylose Nanoparticles Used to Deliver Survivin-Small Interfering RNA for Gene Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma In Vitro. Nanomaterials,2017, 7, 110 (1-13).
[169] (with Lin BL, Zhang JZ, Lu LJ, Mao JJ, Cao MH, Mao XH, Zhang F, Duan XH, Zheng CS, Shen J) Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles-Complexed Cationic Amylose for In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tracking of Transplanted Stem Cells in Stroke. Nanomaterials, 2017, 7, 107 (1-17).
[168] (with Yang FQ, Miao YL, Wang Y, Lin XF) Electrospun Zein/Gelatin Scaffold-Enhanced Cell Attachment and Growth of Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells. Materials (Basel), 2017, 10, 1168 (1-14).
[167] (with Li N, Luo HC, Ren M, Wang W, Pan CL, Yang LQ, Lao GJ, Deng JJ, Mai K, Sun K, Yang C, Yan L) Efficiency and Safety of beta-CD-(D-3)(7) as siRNA Carrier for Decreasing Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression and Improving Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9, 17418-17427.
[166] (with Yin YT, Fu CP, Li M, Li XP, Wang MY, He L, Peng Y) A pH-sensitive hyaluronic acid prodrug modified with lactoferrin for glioma dual-targeted treatment. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2016, 67, 159-169.
[165] (with Yang HK, Qi M, Mo L, Yang RM, Xu XD, Bao JF, Tang WJ, Lin JT, Jiang XQ) Reduction-sensitive amphiphilic dextran derivatives as theranostic nanocarriers for chemotherapy and MR imaging. RSC Advances,2016, 6, 114519-114531.
[164] (with Liu Y, Deng LZ, Sun HP, Xu JY, Li YM, Xie X, Deng FL) Sustained dual release of placental growth factor-2 and bone morphogenic protein-2 from heparin-based nanocomplexes for direct osteogenesis. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016, 11, 1147-1158.
[163] (with Pang JD, Zhuang BX, Mai KJ, Chen RF, Wang J) Click modification of helical amylose by poly(L-lysine) dendrons for non-viral gene delivery. Materials Science and Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 2015, 49, 485-492.
[162] (with Mai KJ, Zhang S, Liang B, Gao C, Du W) Water soluble cationic dextran derivatives containing poly(amidoamine) dendrons for efficient gene delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers2015, 123, 237-245.
[161] (with Zhuang BX, Li ZH, Pang JD, Li W, Huang P, Wang J, Zhou Y, Lin Q, Zhou Q, Ye X, Ye H, Liu Y, Chen R) Nanocomplexation of thrombin with cationic amylose derivative for improved stability and hemostatic efficacy. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 939-947.
[160] (with He FA) Study on thermal stability and non-isothermal crystallization behavior of polyethylene/clay nanocomposites. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2015, 23(8), 515-524.
[159] (with Liu Z, Gong H, Zeng R, Liang X, Yang B, Yang LQ, Lan Y) Efficient delivery of NF-KB siRNA to human retinal pigment epithelial cells with hyperbranched cationic polysaccharide derivative-based nanoparticles.International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 2735-2749.
[158] (with Li H, Yu Z, Wang S, Long X, Zhu Z, Yang LQ) Photosensitizer-encapsulated amphiphilic chitosan derivative micelles: Photoactivity and enhancement of phototoxicity against human pancreatic cancer cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B- Biology, 2015, 142, 212-219.
[157] (with Liang JB, Yang LF, Li YQ, Yi JZ) Multiscale organic montmorillonite-carbon fiber reinforcement for high impact polystyrene. Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(5), 811-816.
[156] (with Mu S, Liang Y, Chen S, Liu T) MWNT-hybridized supramolecular hydrogel for hydrophobic camptothecin delivery. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2015, 50, 294–299.
[155] (with Liang X, Wu S, Ren X, Quan D, Deng Y, Yang LQ) Complexation behaviors of hyperbranched cationic glycogen derivatives with plasmid DNA revealed by resonance light scattering and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Starch-Starke, 2015, 67, 838-845.
[154] (with Fu C, Ren F, Zhang Q, Lao G) Effects of collagen incorporation on thermogelation and hydrogel characteristics of aqueous Pluronic F127 copolymer system. Colloid and Polymer Science,2015, 293(8), 2191-2200.
[153] (with Fu C, Li H, Li N, Miao X, Xie M, Du W) Conjugating an anticancer drug onto thiolated hyaluronic acid by acid liable hydrazone linkage for its gelation and dual stimuli-response release. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 128, 163-170.
[152] (with Mai K, Lin J, Zhuang B, Li X) Cationic dendronization of amylose via click chemistry for complexation and transfection of plasmid DNA. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 79, 209-216.
[151] (with Li ZJ, Li C, Zheng MG, Pan JD, Deng YF) Functionalized nano-graphene oxide particles for targeted fluorescence imaging and photothermy of glioma U251 cells. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2015, 8(2), 1844-1852.
[150] (with Li L,Knickelbein K, Zhang L, Wang J, Obrinske M, Ma Z, Bitterman L, Du W) Amphiphilic Sugar Poly(orthoesters) as pH-Responsive Nanoscopic Assemblies for Acidity-Enhanced Drug Delivery and Cell Killing. Chemical Communications,2015, 51, 13078-13084.
[149] (with Xie X, Ma D) Fabrication and Properties of Supramolecular Hybrid Hydrogel Doped with CdTe Quantum Dots. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 58746-58754.
[148] (with Wang GH, Yang HK, Zhao Y, Zhang DW, Lin JT) Codelivery of doxorubicin and p53 by biodegradable micellar carriers based on chitosan derivatives. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 105901-105907.
[147] (with Li NN, Lin JT, Gao D) A macromolecular prodrug strategy for combinatorial drug delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 417, 301–309.
[146] (with Yang HK) New amphiphilic glycopolypeptide conjugate capable of self-assembly in water into reduction-sensitive micelles for drug release. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2014, 41, 36-41.
[145] (with Li N, Luo HC, Deng JJ, Ren M, Xie XY, Lin DZ, Yang C, Yan L) Cationic star-shaped polymer as a siRNA carrier for reducing MMP-9 expression in skin fibroblast cells and promoting wound healing in diabetic rats. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014, 9, 3377-3387.
[144] (with Lin JT, Zou y, Wang C, Zhong YC, Zhao Y, Zhu HE, Wang GH) Cationic micellar nanoparticles for DNA and doxorubicin co-delivery. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2014, 44, 430-439.
[143] (with Yu Z, Li H, Zhu Z, Yang LQ) Enhancement of phototoxicity against human pancreatic cancer cells with photosensitizer-encapsulated amphiphilic sodium alginate derivative nanoparticles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014, 473, 501-509.
[142] (with Wang GH) A biofriendly sol-gel route to new hybrid gels for enzyme encapsulation. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2014, 72, 85-91.
[141] (with Li HJ, Yu Z, Wang SP, Yang LQ) Protection of photoactivity of photosensitizers by amphiphilic polysaccharide micelles. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2014, 32 (10), 1413-1418.
[140] (with Li NN, Lin JT, Zheng BN) New heparin-indomethacin conjugate with an ester linkage: Synthesis, self aggregation and drug delivery behavior. Materials Science and Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 2014, 34, 229-235.
[139] (with Ma D, Lin QM, Liang YY, Xue W) A star-shaped porphyrin-arginine functionalized poly(L-lysine) copolymer for photo-enhanced drug and gene co-delivery. Biomaterials,2014, 35, 4357-4367.
[138] (with Li NN, Fu CP) Using casein and oxidized hyaluronic acid to form biocompatible composite hydrogels for controlled drug release. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications,2014, 36, 287-293.
[137] (with Liang X, Ren X, Liu Z, Liu Y, Wang J, Wang J, Deng David YB, Quan D, Yang L) An efficient nonviral gene-delivery vector based on hyperbranched cationic glycogen derivatives. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014, 9, 419-435.
[136] (with He F) Study on branching structure, melting, and crystallization of polyethylene prepared by nickel a-diimine catalyst covalently intercalated inside oapposs-modified laponite clay gallery. Polymer Testing, 2014, 35, 80-86.
[135] (with Yang RM, Fu CP, Li NN, Wang L, Xu XD, Yang DY, Fang JZ, Jiang XQ) Glycosaminoglycan- targeted iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging of liver carcinoma. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2014, 45, 556-563.
[134] (with Liang B, Deng JJ, Yuan F, Yang N, Li W, Yin JR, Pu SX, Xie LC, Gao C) Efficient gene transfection in the neurotypic cells by star-shaped polymer consisting of β-cyclodextrin core and poly(amidoamine) dendron arms. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 94, 185-192.
[133] (with Zeng D, Fan J, Deng Z, Tan J, Deng Z, Yang L) One-step synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic hyperbranched amylopectin derivatives and their use as functional nanovehicles. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 98, 905-913.
[132] (with Yang L, Zhang B, Yi J, Liang J) Amylose-based inclusion complexes for intestinally targeting and controlled release of ibuprofen. Starch- Starke, 2013, 65(7-8), 593-602.
[131] (with Chen J, Zhou SM, Ma BG, Yi JZ) Molecular dynamics simulations on dextran hydrogels.e-Polymers, 2013, no.004 (1-8).
[130] (with Ma D) Novel biosensing platform based on self-assembled supramolecular hydrogel. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2013, 33: 2632-2638.
[129] (with He F, Lam K, Ma D, Fan J, Chan LH) Fabrication of graphene nanosheet (GNS)–Fe3O4 hybrids and GNS–Fe3O4/syndiotactic polystyrene composites with high dielectric permittivity. Carbon, 2013, 58: 175-184.
[128] (with Ma D, Zhang HB, Lin J) New cyclodextrin derivative containing poly(L-lysine) dendrons for gene and drug co-delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 405: 305-311.
[127] (with Lin JT, Li CH, Zhao Y, Hu JC) Co-electrospun nanofibrous membranes of collagen and zein for wound healing. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2012, 4(2): 1050-1057.
[126] (with Zhou Y, Yang B, Ren X, Liu Z, Deng Z, Deng Y, Yang LQ) Hyperbranched cationic amylopectin derivatives for gene delivery. Biomaterials, 2012, 33: 4731-4740.
[125] (with Lao G, Yan L, Yang C, Zhang S, Zhou Y) Controlled release of epidermal growth factor from hydrogels accelerates wound healing in diabetic rats. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 2012, 102(2): 89-98.
[124] (with Zhou H, Yang LQ, Cheng L, Zheng H, Lan Y) Down-regulation of VEGF mRNA expression by triamcinolone acetonide acetate-loaded chitosan derivative nanoparticles in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2012, 7: 4649-4660.
[123] (with Ma D, Zhang HB, Tu K) Novel supramolecular hydrogel / micelle composite for co-delivery of anticancer drug and growth factor. Soft Matter, 2012, 8(13): 3665-3672.
[122] (with Ma D, Lin J, Chen Y, Xue W) In-situ gelation and sustained release of an antitumor drug by graphene oxide nanosheets. Carbon, 2012, 50: 3001-3007.
[121] (with Ma D, Zhang HB, Chen DH) Novel supramolecular gelation route to in-situ entrapment and sustained delivery of plasmid DNA. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 364: 566-573.
[120] (with Deng J, Zhou Y, Xu B, Mai K, Deng Y) Dendronized chitosan derivative as a biocompatible gene delivery carrier. Biomacromolecules, 2011, 12(3): 642-649.
[119] (with Wang GH, Xing Z) Polysaccharide-assisted incorporation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes into sol-gel silica matrix for electrochemical sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(12): 4650-4656.
[118] (with Deng J, Luo Y) PEGylated polyamidoamine dendron-assisted encapsulation of plasmid DNA into in-situ forming supramolecular hydrogel for sustained gene delivery. Soft Matter, 2011, 7: 5944-5947.
[117] (with Ma D) Supramolecular gelation of a polymeric prodrug for its encapsulation and sustained release. Biomacromolecules, 2011, 12(9): 3124-3130.
[116] (with He FA, Fan JT, Song F, Lai-Wa CH) Fabrication of hybrids based on graphene and metal nanoparticles by in situ and self-assembled methods. Nanoscale, 2011, 3: 1182-1188.
[115] (with Wang HF, Yang H) Temperature-sensitive molecularly imprinted microgels with esterase activity. Science China- Chemistry, 2011, 54(3): 515-520.
[114] (with Lu HW, Wang C, Chen RF) Preparation and properties of new micellar drug carriers based on hydrophobically modified amylopectin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 83: 1499-1506.
[113] (with Ma D, Xie X, Liu T, Xie MQ) Tunable supramolecular hydrogel for in-situ encapsulation and sustained release of bioactive lysozyme. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 359: 399-406.
[112] (with Nie L, Wu Z) Magnetic/polymer/nanogold complex using as a novel enzyme support. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11: 5223-5227.
[111] (with Yang LQ, Yang B, Zeng D, Wang D, Wang Y) Formation and property of a novel complex composed of amylose-grafted chitosan derivative and single-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 85: 845-853.
[110] (with Deng J, Li N, Mai K, Yang C, Yan L) Star-shaped polymers consisting of a-cyclodextrin core and poly(amidoamine) dendron arms: Binding and release studies with methotrexate and siRNA. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(14): 5273-5281.
[109] (with Ma D, Tu K) Bioactive supramolecular hydrogel with controlled dual drug release characteristics. Biomacromolecules,2010, 11(9): 2204-2212.
[108] (with Hu R, Chen YY) Synthesis and characterization of in-situ photogelable polysaccharide derivative for drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2010, 393: 96-103.
[107] (with Song F, Shi JF, Li NN) Viscoelastic and fractal characteristics of a supramolecular hydrogel hybridized with clay nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B- Biointerfaces, 2010, 81: 486-491.
[106] (with Yang LQ, Fu S, Zhu X, Yang Y, Yang X, Liu H) Hyperbranched acidic polysaccharide from green tea. Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11(12): 3395- 3405.
[105] (with Song F, Shi JF, Li NN) Novel casein hydrogels: Formation, structure and controlled drug release. Colloids and Surfaces B- Biointerfaces, 2010, 79: 142-148.
[104] (with Li HP, Ma BG, Zhou SM, Yi JZ) Thermally responsive graft copolymer of soy protein isolate and N-isopropylacrylamide: Synthesis and self-assembly behavior in aqueous solution. Colloid and Polymer Science,2010, 288: 1419-1426.
[103] (with He F, Fan J, Ma D, Leung C, Chan HL) The attachment of Fe3O4 nanoparticles to graphene oxide by covalent bonding. Carbon, 2010, 48 (11): 3139-3144.
[102] (with Song F, Shi JF, Li NN, Yang C, Yan L) Using hydrophilic polysaccharide to modify supramolecular hydrogel from a low-molecular-mass gelator. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2010, 30: 804-811.
[101] (with Cai X, Yang LQ, Wu Q) Valuation of amylose used as a drug delivery carrier. Carbohydrate Research,2010, 345: 922-928.
[100] (with Chen J, Yi JZ) Water in dextran hydrogels. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 117: 1631-1637.
[99] (with Wang X, Wang GH, Zhang JX) Viscoelastic measurement of complex fluids using forced-oscillating torsion resonator with continuously-varying-frequency capability. Rheologica Acta, 2010, 49(11-12): 1117-1126.
[98] (with Chen LQ, Chen JJ, Yang J, Li RX) Self-assembly and drug delivery behaviors of a novel thermo-sensitive block glycopolymer. Chinese Science Bulletin,2010, 55 (36): 4187-4196.
[97] (with Chen LQ, Chen JJ, Yang J, Li RX) Synthesis and self-assembly behavior of a novel amphiphilic block glycopolymer. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2010, 31(8): 1676-1681.
[96] (with Li BG) Reseach progress in inclusion complexation of amylose. Progress in Chemistry,2010, 22(6): 1161-1168.
[95] (with Wang HF, Tang CY, Yang H) Study on enzyme mimics of molecularly imprinted microgels. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2010, 31(12): 2488-2493.
[94] (with Wang HF) Molecularly Imprinted Functional Materials Based on Polysaccharides. Progress in Chemistry,2010, 22(11): 2165-2172.
[93] (with Yang LQ, Lan YQ, Guo H, Cheng LZ, Fan JZ, Cai X, Chen RF, Zhou HS) Ophthalmic drug-loaded carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels: Synthesis, in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2010, 31(12): 1625-1634.
[92] (with Wang GH) A biofriendly silica gel for in-situ protein entrapment: Biopolymer-assisited formation and its kinetic mechanism. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113(9): 2688-2694.
[91] (wth Song F, Li NN, Shi JF) In-situ crosslinkable hydrogel formed from a polysaccharide-based hydrogelator. Biomacromolecules, 2009, 10(4): 959-965.
[90] (with Ma D, Xie X) A novel route to in-situ incorporation of silver nanoparticles into supramolecular hydrogel networks. Journal of Polymer Science Part B- Polymer Physics, 2009, 47: 740-749.
[89] (with Song F) Gelation modification of soy protein isolate by a naturally occurring crosslinking agent and its potential biomedical application. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , 2009, 48(15): 7077-7083.
[88] (with Song F, Yang C, Yan L) Genipin-crosslinked casein hydrogels for controlled drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2009, 373: 41-47.
[87] (with Ma YQ, Yi JZ) A facile approach to incorporate silver nanoparticles into dextran-based hydrogels for antibacterial and catalytical applications. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A- Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2009, 46(6): 643-648.
[86] (with Yang LQ) Chemical structural and chain conformational characterization of some bioactive polysaccharides isolated from natural sources. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2009, 76: 349-361.
[85] (with Wang L) Viscoelastic characterization of a new guar gum derivative containing anionic carboxymethyl and cationic 2-hydroxy-3- (trimethylammonio)propyl substituents. Industrial Crops and Products, 2009, 29: 524-529.
[84] (with Cai X, Yang LQ, Wu Q) Synthesis and anaerobic biodegradation of indomethacin conjugated cellulose ethers used for colonic targeted drug delivery. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100: 4164-4170.
[83] (with Ma D) Fabrication and modulation of magnetically supramolecular hydrogels. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112(20): 6315-6321.
[82] (with Song F) Enzyme-catalyzed formation and structure characteristics of a protein-based hydrogel. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112: 13749-13755.
[81] (with Lu HW, Liu JY, Chen RF) Synthesis of an amphiphilic polysaccharide derivative and its micellization for drug release. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 2008, 23: 154-170.
[80] (with Li BG) Synthesis and characterization of novel amphiphilic block copolymers based on maltoheptaose and poly(ε-caprolactone). Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 74: 390-395.
[79] (with Ma D) UV photopolymerized hydrogels with β-cyclodextrin moieties. Journal of Polymer Research, 2008, 15(4): 301-307.
[78] (with Yi JZ) Removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution by adsorption onto sodium humate/polyacrylamide/clay hybrid Hydrogels. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99: 2182-2186.
[77] (with Yi JZ, Ma YQ) Synthesis and decoloring properties of sodium humate / poly(isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(13): 5362- 5367.
[76] (with Yang LQ, Kuang J, Wang J) Loading and in vitro controlled release of indomethacin in polymeric micelles prepared from amphiphilic cholesteryl-bearing carboxymethylcellulose derivatives. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2008, 8(3): 279-286.
[75] (with Yang L, Zhang B, Liang Y, Yang B, Kong T) In situ synthesis of amylose/single-walled carbon nanotubes supermolecular assembly. Carbohydrate Research, 2008, 343(14): 2463-2467.
[74] (with Yang LQ, Kuang J, Li Z, Zhang B, Cai X) Amphiphilic cholesteryl-bearing carboxymethylcellulose derivatives: self-assembly and rheological behaviour in aqueous solution.Cellulose, 2008, 15(5): 659-669.
[73] (with Liang YY) Bioconjugation of papain on superparamagnetic nanoparticles decorated with carboxymethylated chitosan. Biomacromolecules, 2007, 8(5): 1480-1486.
[72] (with Wang GH) Manipulating formation and drug- release behavior of new sol-gel silica matrix by hydroxypropyl guar gum. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111(36): 10665-10670.
[71] (with Liang YY, Jiang W, Li W) Embedding magnetic nanoparticles into responsive polysaccharide-based hydrogels for magnetically assisted bioseparation. ChemPhysChem, 2007, 8: 2367- 2372.
[70] (with Yi JZ) Studies of sodium humate / polyacrylamide/ clay hybrid hydrogels. I. Swelling and rheological properties of hydrogels. European Polymer Journal, 2007, 43: 3215-3221.
[69] (with He FA, Jiang HL, Wu Q, Wang HH) A new strategy to prepare polyethylene nanocomposites by using a late-transition-metal catalyst supported on AlEt3-activated organoclay. Composites Science and Technology, 2007, 67: 1727-1733.
[68] (with Yi JZ, Liang ZQ) Studies on sodium humate/polyacrylamide/clay hybrid hydrogels. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2007, (6): 548-553.
[67] (with He FA) New Polyethylene nanocomposites prepared by in-situ polymerization method using nickel a-diimine catalyst supported on organo-modified ZnAl layered double hydroxide. Composites Science and Technology, 2007, 67: 3226-3232.
[66] (with He FA) Organo-modified ZnAl layered double hydroxide as new catalyst support for the ethylene polymerization. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 315: 439-444.
[65] (with Shi HY) New grafted polysaccharides based on O-carboxymethyl-O- hydroxypropyl guar gum and N-isopropylacrylamide: Synthesis and phase transition behavior in aqueous media. Carbohydrate Polymers,2007, 67: 337–342.
[64] (with Yang LQ, Zhang BF, Wen L, Liang Q) Amphiphilic cholesteryl grafted sodium alginate derivative: Synthesis and self-assembly in aqueous solution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2007, 68(2): 218-225.
[63] (with Liu JY) Preparation of a polysaccharide–polyester diblock copolymer and its micellar characteristics. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2007, 69: 196-201.
[62] (with Wang GH) Reinforcement in thermal and viscoelastic properties of polystyrene by in-situ incorporation of organophilic montmorillonite. Applied Clay Science, 2007, 38: 17-22.
[61] (with Liang YY, Li W, Chen RF) Polysaccharide-modified iron oxide nanoparticles as effective magnetic affinity adsorbent for bovine serum albumin. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2007, 285(11): 1193-1199.
[60] (with Kong T, Hui P) Semi-dilute solutions of hydroxypropyl guar gum: Viscosity behaviour and thixotropic properties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2007, 87: 684–688.
[59] (with Yi JZ) Biodegradable blend films based on two polysaccharide derivatives and their use as ibuprofen-releasing matrices. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007, 103: 3553–3559.
[58] (with Li JM) Characteristics of novel starch-based hydrogels prepared by UV photopolymerization of acryloylated starch and a zwitterionic monomer. Starch-Starke, 2007, 59: 418-422.
[57] (with He FA, Jiang HL, Wu Q, Wang HH) Polyethylene nanocomposites obtained from in-situ polymerization using supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst system. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A- Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2007, 44: 11–15.
[56] (with Shi HY, Ma YQ, Yi JZ) Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble cellulose derivatives with thermo- and pH-sensitive functional groups. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2007, 44(10): 1109-1113.
[55] (with Shi H, Chen W) Synthesis and thermosensitive behavior of dextran graft copolymers containing poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) side chains. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2007, (1): 72-75.
[54] (with Liu JY) Metal-free initiator /catalyst systems for the ring opening polymerization of cyclic ester monomers. Progress in Chemistry, 2007, 19(2): 350-355.
[53](with Wang GH) Using novel polysaccharide-silica hybrid material to construct amperometric biosensor for hydrogen peroxide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2006, 110(49): 24864-24868.
[52] (with Zhao SP, Ma D, Yang C, Yan L) Fabrication of novel supramolecular hydrogels with high mechanical strength and adjustable thermosensitivity. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110(33): 16503-16507.
[51](with Zhao SP, Ma D) Supramolecular hydrogels induced rapidly by inclusion complexation of poly(ε-caprolactone)- poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(ε-caprolactone) block copolymers with α-cyclodextrin in aqueous solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110(25): 12225-12229.
[50] (with He FA) Using inorganic POSS-modified Laponite clay to support nickel α-diimine catalyst for in-situ formation of high performance polyethylene nanocomposites. Nanotechnology, 2006, 17: 5941-5946.
[49] (with Zhao SP, Ma D) New semi-interpenetrating network hydrogels: Synthesis, characterization and properties. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2006, 6: 445-451.
[48] (with Zhou YJ, Wang Y) Novel hybrid hydrogel incorporated hydrophilic clay for the efficient removal of water-soluble cationic dye. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2006, 81(5): 799- 804.
[47] (with Shi HY) Phase transition and aggregation characteristics of a thermoresponsive dextran derivative in aqueous solutions. Carbohydrate Research, 2006, 341(14): 2414-2419.
[46] (with Zhou JF) Synergistic viscosity characteristics of aqueous mixed solutions of hydroxypropyl- and carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl- substituted guar gums. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2006, 279: 34-39.
[45] (with Kong T) Aqueous polysaccharide blends based on hydroxypropyl guar gum and carboxymethyl cellulose: synergistic viscosity and thixotropic properties. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2006, 285(2): 145-151.
[44] (with Wang GH, Chen XD, Zhu FM, Wu Q) The synthesis of novel hybrid polymers containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane. Progress in Chemistry, 2006, 18(4): 453-458.
[43] (with He FA, Yang F, Chen LS, Wu Q) New nanocomposites based on syndiotactic polystyrene and organo-modified ZnAl layered double hydroxide. Journal of Polymer Research, 2006, 13(6): 483-493.
[42](with Zhou JF, Hui PS) A comparative study on viscosity behavior of water-soluble chemically modified guar derivatives with different functional lateral groups. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2005, 85(14):2638-2644.
[41] (with Zhou JF, Hui PS) Thickening, shear thinning and thixotropic behavior of a new polysaccharide-based polyampholyte in aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A- Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2005, 259(1-3): 189-195.
[40] (with Wang GH, Lu HW, Yang C, Yan L) A new class of starch-based hydrogels incorporating acrylamide and vinyl pyrrolidone: Effects of reaction variables on water sorption behavior.Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 2005, 20(5): 491-501.
[39] (with Yang C, Yan L) Perspectives on strategies to fabricate starch-based hydrogels with potential biomedical applications. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 2005, 20(3): 297-314.
[38] (with Liu J, Chen LQ, Li W) Modified polyacrylate-based latexes containing silicone. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A- Pure and Applied Chemistry,2004, 41(8): 913-925.
[37] (with Chen DQ) Structure-property relationships of new water-soluble grafted starches with amphoteric character. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2003, 288(3), 252-258.
[36] (with Jahn C, Hsiao BS, Chu B) Synchrotron SAXS / WAXD and rheological studies of clay suspensions in silicone fluid. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2003, 266(2): 339-345.
[35] (with Zhou JF, Hui PS)Rheological characteristics of aqueous solutions of an amphoteric guar gum derivative.Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,2003, 19(11): 1081- 1084.
[34] (with Chen LQ) Water soluble grafted polysaccharides containing sulfobetaine groups: synthesis and characterization of graft copolymers of hydroxyethylcellulose with 3-dimethyl (methacryloyloxyethyl)ammonium propane sulfonate. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002, 83: 2755-2761.
[33] (with Chen DQ) An investigation of adsorption of lead (II) and copper (II) ions by water-insoluble starch graft copolymers. Colloids and Surfaces A- Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2002, 205(3): 231-236.
[32] (with Hu ZH) Water-soluble ampholytic grafted polysaccharides: II Synthesis and characterization of graft terpolymers of starch with acrylamide and [2-(methacryloylox)]ethyldimethyl-(3-sulfopropyl)ammonium. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A- Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2002, 39(5): 419-430.
[31] (with Hu ZH) Synthesis and thermal degradation of novel starch graft copoloymer incorporating sulfobetaine zwitterionic monomer. Starch-Starke, 2002, 54: 290-295.
[30] (with Chen DQ) A study of water-soluble grafted starches for hydration suppression of swellable clay. Starch-Starke,2002, 54(7): 285-289.
[29] (with Yin DY) Preparation of a new lignosulfonate-based thinner: Introduction of ferrous ions. Colloids and Surfaces A- Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2002, 210(1): 13-21.
[28] (with Zhang J, Xie XM, Li ZM, Li J, Luo PY) Influence of surfactants on solution viscosity of cellulosic graft copolymer. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2002, 18 (5): 455-458.
[27] (with Zhang J, Li ZM, Xie XM, Li J, Luo PY) Interactions between the hydrophobically-modified water-soluble amphoteric cellulosic graft copolymer and clay. Acta Physico- Chimica Sinica, 2002, 18 (4): 315-320.
[26] (with Zhang J, Xie XM, Li ZM, Li J, Luo PY) Synthesis and characterization of the graft copolymers of carboxymethylcellulose with acrylamide and diallyllaurylamine. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2002, (1): 1-6.
[25] Fractal characteristics of granularity distributions of aqueous bentonite and bentonite/polymer muds. Colloids and Surfaces A- Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2002, 202(1): 1-7.
[24]Cellulosic associative thickeners. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2001, 45(1): 1-10.
[23]A review of starches and their derivatives for oilfield applications in China. Starch-Starke, 2001, 53 (9): 401-407.
[22] (with Chen DQ) Grafting of 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate onto potato starch using potassium permanganate/ sulfuric acid initiation system. Starch-Starke, 2001, 53 (7): 311-316.
[21] New water-soluble cellulosic polymers: A review. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2001, 286 (5): 267-275.
[20](with Tan YB, Li ZM) New water-soluble ampholytic polysaccharides for oilfield drilling treatment: A preliminary study.Carbohydrate Polymers, 2001, 44: 255 -261.
[19]Preparation and anti-clay-swelling ability of new water-soluble cellulose derivatives containing quaternary ammonium groups. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2001, 79(8): 1416-1422.
[18] (with Tan YB, Li ZM) New amphoteric graft copolymer of sodium carboxymethyl-cellulose with dimethylammonioethyl methacrylate and acrylamide: Aqueous solution properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2000, 76(3): 305-310.
[17] (with Tan YB, Li ZM) Multifunctional characteristics of new carboxymethylcellulose-based graft copolymers for oilfield drilling. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2000, 77(1): 195-201.
[16] (With Tan YB, Chen DQ, Deng MA, Li ZM) Water-Soluble ampholytic grafted polysaccharides: I. Grafting of the zwitterionic monomer 2-(2-methacrylo- ethyldimethylammonio)- ethanoate onto hydroxyethyl cellulose. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A- Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2000, 37(10): 1247-1260.
[15] (with Zhang J, Li ZM) Synthesis and aqueous solution properties of hydrophobically-modified graft copolymer of sodium carboxymethylcellulose with acrylamide and dimethylmethacryloxyethyloctylammonium bromide. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2000, 78 (3): 537-542.
[14] (with Huang SJ) Viscosity properties of homogeneous polyelectrolyte complex solutions from sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and poly(acrylamide-co- dimethyldiallylammonium chloride). Polymer International, 2000, 49(6): 528-532.
[13] Modification of sodium carboxymethylcellulose by grafting of diallyldimethylammonium chloride. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2000, 280/281(1): 66-70.
[12] (with Tan YB) Graft copolymerization of 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate onto carboxymethylated cellulose. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2000, 280/281(1): 59-65.
[11]Inhibitive properties of amphoteric, water-soluble cellulosic polymer on bentonite swelling. Colloid and Polymer Science, 1999, 277(3): 282-284.
[10] (with Tan YB, Li ZM) Adsorption of a new amphoteric cellulosic copolymer onto bentonite. Colloid and Polymer Science, 1999, 277(5), 499-502.
[9](with Tan YB, Li ZM) Application of a new family of amphoteric cellulose-based graft copolymers as drilling-mud additives.Colloid and Polymer Science, 1999, 277(10): 1001-1004.
[8] (with Sun BW) Inhibition of water-soluble cationic cellulosic polymers to clay hydration. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1999, 74: 3088-3093.
[7] (with Yin DY) Novel modified lignosulfonate as drilling mud thinner without environmental concerns. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1999, 74: 1662-1668.
[6] (with Tan YB, Li ZM) Novel modified cellulosic polymers as drilling fluid additive with improved properties. Polymer International, 1999, 48(9): 921-927.
[5] Manganese(IV)-initiated grafting of trimethylallylammonium chloride onto carboxymethylcellulose. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A- Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1999, 36(9): 1141-1152.
[4]Synergistic blends from aqueous solutions of two cellulose derivatives. Colloid and Polymer Science, 1999, 277(9): 886 -990.
[3] (with Tan YB, Li ZM) Adsorption of amphoteric cellulose graft copolymer on clay. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 1998, 14 (12): 1112-1115.
[2](with Yin XC, Li ZM) Studies on a new ampholytic cellulose derivative as clay-hydration in oilfield drilling fluid. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1998, 70: 921-926.
[1] (with Tan YB, Li ZM) Synthesis and characterization of new amphoteric graft copolymer of sodium carboxymethylcellulose with dimethylammonioethyl methacrylate and acrylamide. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1998, 69: 879-886.


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[6] 中國專利:腫瘤靶向性酸敏前藥與磁性納米粒子偶聯物及其製備方法與套用;授權號:ZL201510104531X。
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[10] 中國專利:一種偶氮染料吸附劑及其製備方法和套用;授權號:ZL201110269721.9。
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[36] 中國專利:一種聚乙烯/POSS改性粘土納米複合材料的製備方法;授權號:ZL200710031160.2。
[37] 中國專利:有機改性LDHs負載苊二亞胺鎳催化劑原位製備聚乙烯-LDHs納米複合材料的方法;授權號:ZL200710031161.7。
[38] 中國專利:聚己內酯/直鏈澱粉兩親嵌段聚合物及其製備方法和套用;授權號:ZL200810026280.8。
[39] 中國專利:一種溫敏含糖嵌段聚合物及其製備方法和用途;授權號:ZL200810026281.2。
[40] 中國專利:種提高直鏈澱粉包結絡合物溶液穩定性的方法;授權號:ZL200810026278.0。
[41] 中國專利:一種用於製備層壓板的無鹵阻燃膠粘劑;授權號:ZL200510033661.5。
[42] 中國專利:乾酪素型水性油墨及其製備方法;授權號:ZL200610034699.9。
[43] 中國專利: 一種原位快速形成可注射超分子結構水凝膠的製備方法及其套用;授權號:ZL200610033342.9。
[44] 中國專利:有機矽丙烯酸酯/納米粘土複合乳液的製備方法及其套用;授權號:ZL200610035511.2。
[45] 中國專利:軟包裝乾式複合水性膠粘劑及其製備方法;授權號:ZL200610036231.3。
[46] 中國專利:一種製備直鏈澱粉水溶液的方法;授權號:ZL200810029465.4。
[47] 中國專利:一種用於不鏽鋼保護的納米磁性保護膜樹脂組合物;授權號:ZL200810198891.0。
[48] 中國專利:一種廢紙污泥複合填充劑及其製備方法和套用;授權號:ZL200810218568.5。
[49] 中國專利:大豆蛋白/二醛澱粉/納米銀複合膜及其製備方法和套用;授權號:ZL200810220531.6。
[52] 中國專利:一種腫瘤靶向絲膠蛋白膠束及其製備方法和套用;授權號:ZL201710212658.2。
[53] 中國專利:一種陽離子超支化多糖衍生物及其在增強血卟啉類光敏劑對腫瘤細胞光毒性方面的套用;授權號:ZL201610314913.X。
[54] 中國專利:Lf-HA-DOX大分子前藥複合物及其構建方法和在治療神經膠質瘤中的套用;授權號:ZL201610087173.0。
[55] 中國專利:一種兩親性絲膠蛋白聚合物及其製備方法與套用;授權號:ZL201710081361.7。
[56] 中國專利:玉米醇溶蛋白-聚磺基甜菜鹼兩親性綴合物及其製備方法與套用;授權號:ZL201810970782.X
[57] 中國專利:一種絲膠蛋白結合型紫杉醇納米藥物的製備及其在腫瘤示蹤與治療中的套用;授權號:ZL201710081863.X
[58] 中國專利:一種含多肽靶向因子的多糖衍生物及其製備方法;公開號:CN106749517A。
[59] 中國專利:一種含樹枝狀聚醯胺-胺基團的高度超支化陽離子多糖衍生物及其製備方法;公開號:CN107459583A。
[60] 中國專利:一種具有RNA干擾功能的微生物纖維素複合敷料及其製備方法和套用;公開號:CN108853558A。
[61] 中國專利:一種星型陽離子聚合物及其製備方法與套用;公開號:CN102199297A。
[62] 中國專利:一種具有抗腫瘤活性的氧化還原敏感絲膠蛋白衍生物及其製備與套用;公開號:CN108815534A。
[63] 中國專利:含重組人表皮生長因子的水凝膠敷料及其製備方法與套用;公開號:CN102078636A。
[64] 中國專利:一種纖維素類的可生物降解水凝膠的製備方法;公開號:CN104327307A。
[65] 中國專利:一種分子篩負載納米硫化鋅催化劑的製備方法;公開號:CN101406844。
[66] 中國專利:一種抗菌性超分子水凝膠及其製備方法和套用;公開號:CN101564400。
[67] 中國專利:含有環狀結構的難溶性中藥製成水溶性納米製劑的方法;公開號:CN101810564A。
[68] 中國專利:一種全生物降解兩親性聚多糖接枝物及其製備方法和用途;公開號:CN101250235。
[69] 中國專利:一種矽丙乳液的製備方法;公開號:CN1594380。
[70] 中國專利:一種矽丙塗料;公開號:CN1594469。
[71] 中國專利:一種印刷電路基板的製備方法;公開號:CN1645986。
[72] 中國專利:土豆磷酸化酶的分離提取方法;公開號:CN101050454。
[73] 中國專利:一種含維生素B12基團的兩親性海藻酸鈉衍生物及其製備方法和套用;公開號:CN109053927A。
[74] 中國專利:一種小腸靶向吸收、生物降解的糖原衍生物、其製備方法及其負載茶多糖的納米粒;公開號:CN109078192A。
[75] 中國專利:一種用於癌轉移淋巴結示蹤的螢光特異性納米氧化鐵雜化物分散液及其製備方法和用途;公開號:CN108114288A。
[76] 中國專利:一種能在腫瘤微環境酸性pH條件下活化的超聲造影劑及其製備方法和套用;公開號:CN110101877A。
[77] 中國專利:一種微生物纖維素膜/納米貴金屬複合材料及其製備方法和套用;申請號:20190814384.3。
[78] 中國專利:納米羥基磷灰石包覆的中空聚合物微球及其製備方法和套用;申請號:201910957474.8。
[79] 中國專利:一種甲殼素離子液凝膠及其再生水凝膠的製備方法與套用;申請號:201911049628.X。


