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  • 中文名:張黎明
  • 出生地:甘肅臨夏
  • 畢業院校:南京農業大學
  • 職務:資源與環境學院副院長
張黎明,男,甘肅臨夏人,博(碩)士生生導師,資源與環境學院副院長,中國土壤學會土壤遙感與信息專業委員會委員,省級研究生培養示範基地負責人。為福建省高校傑出青年科研人才、新世紀優秀人才支持計畫和福建農林大學嚴家顯最高獎教金入選者。2002年畢業於甘肅農業大學資源與環境學院土壤與農業化學本科專業,2005年獲得海南大學作作物栽培學與耕作學碩士學位,2009年獲得南京農業大學的土壤學博士學位,其中碩士和博士學位論文均在中國科學院南京土壤研究所完成。2014-2015年和2018-2019年在美國普度大學Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences的Zhuang Qianlai教授處作訪問學者。目前主要從事土壤數位化管理與全球碳氮循環模擬方面的研究,已建成全國140多個縣(市)1:5萬-1:1000萬土壤資料庫,積累實驗室土壤樣品分析數據一百多萬個,其中利用第二次土壤普查3000多個剖面、4萬多個表層樣點,以及2008年23萬多個表層樣點和2016年2萬多個表層樣點建立的福建省1:5萬三期土壤資料庫為全國省級尺度最為詳盡的土壤資料庫之一。先後主持國家自然科學基金、教育部博士點基金、福建省自然科學基金和土壤與農業可持續發展國家重點實驗室開放基金等20多項科研項目,參加國家自然科學基金、國家科技支撐計畫項目和福建省重大專項等10多個研究課題,已在國內外期刊發表論文80多篇(SCI 論文20多篇),並作為第二主編和編委參編著作8部,參與完成的“福建省農業用地最佳化利用信息系統研究與推廣套用”獲2013年農業部二等獎(排名第三),“區域農用地評價、利用區劃方法創新與套用”獲2013年神農福建省農業科技二等獎(排名第二)。招收農業資源與環境碩(博)、土地資源管理和環境科學與工程學科的碩士研究生。所在課題組有良好的學習氛圍,近幾年先後有12名碩士研究生考上中國科學院(4名)、南京大學、南開大學、南京農業大學和福建農林大學的博士,多名碩士研究生第一作者論文發表在《Soil & Tillage Research》、《土壤學報》和《生態學報》等國內外主流刊物上。主講本科生《土壤學》、《土壤肥料學》、《土壤資源調查與評價》及研究生《農業資源信息技術》等課程。
[1] ZhangLiming, Zheng Qiaofeng, Liu Yaling, Liu Shaogui, Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Xing Shihe, Chen Hanyue, Fan Xieyu. Combined effects of temperature and precipitation on soil organic carbon changes in the uplands of eastern China. Geoderma, 2019, 337: 1105-1115.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[2] ZhangLiming, Liu Yaling, Li Xiaodi, Huang Linbin, Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Chen Hanyue, Xing Shihe. Effects of soil map scales on simulating soil organic carbon changes of upland soils in Eastern China. Geoderma, 2018, 312: 159-169.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[3]ZhangLiming, Wang Guangxiang,Zheng Qiaofeng, Liu Yaling,Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Xing Shihe, Chen Hanyue, Fan Xieyu. Quantifying the impacts of agricultural management and climate change on soil organic carbon changes in the uplands of Eastern China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2017,174: 81-91.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[4] Zhang Liming, Zhuang Qianlai, Zhao Quanying, He Yujie, Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Xing Shihe. Uncertainty of organic carbon dynamicsin Tai-Lake paddy soils of China depends on the scale of soil maps. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2016, 222: 13-22.(SCI, 農業綜合小類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[5]Zhang Liming, Zhuang Qianlai, He Yujie, Liu Yaling, Yu Dongsheng, Zhao Quanying, Shi Xuezheng, Xing Shihe, Wang Guangxiang. Toward optimal soil organic carbon sequestration with effects of agricultural management practices and climate change in Tai-Lake paddy soils of China. Geoderma, 2016, 275: 28-39. (SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[6]ZhangLiming, Zhuang Qianlai, Li Xiaodi, Zhao Quanying, Yu Dongsheng, LiuYaling, Shi Xuezheng, Xing Shihe, Wang Guangxiang. Carbon sequestration in the uplands of Eastern China: An analysis with high-resolution model simulations. Soil & Tillage Research, 2016,158: 165-176.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[7] Wang Guangxiang, Zhang Liming*, Zhuang Qianlai, Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Xing Shihe, Xiong Dezhong, Liu Yaling. Quantification of the soil organic carbon balance in the Tai-Lake paddy soils of China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2016,155: 95-106.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[8]Zhang Liming,Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Xu Shengxiang,Wang Shihang, Xing Shihe, Zhao Yongcun. Simulation soil organic carbon change in Chinas Tai-Lake paddy soils. Soil & Tillage Research, 2012,121: 1-9. (SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[9]Zhang Liming, Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Weindorf David C, Zhao Limin, Ding Weixin, Wang Hongjie, Pan Jianjun, Li Changsheng. Simulation of Global Warming Potential (GWP) from rice fields in Tai-Lake region, China by coupling 1:50,000 soil database with DNDC model. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43: 2737-2746. (SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅱ區,TOP)
[10]Zhang Liming,Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Weindorf David C, Zhao Limin, Ding Weixin, Wang Hongjie, Pan Jianjun, Li Changsheng. Quantifying methane emissions from rice fields in the Taihu region, China by coupling a detailed soil database with biogeochemical model. Biogeosciences, 2009, 6: 739-749. (SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅱ區)
[11]Zhang Liming, Yu Dongsheng, Shi Xuezheng, Xu Shengxiang, Xing Shihe. Zhao Yongcun. Effects of soil data and simulation unit resolution on quantifying changes of soil organic carbon at regional scale with a biogeochemical process model. PLoS ONE, 2014, doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0088622.(SCI, 綜合性期刊大類Ⅲ區)
[12] Long Jun, Liu Yaling,Xing Shihe*, Qiu Longxia, Huang Qian, Zhou Biqing, Shen Jinquan, Zhang Liming*. Effects of sampling density on interpolation accuracy for farmland soil organic matter concentration in a large region of complex topography. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 93:562-571.(SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅱ區)
[13] Xing Shihe, Zhou Biqing, Zhang Liming, Mao Yanlin, Wang Fan, Chen Chengrong, Xing Shihe. Evaluating the mechanisms of the impacts of key factors on soil soluble organic nitrogen concentrations in subtropical mountain ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651, 2187-2196.(SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅱ區,TOP)
[14]. Yang Jing, Yang Wenhao, Wang Fan, Zhang Liming, Zhou Biqing, Chen Chenrong, Rubab Sarfrazb, Xing Shihe. The driving factors of soluble organic nitrogen dynamics in paddy soils: Structure Equation Model Analysis. Pedosphere, 2019, doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(18)60032-3.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅱ區)
[15] Chen Hanyue , Huang Wenjiang , Li Wang, Niu Zheng , Zhang Liming, Xing Shihe. Estimation of LAI in winter wheat from multi-angular hyperspectral VNIR data: effects of view angles and plant architecture.Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 1630, doi:10.3390/rs10101630.(SCI, 工程技術大類Ⅱ區)
[16] Zhou Biqing, Zhang Liming, Yang Wenhao, Mao Yanlin, Chen Chengrong, Xing Shihe. Differential uptake of soluble organic and inorganic nitrogen by two fruit species: Dimocarpus longan Lour. and Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017,17(6), 1579-1587.(SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅲ區)
[17] Yu Dongsheng, Pan Yue, Zhang Haidong, Wang Xiyang, Ni Yunlong, Zhang Liming, Shi Xuezheng. Equality testing for soil grid unit resolutions to polygon unit scales with DNDC modeling of regional SOC pools. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(4): 552-568.(SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅳ區)
[18] Yu Dongsheng, Ni Yuanlong, Shi Xuezheng, Wang Ning, Warner E.D, Liu Yang, Zhang Liming. Optimal soil raster unit resolutions in estimation of SOC pool at different map scales. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2014, 78(3): 1079–1086.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅱ區,TOP)
[19]Yu Dongsheng, Zhang Liming, Shi Xuezheng, Warner Eric D, Zhang Zhong Qi, Zhao Qiguo. Soil assessment unit scale affects quantifying CH4 emissions from rice fields. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2013, 77(2): 664-672.(SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅱ區,TOP)
[20]Yu Dongsheng, Yang Hao, Shi Xuezheng, Warner Eric D, Zhang Liming,Zhao Qiguo. Effects of soil spatial resolution on quantifying CH4and N2O emissions from rice fields in the Tai Lake region of China by DNDC model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2011, 25, GB2004, doi:10.1029/2010GB003825.(SCI, 地球科學綜合小類Ⅰ區,TOP)
[21]Xu Shengxiang, Shi Xuezheng, Zhao Yongcun,Yu Dongsheng,Wang Shihang, Zhang Liming,Li Changsheng, Tan Manzhi. Modeling carbon dynamics in paddy soils in Jiangsu province of China with soil databases differing in spatial resolution. Pedosphere, 2011, 21(6): 696–705. (SCI, 農林科學大類Ⅱ區)
[22]Shi Xuezheng, Yang Ruwei, Weindorf David C, Wang Hongjie, Yu Dongsheng, Huang Yao, Pan Xianzhang, Sun Weixia, Zhang Liming.Simulation of organic carbon dynamics at regional scale for paddy soils in China. Climatic Change, 2010, 102, 579-593.(SCI, 環境科學與生態學大類Ⅱ區)
[23] 袁平,張黎明*,喬婷,謝安乾,於東升,史學正,邢世和,陳翰閱. 基於1:5萬土壤資料庫的太湖地區水稻土全氮含量動態變化研究. 土壤學報,2018,doi:10.11766/trxb20180 9180422.
[24] 陳中星,張楠,張黎明*,袁平,姚彩燕,邢世和,邱龍霞.福建省土壤有機碳儲量估算的尺度效應研究. 土壤學報,2018,55(3): 606-619 (封面文章).
[25] 黃琳斌,張黎明*,龍軍,於東升,史學正,陳翰閱,范協裕,邢世和. 製圖尺度對CO2濃度升高情景下旱地土壤有機碳模擬的影響. 土壤學報,2017,54(3): 624-638.
[26] 李曉迪,王淑民,張黎明*,於東升,史學正,李加加,邢世和,王光翔.土壤數據源和製圖比例尺對旱地土壤有機碳儲量估算的影響. 土壤學報,2016,53(1):58-71.
[27] 焦閃閃,張黎明*,蔣威,鄭巧麗,龍軍,陳翰閱,邢世和. 基於1:5萬土壤資料庫的福建省耕地全氮儲量動態變化研究. 土壤學報,2016,53(5): 1107-1119.
[28] 李衡榮,張黎明*,李曉迪,於東升,史學正,邢世和,陳翰閱. 不同製圖尺度及土壤數據對土壤全磷儲量估算的影響. 套用生態學報,2016,27(6):1737-1749.
[29] 周潔瑩,張黎明,楊文浩,周碧青,邢世和. 福建省耕地土壤潛性酸動態變化及其驅動因素. 套用生態學報,2019,doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201903.011.
[30] 周碧青,邱龍霞,張黎明,張秀,陳成榕,邢世和. 基於灰色關聯-結構方程模型的土壤酸化驅動因子研究. 土壤學報,2018, 55(5):1233-1242.
[31] 楊靜,聶三安,楊文浩,陳成榕,張黎明,周碧青,邢世和. 不同施肥水稻土可溶性有機氮組分差異及影響因素. 土壤學報,2018,55(4):955-966.
[32] 周碧青,陳成榕,楊文浩,張黎明,邢世和. 茶樹對可溶性有機和無機態氮的吸收與運轉特性. 植物營養與肥料學報,2017,23(1):189-195.
[33] 倪元龍,於東升,張黎明,史學正. 不同比例尺農田土壤碳庫模擬的最佳柵格單元解析度. 土壤學報,2014,51(1):664-674.
[34] 龍軍,張黎明,毛艷玲,邢世和. 福建省不同耕地土壤和土地利用類型對“碳源/匯”的貢獻差異研究. 土壤學報,2013,50(4):664-674.
[35] 龍軍,張黎明,沈金泉,周碧青,毛艷玲,邱龍霞,邢世和. 複雜地貌類型區耕地土壤有機質空間插值方法研究. 土壤學報,2014,51(6):1270-1281.
[36] 龍軍,張黎明,沈金泉,周碧青,毛艷玲,邢世和. 福建省耕地土壤全氮密度和儲量動態變化. 生態學報,2015,35(12): 3959-3969.


