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  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士/博士研究生
  • 專業方向:微生物海洋學、海洋微生物生態學、碳循環、氮循環
  • 職務:廈門大學近海海洋環境科學國家重點實驗室副主任


  • 2020年度中國十大海洋科技進展 & 2020年度中國海洋與湖沼十大科技進展(2021)
  • 慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年紀念章(2019)
  • 國家自然科學二等獎(2006,第四完成人;2015,第二完成人)
  • 福建省自然科學一等獎(2014,第二完成人)
  • 國家高層次人才特殊支持計畫科技創新領軍人才(2017)
  • 科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才(2016)
  • 福建省“雙百計畫”科技創新領軍人才(2018)
  • 福建省青年科技獎(2017)
  • 福建運盛青年科技獎(2015)
  • 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫A類(2010)
  • 歐洲荷蘭惠更斯(HSP Huygens)獎學金(2007)


  • 國家自然科學基金傑出青年科學基金項目:微生物海洋學,PI,(2022-2026)
  • 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目:深海生物圈能量來源、微生物碳需求及代謝策略,PI,(2021-2023)
  • 國家自然科學基金聯合基金重點支持項目:台灣淺海熱液生態系統微生物驅動的碳-氮-硫循環耦合過程演變,PI,(2019-2022)
  • 國家重點研發計畫“全球變化及應對”重點專項項目:近海生態系統碳匯過程、調控機制及增匯模式,PI,(2016-2021)
  • 國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目:海洋微生物生態學,PI,(2015-2017)
  • 國家自然科學基金面上項目:南海氨氧化與亞硝酸鹽氧化功能群的耦聯關係及其所介導的碳氮耦合過程研究,PI,(2017-2020)
  • 國家自然科學基金面上項目:驅動南海氮循環關鍵過程的細菌、古菌功能群分布、多樣性及活性特徵,PI,(2012-2015)
  • 原國家海洋局“全球變化與海氣相互作用”專項:熱帶海洋生態系統和碳循環的相互制約關係,PI,(2013-2016)
  • 福建省自然科學基金面上項目:南海河口至外海梯度上基於焦磷酸深度測序分析的細菌(活性)群落的結構演替規律及其與環境因子的相互作用機制,PI,(2012-2014)
  • 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:浮游古菌和細菌在南海中層和深層水體中的豐度分布及代謝活性研究,PI,(2009-2011)
  • 國家自然科學基金創新研究群體項目:海洋氮循環與全球變化,Co-PI,(2018-2023)


Chen, Z.; Wang, X.; Song, Y.; Zeng, Q.;  Zhang, Y.*; Luo, H.* 2021. Prochlorococcus have low global mutation rate and small effective population size. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 6(2), 183-194.
Zhang, Y.*; Qin, W.; Hou, L.; Zakem, E. J.; Wan, X.; Zhao, Z.; Liu, L.; Hunt, K. A.; Jiao, N.; Kao, S-J.; Tang, K.; Xie, X.; Shen, J.; Li, Y.; Chen, M.; Dai, X.; Liu, C.; Deng, W.; Dai, M.; Ingalls, A.E.; Stahl, D.A.; Herndl, G.J. 2020. Nitrifier adaptation to low energy flux controls inventory of reduced nitrogen in the dark ocean. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117(9), 4823-4830.
Shen, J.; Jiao, N.; Dai, M.; Wan, H.; Qiu, G.; Chen, J.; Li, H.; Kao, S-J.; Yang, J-Y.T.; Cai, P.; Zhou, K.; Yang, W.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Chen, M.; Zuo, Z.; Gaye, B.; Wiesner, M.G.; Zhang, Y.* 2020. Laterally transported particles from margins serve as a major carbon and energy source for dark ocean ecosystems. Geophys. Res. Lett. 47, e2020GL088971.
Deng, W.; Wang, S.; Wan, X.; Zheng, Z.; Jiao, N.; Kao, S-J.; Moore, J.; Zhang, Y.* 2021. Potential competition between marine heterotrophic prokaryotes and autotrophic picoplankton for nitrogen substrates. Limnol. Oceanogr. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11883.
Chen, M.; Lu, Y.; Jiao, N.; Tian, J.; Kao, S.-J.; Zhang, Y.* 2019. Biogeographic drivers of diazotrophs in the western Pacific Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 64(3),1403-1421.
Zhang, Y.*; Zhao, Z.; Dai, M.; Jiao, N.*; Herndl, G.J. 2014. Drivers Shaping the Diversity and Biogeography of Total and Active Bacterial Communities in the South China Sea. Mol. Ecol. 23(9), 2260-2274.
Zhang, L.; Chen, M.; Chen, X.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Xiao, X.; Hu, C.; Liu, J.; Zhang, R.; Xu, D.; Jiao, N.; Zhang, Y.* 2021. Nitrifiers drive successions of particulate organic matter and microbial community composition in a starved macrocosm. Environ. Int. 157, 106776.
Zhang, Y.*; Xiao, W.; Jiao, N.* 2016. Linking biochemical properties of particles to particle-attached and free-living bacterial community structure along the particle density gradient from freshwater to open ocean. J. Geophys. Res-Biogeo. 121(8), 2261-2274.
Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Ren, M.; Xia, T.; Chu, X.; Liu, C.; Lin, X.; Huang, Y.; Chen, Z.; Yan, A.; Luo, H.* 2020. Cryptic speciation of a pelagic Roseobacter population varying at a few thousand nucleotide sites. ISME. J. 14, 3106-3119.
Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.; Jiao, N.; Stepanauskas, R.; Luo, H.* 2016. Ecological Genomics of the Uncultivated Marine Roseobacter Lineage CHAB-I-5. Appl. Environ. Microb. 82, 2100-2111.
Chen, M.; Song, Y.; Feng, X.; Tang, K.; Jiao, N.; Tian, J.; Zhang, Y.* 2020. Genomic Characteristics and Potential Metabolic Adaptations of Hadal Trench Roseobacter and Alteromonas Bacteria Based on Single-Cell Genomics Analyses. Front. Microbiol. 11, 1739.
Ma, L.; Lin, H.; Xie, X.; Dai, M.; Zhang, Y.* 2019. Major role of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in N2O production in the Pearl River estuary. Biogeosciences 16 (24), 4765–4781.
Hou, L.; Xie, X.; Wan, X.; Kao, S.-J.; Jiao, N.; Zhang, Y.* 2018. Niche differentiation of ammonia and nitrite oxidizers along a salinity gradient from the Pearl River estuary to the South China Sea. Biogeosciences 15, 5169–5187.
Zhang, Y.*; Xie, X.; Jiao, N.*; Hsiao, S. S.-Y.; Kao, S.-J. 2014. Diversity and distribution of amoA-type nitrifying and nirS-type denitrifying microbial communities in the Yangtze River Estuary. Biogeosciences 11(8), 2131–2145.
Li, Y.; Tang, K.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, Z.; Xie, X.; Chen, C.-T.A.; Wang, D.; Jiao, N.; Zhang, Y.* 2018. Coupled Carbon, Sulfur, and Nitrogen Cycles Mediated by Microorganisms in the Water Column of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Ecosystem. Front. Microbiol. 9, 2718.
Deng, W.; Peng, L.; Jiao, N.; Zhang, Y.* 2018. Differential incorporation of one-carbon substrates among microbial populations identified by stable isotope probing from the estuary to South China Sea. Sci. Rep.-UK. 8, 15378.


