《International Journal of Sustainable Engineering》編委。
《International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing》編委。
《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》編委會顧問。
《IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology》客座編輯。
《IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation》、《IIE Transactions》客座編輯.。
1.CMMI - National Science Foundation,An Energy Factor Based Energy Saving Design Approach Through Total Product Life Cycle。
2.EAGER - National Science Foundation (collaborate with Arizona State University),A Supercritical Fluids Material Process Model for Recycling of Printed Circuit Boards。
3. NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology,A Unified Sustainability Measure Matrix for Electronic Industry。
4.College of Engineering Texas Tech University,End-of-Life Pathways for Electronics – Comprehensive Case Studies。
5.Image Microsystems Inc., Austin, Texas,Collaborative research on Sustainable Manufacturing and Reverse Logistics。
6.ATC Logistics and Electronics, Inc.,Life Cycle Analysis for End-of-Life Set-top-box Refurbishing and recycling。
7.National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Co-PI with Chinese research partners in China,International Collaboration on Sustainable Manufacturing。
8.Image Microsystems, Austin, Texas,Reverse Logistic Problems for Plastic Recycling。
9.National Science Foundation (Co-PI with PI from UTPA),Application of ER Property of Carbon Nano-Tubes in Conductive Adhesives to Improve Conductivity, Reliability and Product Disassembly。
10.National Science Foundation (PI, with four industrial Co-PIs),GOALI: A Reverse logistic Business model for end-of- life electronic product recovery and recycling。
11.Advanced Research Program/ Advanced Technology Program of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (PI),A Prototype Model of Printed Circuit Boards Recycling Process。
12.Image Microsystems (PI),End-of-Life Dell Computers Recovery and Recycling Management。
13.National Science Foundation (PI, collaborate with Che. Eng. and Dept. of Chemistry, TTU),Exploratory Research: An Alternative Process Model For Printed Circuit Boards Recycling+ REU。
14.Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center Texas Tech University,Development of an Internet- Based Curriculum on Manufacturing Education for 21st Century。
15.Technology Development and Transfer program of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (PI),An Innovative Management System for End-of-Life Electronic Product Disassembly and Recycling。
1.Advanced Tolerancing Techniques (editing), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, p. 588 1997 (H.C. Zhang)。
2.Computerized Manufacturing Process Planning Systems, Chapman and Hall, p. 326, London, 1993 (H.C. Zhang and L. Alting)。
[1]H. C. Zhang, & H. Li, “An Energy Factor Based Systematic Approach to Energy-saving Product Design,” Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 60/2010, pp.183-186。
[2]John Carrel, Hong-Chao Zhang, and Hua Li, “Review and future of Active Disassembly for Electronics Products,” the International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 252-264, 2009。
[3]Hua Li, Hong-Chao Zhang, and John Carrel, “Use of an Energy-Saving Concept to Assess Life-Cycle Impact in Engineering,” the International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 99-111, 2009。
[4]John Carrell, Derrick Tate, Shiren Wang, and Hong-Chao Zhang, “Shape Memory Polymer Snap-Fits fro Active Disassembly,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2011, in press。
[5]Xueqing Qian, Hong-chao Zhang, “Design for Environment: An Environmentally Conscious Analysis Model for Modular Design” IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.164-175, 2009。
[6]Jianzhi Li, Hong-Chao Zhang, Zhangxi Lin, “Asymmetric negotiation based collaborative product design for component reuse in disparate products,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2009, Vol. 57, No.1, pp.80-90。
[7]Lianzhi Li, Hong-Chao Zhang, Miguel A. Gonzalez,Steven Yu, “A multi-objective fuzzy graph approach for modular formulation considering end-of-life issues,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol.46, No. 14 July, pp.4011 -4033,2008。
[8]J. Li, Z. Wu, H.C. Zhang, “Application of Neural Network on Environmental Impact Assessment Tools. The International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing,” Vol. 1, Nos. ?, pp.100-121, 2008。
[9]J. Li, H.C. Zhang, M. Gonzalez, S. Yu, “A Multi-objective Fuzzy Graph Approach for Modular Formulation Considering end-of-life Issues,” The International journal of Production Research Vol. 46, No. 14 pp. 4011-4033, 2008。
[10]C. Yuan, H. C. Zhang, G. B. McKenna, C. Kozeniewski, “Experimental Studies on Cryogenic Recycling of Printed Circuit Board,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 34, No. 7-8, pp. 657-666, 2007。
[11] D. Xiang, P. Meng,J. Wang, G. Duan, H. C. Zhang, “Printed Circuit Board Recycling Pocess and Its Environmental Impact Assessment,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 34, No. 9-10, pp. 1030-1036, 2007。
[12]K. Jin, H.C. Zhang, “A decision support model based on a reference point method for end-of-life electronic product management,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 31, No. 11-12, pp. 1251-1259, 2007。
[13]Q. Ke, H.C. Zhang, G. Liu, B. Li, “Energy-saving optimal design based on transfer function,” The proceeding of The17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, May 2010, Hefei, pp. 93-95。
[14]C. Fan, H.C. Zhang, “A review of sustainable manufacturing measurement from product life cycle perspective,” Proceeding of The17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, May 2010, Hefei, pp. 408-412。
[15]John Carrell, Hong-Chao Zhang, Derrick Tate, Bingbing Li, and Chengcheng Fan, “Design and Analysis of Shape Memory Polymer Snap-Fits for Active Disassembly,” 17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 19-21 May 2010: Hefei, Anhui, P.R. China, 2010。
[16]John Carrell, Derrick Tate, and Hong-Chao Zhang, “Robust Analysis of Active Disassembly,” International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, 19-21 May 2010: Washington, D.C. USA. 2010。
[17]John Carrel and Hong-Chao Zhang, “Review of Current End-of-Life Options for Electronics and Future Automatic Disassembly Options with Shape Memory Materials with Carbon Nano-tubes for Electronics,” Proceedings of The15th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, March 2008, Sydney, pp. 470-475。