- 中文名:張慶國
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
牛文琪,張慶國,汪宏喜,吳 堅,2009, 談信息與計算科學專業實踐教學改革,中國電力教育,總143期:120-122
胡焱,張慶國. 2011,信息與計算科學專業社會適用型人才培養模式探討. 大學數學,27(3):7-11
2003年9月4-9日,Alcalá 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Ecology. Alcalá de Henares(Madrid), 西班牙。
2004年6月21-25日,1st Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. University of Trento, Trento, 義大利
2007年7月16-20日,2nd Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. University of Campinas, Campinas, 巴西
2008年8月4-7日,The Second China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology. Okayama University, Okayama, 日本
2011年6月27日-7月3日,The 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theo-retical Biology. Krakow, Poland
3、景觀生態學(under construction.......)
4、套用氣象(under construction.......)
- 張慶國,李鵬飛,徐麗,嚴力蛟,等. 皖中沿江平原水稻田CH4和N2O排放估算及其影響因素分析.土壤通報,2012,43(1):212-218
- 黃玉平,張慶國,汪水兵,古今今. 主成分分析在大氣質量監測最佳化布點中的套用.安徽農業大學學報, 2011, 38(6):966-970
- 李洋洋,樊吉,張慶國(通訊作者),等. 麥冬與黃花菜在南方丘陵山區坡耕地保育土壤作用研究.土壤通報, 2011,42(5):1070-1076
- 李鵬飛,張慶國(通訊作者), 周曉飛,等. 2011. Morlet小波在銅陵降水序列分析中的套用。安徽農業大學學報,38(4):563-569
- Li Xu, Pengfei Li, Chunlei Yang, Qingguo Zhang(通訊作者) and Yali Zhu.Climatologic statistical diagnoses for the precipitation data of Chizhou. In:Lansun Chen et al. Proceedings of the 5 International Congress on Mathematical Biology. 2011, World Academic Press.Volume 2, pp539-545(ISTP、EI 收錄)
- 古今今, 張慶國(通訊作者), 汪水兵, 黃德明. 2010. 基於綜合主成分及徑向基網路的環境質量評價. 環境科學與技術,33(7):196-201
- Xu, Li, Xiaoqing Bian, Xiaolin Qin, Qingguo Zhang and Lin Liu. 2010. Effects of grain size change on landscape pattern indices of Hefei City. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 21(5):1167-1173 (in Chinese)
- Xu, Li, Qingguo Zhang, Lijiao Yan and Pengfei Li. 2010. Application of Marquardt’s algorithm with faster convergence to estimate parameters of non-linear degradation model. In: Tan, Yuanshun, Lansun Chen et al. Proceedings of the 7 conference on biological dynamic system and stability of differential equation. Liverpool, England UK: World Academic Press, p794-796 (ISTP)
- Xu, Li and Qingguo Zhang et al. 2008. Analysis of spatial structure and microclimate effects of urban green space of Hefei City. Journal of Hefei University of Technology, 31(2):216-219(in Chinese)
- Liu, Kedong and Qingguo Zhang et al. 2007. GIS-based analysis of the landscape spatial pattern of Hefei City. Journal of Hefei University of Technology, 30(4):485-488(in Chinese)
- Xu, Li, Qingguo Zhang and Xiangming Xiao. 2007. Convergence of a discrete-time age-structured population toward a given steady state through controlled immigration. Mathematical Population Studies, 14:193-201 (SCI)
- Qingguo Zhang, Shuyun Yang and Xin Liu et al. 2005. Study on heat pollution of cities and the prevention ways. Journal of Hefei University of Technology, 28(4):360-364(in Chinese)
- Jiang,Yuelin, Qingguo Zhang, and Shiding Zhang et al. 2005. Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on nutrient quality of wheat grain. Journal of China Agricultural University, 10(1):21-25(in Chinese)
- Jiang,Yuelin, Qingguo Zhang, and Wei Yue et al. 2005. Responses of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Soybean to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 21(3): 290-293(in Chinese)
- Qingguo Zhang and Minghua Zhang. 2001. A GIS-based dynamic optimizing model applied in land use planning. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 28(3):83-92(in English)
- Qingguo Zhang. 1999. Study on Steady Age Structure of Population Within an Opening System with Disturbing Effect. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 26(1): 105-109(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, 1998, Studies on optimizing algorithm for fitting the parameters of pesticide degradation model. Journal of Biomathematics. 13(1):84-87(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Li Hongkai. 1998. Advance of geostatistics applied in the research of landscape ecology. Ecological Research. (1): 88-93(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo and Binming Hu. 1998. A matrix model for population dynamics within opening system with immigration and emigration of individuals. In: Advanced Topics in Biomathematics, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 303-309 (ISTP)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Hu Bingmin, 1997, Non-stationary time series modeling and its application in the dynamic simulation of pesticide degradation. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University. 23(6):635-639(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Hu Bingmin, 1997, Discussion on the optimum standard of ecological modelling and studies on the method of time series model-building. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University. 23(1):86-88(in Chinese)
- Xu Li, Zhang, Qingguo. 1995. Studies on method of using time series analysis to build the model of the quantity dynamics of population. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 22(3):320-327(in Chinese)
- Fang Yiping, Zhang, Qingguo. 1995. The application of Rayleigh model on study of chemical remains. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 22(4): 461-464(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, Zou Yunding, 1994. Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite population and its application II. Synthetical estimation of population density of adult mites and its sampling technique. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 5(2): 163-167.(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Li Guiting and Xu Li, 1993. Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite population and its application I. three-dimensional spatial pattern of adult mites in apple tree. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 4(4): 399-403.(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, Li Guiting. 1993. Sequential sampling of hawthorn spider mite adults and its application in control. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 20(2):162-169(in Chinese)
- Xu Li, Zhang, Qingguo. 1993. Method for estimating parameters of Holling disk equation. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 20(2): 179-184(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, Li Guiting, 1993, Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite Tetranychus Viennensis nymphs on apple trees. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 20 (3): 234-240. (in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo, 1991. An estimating method for the parameter of Logistic curve. Journal of Biomathematics. 6(4): 116-122(in Chinese)
- Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2011, Cellular automata modeling applied in eco-epidemiology -- Simulation of the spatial spread of epidemics with individual
contact. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Krakow, Poland. p1055-1056 - Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2008, Deconvolution as a system analysis approach to study the complexity of ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the Second China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology. Okayama, Japan. P82-85
- Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2007, Conditions for the existence of a convergence stable strategy in a discrete stage-structured population model. In: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. Campinas, Brazil. P91-95
- Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2003, A GIS-based dynamical programming model for landscape pattern optimizing and its convergent algorithm. In: Proceedings of Alcalá 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Ecology. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain. P125-1