- 中文名:張勇
- 畢業院校:清華大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:量子光學、量子信息與量子計算、表面電漿與納米光子學
- 國家自然科學基金項目:量子計算機的量子噪聲和編碼量子計算理論研究(主持, 批准號:10447116,2005.1-2005.12, 經費2萬元)
- 中國博士後科學基金項目:自旋氣中的多體糾纏研究(主持,批准號:2005038316 2006.1-2006.6, 經費1萬元)
- 國家自然科學基金項目:含流自旋鏈的基態糾纏和量子相變研究(主持,批准號:10704010,2008.1-2010.12,經費19萬)
- 北京郵電大學青年創新基金:一維自旋系統中的非經典關聯 (主持,批2011RC07062011.4-2012.12,經費 5 萬)
- 國家自然科學基金項目:特殊子空間的量子信息過程(參與,2003.1—2005.12)
- 國家自然科學基金項目:大氣和海洋環境下自由空間量子通信理論和方案的研究 (參2007.1-2009.12)
- 國家自然科學基金項目:量子密鑰分發網路套用技術的實驗研究(參與,2012.1-2016.12)
- 國家自然科學基金項目:遠程量子通信中的退相干問題研究(參與,2013.1-2015.12)
- 目前作為研究成員參與科技部973量子調控重大研究計畫項目。
- Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Jin Guangsheng. Entanglement purification and concentration of electron-spin entangled states using quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities. Physical Review A 71, 84,032307 (2011);
- Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Jin Guangsheng. Polarization-entanglement purification and concentration using cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Quantum Info. & Comp. 11, 0988 (2011);
- Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Zhang Ru. Hybrid entanglement purification using quantum-dot and microcavity system. Optics Express (2011);
- Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong, Jin Guangsheng. Dicke state generation using cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Journal of Modern Optics. 58,21 (2011);
- Wu Xi, Chen Zhi-Hua, Zhang Yong, Chen Yue-Hua, Ye Ming-Yong, and Lin Xiu-Min, Implementation of quantum controlled phase gate andpreparation of multiparticle entanglement in cavity QED, Chin. Phys. B 20(6) 060306 (2011) ;
- Zhang Yong, Wang Chuan, and Jin Guang-Sheng, The ground-state entanglement in the spin-XX chain with a magnetization current, Chin. Phys. B, 19(11) 110308-1-130308-4, (2010);
- Wang Chuan, Zhang Yong. Quantum secret sharing using modulated doubly entangled photons. Chinese Physics. Vol.18(8) (2009);
- Wang Yan Hui,Zhang Yong. Scheme for Implementing Quantum Search Algorithm in a Cluster StateQuantum Computer, Commun. Theor. Phys., 49, 1487-1490(2008)
- Liu Dan, Zhang Yong and Long Guilu. Influence of magnetic current on the ground state entanglement in an isotropic transverse XY chain. Progress in Natural Science, 2007,17:1147
- D. Liu, Y. Zhang,Y. Liu,G. L. Long, “Ground-state entanglement in an isotropic transverse XY model with energy current”, Chin.Phys.Lett.24, 8-10(2007).
- Y. Zhang, G. L. Long, “Ground-state and thermal entanglement in three-spin Heisenberg- XXZ chain with three-spin interaction”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 48, 249 (2007)
- Y. Zhang, D. Liu, G. L. Long, “Ground-State Entanglement in a Three-Spin Transverse Ising Model with Energy Current”, Chin. Phys. 16, 324 (2007) .
- Y. Zhang, G. L. Long, Y. C. Wu, G. C. Guo, “Partial teleportation of entanglement through naturally thermal entanglement in two-qubit Heisenberg XXX chain”, Commun. Theor. Phys. 47, 787 (2007), .
- Y. Zhang, W. C. Cao, G. L. Long, “Creation of Multipartite Entanglement and Entanglement Transfer via Heisenberg Interaction”.Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 2143(2005).
- Y. Zhang, W. C. Cao, G. L. Long, “Creation of Entanglement with Nonlocal Operations”, Commun. Theor. Phys. 44, 625 (2005).
- Y. Zhang, Z. W. Zhou, G. C. Guo, “Decoupling neighboring qubits in quantum computer through bangbang pulse control”, Phys. Lett. A 327,391-396 (2004).
- B. Yu, Z. W. Zhou, Y. Zhang, G. Y. Xiang, G. C. Guo, “Robust high-fidelity teleportation of an tomic state through the detection of cavity decay”,Phys. Rev. A 70, 014302 (2004).
- Y. Zhang, Z. W. Zhou, B. Yu, G. C. Guo, “Concatenating dynamical decoupling with decoherence-free subspaces for quantum computation”, Phys. Rev. A. 69,042315(2004)
- Y. Zhang, Z. W. Zhou, B. Yu, G. C. Guo, “A quantum code in decoherence-free and interaction-free subspaces”, J. Opt. B: Quant. Semi. Opt. 5, 309 (2003).