


  • 中文名:廖靜娟
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1966年5月
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:南京大學,中國科學院地球物理研究所


1987年及1990年先後獲南京大學學士學位和碩士學位,1993年在中科院地球物理所獲博士學位。自1993年以來從事雷達遙感研究,先後參加中國科學院院長基金特別支持項目、國家863計畫、921工程等項目的研究工作,是中美合作項目《太空梭成像雷達SIR-C/X-SAR計畫》和加拿大雷達衛星ADRO項目的合作研究者(Co-I)。先後擔任國家自然科學基金重大項目、中加合作《全球雷達遙感》項目的課題負責人,並為“十五”863計畫《多模式全極化干涉雷達信息處理與分析技術》課題副組長,“十一五”863計畫《新型成像雷達典型地物參數反演研究》課題負責人,中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目《洪澇災害雷達遙感監測信息提取方法與精度評估》課題負責人。為歐洲空間局ERS/ENVISAT計畫一類項目(catelogue 1 Project)的課題負責人(PI),目前已在國內外的核心刊物上發表論文50多篇,是國內早期雷達領域專著《中國雷達遙感圖像分析》(科學出版社, 1999)和《Radar Remote Sensing Applications in China》(Taylor &Francis press, 2001)副主編。合作編寫專著6部。




2000年-2001年,義大利國家研究理事會信號與圖像處理研究所(CNR/IESI) ,高級訪問學者








5. 新型成像雷達數據典型地物參數反演研究
6. 洪澇災害雷達遙感監測信息提取方法與精度評估
7. 多模式全極化干涉雷達信息處理與分析技術
8. 奧運主場館區高解析度光學與雷達遙感數據融合監測研究
9. Earthquake Detection and Active Tectonic Observation Using ERS Interferometric SAR Data in China.




[1] Jingjuan Liao, Le Gao, Xiaoming Wang, Numerical Simulation and Forecasting of Water Level for Qinghai Lake Using Multi-Altimeter Data Between 2002 and 2012, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014, Vol.7, No. 2: 609-622.
[2] Jingjuan Liao, Guozhuang Shen,Lei Dong, Biomass estimation of wetland vegetation in Poyang Lake area using ENVISAT advanced synthetic aperture radar data, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2013, Vol.7, 073579
[3] Jingjuan Liao,Guozhuang Shen and Yingkui Li, Lake variations in response to climate change in the Tibetan Plateau in the past 40 years, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2013,vol.6, No.6: 534-549.
[4] Jingjuan Liao, Guozhuang Shen, Detection of land surface change due to the Wenchuan earthquake using multitemporal advanced land observation satellite-phased array type L-band synthetic aperture radar data, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2009, Vol.3, 031680.
[5] J. Liao, H. Guo, Multifrequency and Multipolarization Radar Data for Estimation Forest Volume over Zhaoqing Area of Southern China, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 1998, Vol.24, No.3: 240-245.
[6] Jingjuan Liao, Yuqing Huang, Huadong Guo, Multitemporal and dual-polarization SAR data for detection of Urban areas, Proceedings of the 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium, European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, n 572, p 981-985, 2005 (EI)
[7] Liao Jingjuan, Wang Shixin, Multisource SAR data for flood monitoring in 2003 in China, Proceedings of the 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium, European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, n 572, p 1633-1637, 2005 (EI)
[8] Jingjuan Liao, Yun Shao, and Shixin Wang, Monitoring for 2003 Huai River Flood in China Using Multisource SAR Data, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 4, p 2260-2263, 2004, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004.(EI)
[9] Liao Jingjuan, Guo Huadong and Shao Yun, The potential of multiparameters SAR data in forest applications of China, Proceedings of the 20 Asian Remote Sensing Conference, Hong Kong, 1999
[10] Liao Jingjuan and Shao Yun, Modeling and Observation of Radar Backscatter from Subtropical Pine Forests, Proceedings of the 9 International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Beijing, China, 10-12 August 2000.(EI)
[11] Liao Jingjuan, Shao Yun, Guo Huadong and Fan Xiangtao, The Effects of Rice Biomass Change on Multi-temporal Radarsat SAR Backscatter, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2000, Vol.5: 1933-1935.(EI)
[12] Jingjuan Liao, Huadong Guo and Yun Shao, Modeling of Dielectric Properties of Rice Growth Stages in Zhaoqing Test Site of Southern China, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 5, p 2620-2622, 2002.(EI)
[13] Liao Jingjuan, Guo Huadong, Dual-frequency and Multipolarization Radar Data for Estimation Forest Volume over Zhaoqing Area of Southern China, Proceedings of the Geomatics in the Era of Radarsat, 1997, Ottawa, Canada.
[14] Liao Jingjuan, Guo Huadong and Liu Hao, Forest Type Discrimination in the Northeast of Shihui Area Using GlobeSAR Data, Proceedings of the Second Asia Regional GlobeSAR Workshop, 1996, Science Press: 94-96
[15] Jingjuan Liao, Lei Dong and Guozhuang Shen,Neural network algorithm and backscattering model for biomass estimation of wetland vegetation in Poyang Lake area using ENVISAT ASAR,Proceedings ofInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Vol. 4, p180-183, 2009.
[16] Jingjuan Liao, Zizhen Pang, Surface parameters retrieval from alluvial fan in Ejina Area of the Inner Mongolia using multi-polarization SAR data, Proceedings ofInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Vol.3, p498-501, 2009.
[17] Jingjuan Liao, Qing Wang, Wetland characterization and classification using polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7841, n 1, 2010, Sixth International Symposium on Digital Earth: Data Processing and Applications
[18] Jingjuan Liao,Guozhuang Shen,Weidong Huang,The response of lake variations to climate change in Tibetan Plateau in last 40 years, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference 2011
[19] 廖靜娟,王慶,利用Radarsat-2極化雷達數據探測濕地地表特徵與分類,國土資源遙感,2009,(3):70-73。
[20] 廖靜娟,龐自振,多極化SAR數據反演額濟納沖積扇地表參數,地球信息科學學報,2009,11(1):77-83。
[21] 廖靜娟,沈國狀,基於多極化SAR圖像的鄱陽湖濕地地表淹沒狀況動態變化分析,遙感技術與套用,2008,23(4):373-377。
[22] 廖靜娟,郭華東,邵芸,多時相SAR干涉測量數據探測地表特徵變化,遙感技術與套用,2005, 20(6):543-546
[23] 廖靜娟、郭華東、邵芸、李新武、N. Veneziani, 乾旱-半乾旱地區地表特徵探測的成像雷達干涉測量方法與模型,遙感學報, 2002, Vol. 6, No.6:430-434。
[24] 廖靜娟、邵芸、郭華東、N. Veneziani, 成像雷達干涉測量數據相關性與乾旱-半乾旱地區地表類型特徵的關係,地球科學進展,2002,Vol. 17, No. 5: 648-652。
[25] 廖靜娟, 郭華東, 邵芸, 多波段多極化成像雷達圖像識別森林類型效果分析, 中國圖象圖形學報, 2000, Vol.5(A), No. 1: 30-33.
[26] 廖靜娟、邵芸,多參數SAR數據森林套用潛力分析,遙感學報,2000, Vol.4, Suppl: 129-134。
[27] 廖靜娟、邵芸、郭華東,齊震,水稻生長期微波介電特性研究,遙感學報, 2002, Vol. 6, No.1:19-23。
[28] 廖靜娟、郭華東、邵芸、N. Veneziani,干涉條紋圖估測基線的方法研究,高技術通訊,2002,Vol.12, No.8:5-8。.
[29] 廖靜娟,郭華東,廣東肇慶地區SIR-C森林雷達後向散射特徵分析,遙感學報,1998,Vol.2,No.3: 166-170。
[30] 廖靜娟,成像雷達在森林生態研究中的套用,遙感技術與套用,1998,Vol.13,No.2: 57-63。
[31] 廖靜娟,郭華東, 王長林,太空梭成像雷達探測西崑侖火山的地質意義,遙感新進展與發展戰略,中國


[1] Radar Remote Sensing Applications in China, Taylor &Francis press, 2001, 副主編;
[2] 中國雷達遙感圖像分析, 科學出版社, 1999, 副主編;
[3] 雷達對地觀測理論與套用,科學出版社, 2000,作者之一;
[4] 遙感信息機理,科學出版社, 1999,作者之一。
[5] 柳欽火、辛曉洲,唐聘、廖靜娟、吳炳方等著,定量遙感模型、套用及不確定性研究,科學出版社,2010。
[6] 李震、廖靜娟等著,合成孔徑雷達地表參數反演模型與方法,科學出版社,2011。


