- 中文名:廖新成
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1950年6月
- 職業:教師
- 性別:男
2001年獲河南省教學成果特等獎:《面向21世紀地方院校化學類專業培養目標、規格和課程方案的研究與實踐》,證書編號:豫教[2001] 00519 號
2001年,獲河南省教育系統科技成果二等獎,豫教[2001] 02975 號
1. XiaoLan Chen, LingBo Qu, Xincheng Liao, Yufen Zhao;Synthesis of Novel phosphoric esters of flavone and isoflavone by Atherton-todd reaction;Synthetic Communications Vol.34,No.3,493-499, 2004
2. Shuxia Cao, Jianchen Zhang, Jun Xu, Xincheng Liao, Yufen Zhao;Analysis of hydrolysis reaction of N-phosphoryl phenylalanine by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS;Chinese Chemical Letters Vol.15,No.7,pp.817-820,2004
3. Jianchen Zhang, Shuxia Cao, Jun Xu, Xincheng Liao, Yufen Zhao;Elucidation of O-phosphoryl and N-phosphoryl amino acids by elctrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry;Chinese Journal of Chemical ,2004,22,870-873
4. Xiao Lan Chen, Ling Bo Qu,Ting Zhang, Hong Xia Liu, Xincheng Liao, Yu Fen Zhao;The Natureof Phosphorylate Chrysin-protein interactions involved in noncovalent complex formation by electrospray lonization mass spectroscopy;Analytical Chemistry,Vol.76, No.1,January 1, 2004,76,211-217
5. Shuxia Cao, Yuqian Su, Jianchen Zhang, Xincheng Liao, Yufen Zhao;Characterization of N-phosphoryl oligopeptide libraries by ESI-MS and HPLC-MS;Letters in Peptide Science.0,1-5,2004
6. Xiao yang,Changjin Zhu, Shuxia Cao, Xincheng Liao, Yufen Zhao;Amino-catalyzed hydrolsis of amides and esters in the fragmentation by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry usong anion trap;Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2003, 17, 1927-1930
7. Cao shu xia, niu ming yu, su yu qian, Xincheng Liao, Yufen Zhao;Ligand exchange between penta-coordinated phosphoryl serine and histidine compounds;Chinese Journal of Chemical ,2003,21,1647-1651
8. Cao shu xia,Zhang jian chen, Liao xin chen, Zhao Yufen;Analysis of hydrolysis reaction of N-phosphorylphenylalanine by HPLC-ESI-MS/ MS;Chinese Journal of organic Chemistry,2003 ,23,387
9. Chen xiao lan, qu ling bo, guo lei, lu jian sha, liao xin cheng, Zhao Yufen;Studies on the reaction of salicylic acid with dialkyl phosphate by electrospray ionization Mass Spectrometry and 31P NMR;Chinese Journal of organic Chemistry,2003 ,23,381
10. Xin cheng liao, jun feng zhao, jian chen zhang,shu xia cao, zhao yu fen;A convenient synthesis of N-phosphoryl amino acids;中國化學會第六屆全國磷化學化工學術討論會