


  • 中文名:常小麗
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:副教授


2008/09-2012/04 德國卡爾斯魯厄理工大學,生物學專業,博士;






1. 主持“四川農業大學優秀引進人才科研啟動金支助項目”
2. 主持四川省教育廳項目“立枯絲核菌AG1-IA誘導玉米防禦信號機制研究”,2013/01-2015/12。
3. 主持四川省科技廳項目“主要作物帶籃企臭整狀複合病蟲害關鍵防治技術研究與示範”,2015/01-2017/12。
4. 參加公益性行業(農業)科研專項“穀類白粉病和赤霉病綜合治理技術研究與示範”,2013/01-2017/12,主研人員。
5. 參加根腫病菌生理小種的鑑別寄主及分子鑑定研究,國家自然科學基金(面上項目),2015.01-2016.12,主研人員。




1. 主研參照鞏海與完成“玉米-大豆帶狀複合種植技術”夜腳殼采國家級成果轉化,農業部頒發,排名第7,2016.02.26.
2. 主研參與完成“利用四川特色植物資源創製新型植物源殺福壽螺藥劑的研究” (證書編號:0008416),排名第5,登記日期:2017.06.22,登記號:9512017J1127
3. 主研參與完成“四川小麥赤霉病綜合防控技術研究與套用” (證書編號:0008397),排名第4,登記日期:2017.06.22,登記號:9512017J1128
4. 主研參與完成“四川玉米主要病蟲害綜合防控技術研究與套用” (證書編號:0008282),排名第10,登記日期:2017.06.22,登記號:9512017J1125
5. 主研參與完成“大豆與馬鈴薯、西瓜等經濟作物套作種植技術”成果轉化,排名15,農業部,2017.05.27


1. 張敏,楊開烈,楊春平,陳華保,龔國淑,李沛利,常小麗,蔣春先,王海建. 一種用於防治小麥赤霉病的藥劑組合及其套用. ZL201510114965.8。排名第7.
2. 陳華保,張敏,楊春平,龔國淑,李沛利,蔣春先,王海建,常小麗. 一種預防姜瘟病的種姜處理劑. ZL201410594132.1. 排名9.
3. 陳華保,楊春平,張敏,龔國淑,常小麗,蔣春先,王海建,李沛利. 一種吡咯類化合物用於製備農用殺菌劑的用途. ZL201410593659.2. 排名第5.
4. 常小麗,楊文鈺,付瑤,何宛芹,楊繼芝,武曉玲,雍太文,尚靜. 用於分析大豆鐮孢根腐真菌多樣性的特異性引物組、試劑盒及其套用. 專利申請號:201611207629.9.
5. 常小麗,王奧霖,陳華保,楊文鈺,張敏,龔國淑,楊繼芝,尚靜,吳傳磊. 一種防治大豆鐮孢根腐病的15%烯效唑·戊唑醇·惡霉靈懸浮種衣劑的研製.專利申請號:201711235929.7.


(1) Chang XL*, Seo M, Takebayashi Y, Kamiya Y, Riemann M, Nick P. Jasmonates act in the basal level of innate immunity in Vitis cells. Protoplasma, 2017, 254(1): 271-283.
(2) 何宛芹,付瑤,魯雯璐,常小麗*,楊文鈺*. 大豆根腐病致病鐮孢菌的多重PCR檢測技術. 植物保護學報, 2017,44(4):609-616.
(3) Yang CP, Chang XL, Zhang M, Gong GS, Yue GZ, Chen HB*.Active compounds of stem bark extract from Schima superba and their molluscicidal effects on Pomacea canaliculata. Journal of Pest Science, 2017, in press.
(4) Zheng X, Tang G, Tian Y, Huang X, Chang X, Chen H, Yang H, Zhang S, Gong G*. First report of leaf rust of blueberry caused by Thekopsora minima in China. Plant Disease, 2017, 101(5): 835.
(5) Xu J, Wang C, Fang L, Cui Y, Ma L, Chang X, Zheng X, Zhu Y, Zhang M, Gong G*. First report of Powdery mildew caused by Phyllactinia actinidiae on kiwifruit in Sichuan, China. Plant Disease, 2017, 101(6): 1033.
(1) 戴浩, 羅麗雅, 張翠苹, 孫小芳, 龔國淑, 張敏, 常小麗*. 兩個玉米自交系對紋枯病的抗病反應機制初探. 植物保護, 2016, 12(38): 1-9.
(2) 常小麗*,戴浩,張小玲,陳磊,孫小芳,祁小波. 兩個玉米自交系對Bipolariszeicola的抗病相關反應比較. 西南大學學報(自然科學版), 2016, 38(12): 1-9.
(3) Xu J, Qi XB, Zheng XJ, Cui YL, Chang XL, Gong GS. First report of Corynespora leaf spot on sweet potato caused by Corynespora cassiicola in China. Plant Disease, 2016, 100(10): 2163. (4) Huang XL, Zheng XJ, Xu J, Sun XF, Cui YL, Zhang M, Chang XL, Gong GS. First Report of Brown Leaf Spot on Honeysuckle Caused by Corynespora cassiicola in China. Plant Disease, 2016,100(11):2326. (5) Liu F, Tang G, Zheng XJ, Sun XF, Qi XB, Zhou Y, Xu J, Chen HB, Chang XL, Zhang SR, Gong GS. Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose disease in peppers from Sichuan Province, China. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:32761.
(6) Yang CP, Zhang M, Lei B, Gong GS, Yue GZ, Chang XL, Sun XF, Tian Y, Chen HB. Active saponins of root extracts from Pueraria peduncularis (Grah. ex Benth.) Benth. and their molluscicidal effects on Pomacea canaliculata. Pest Management Science, 2016, 73(6):1143-1147.
(7) 梁銀萍,常小麗,張敏,龔國淑,雷雨,祁小波,羅麗雅,胡玉亭. 小麥 L699 葉片受白粉菌脅迫後蛋白質的差異表達. 麥類作物學報,2016, 36(4):460-464.
(1)Chang XL*, Riemann M, Liu Qiong, Nick P. Actin as deathly switch? How auxin can suppress cell-death related defence. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(5): e0125498.
(2) Zhou You , Gong Guoshu*, Cui Yongliang, Zhang Daixi , Chang Xiaoli, Hu Rongping , Liu Na, Sun Xiaofang. Identification of Botryosphaeriaceae causing Kiwifruit rot in Sichuan Province, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 5(99): 699-708.
(3) Liu Na, Lei Yu, Gong Guoshu*, Zhang Min, Wang Xu, Zhou You, Qi Xiaobo, Chen Huabao, Yang Jizhi, Chang Xiaoli, Liu Kai. Temporal and spatial dynamics of wheat powdery mildew in Sichuan Province, China. Crop Protection, 2015, 74(5): 150-157.
(4) Cui Youliang, Gong Guoshu*, Yu Xiumei, Xu Jing, Wen Xuewei, Zhang Min, Chen Huabao, ZhengXiaojuan, Zhou You, Chang Xiaoli. First report of brown leaf spot on kiwifruit caused by Corynesporacassiicola in Sichuan, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(5): 725.
(5) ZhengXiaojuan, QiaoXiaobo, Xu Jing, Cui Yongliang, Yu Xiumei,Chang Xiaoli, Zhou You, Gong Guoshu*. First report of Corynespora leaf Spot of blueberry Caused by Corynesporacassiicola in Sichuan, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(11): 1651.
(6) Sun XF, Zhang DX, Gong GS, Qi XB, Ye KH, Zhou Y, Liu N, Chang XL. Spot blotch on volunteer wheat plants in sichuan, China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2015,97(1): 173-176.
(7) 常小麗*, 龔國淑, 廖建霞, 戴浩, 鄭曉琴, 崔永亮, 張翠苹. 漆酶誘導北美沙地葡萄抗毒素Res合成及代謝研究. 西北農業學報, 2015,24(4):105-113.
(1) Zhou You, He Shan, Gong Guoshu*, Zhang Shirong,Chang Xiaoli, Liu Na, Sun Xiaofang, Qi Xiaobo, Ye Kunhao. Soil fungal diversity in three nature reserves of Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province, China.Annals of Microbiology, 2014, 64(3): 1275-1290.
(1) Xiaoli Chang*, Peter Nick. Defence signaling triggered by flg22 and harpin is integrated into a different stilbene output in Vitis cells. PloS ONE. 2012, 7(7): e40446.
(2)Xiaoli Chang*, Ernst Heene, FeiQiao and Peter Nick. The phytoalexin resveratrol regulates the initiation of hypersensitive cell death in Vitis cell. PloS ONE. 2011, 6(10): e26405.
(3) FeiQiao, Xiaoli Chang* and Peter Nick. The cytoskeleton enhances gene expression in the response to the Harpin elicitor in grapevine. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010,61:5021-4031.
(4) Liu Qiong*, FeiQiao, Ismail Ahmed, Chang Xiaoli, Nick Peter. The plant cytoskeleton controls regulatory volume increase. BBA Biomembranes, 2013; 1828 (9): 2111.
(5) 常小麗, 劉雅莉*, 王躍進, 徐偉榮, 張宗琴. 百合花特異啟動子PchsA表達載體的構建及功能分析. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 37(2): 135-140.
(1) Chang X*, Seo M, Takebayashi Y, Kamiya Y, Riemann M, Gong G, Nick P. Jasmonatesignalling and the two layers of plant immunity-lessons from grapevine cells. The 11th conference Plant Pathology, 2014, Shenyang, P.R. China, 2014.07.30-08.01
(2) Chang X*, Riemman M, Gong G, Nick P.Auxin modulates Harpin-induced defence signaling in Vitiscells. The 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2013, Beijing, P.R. China, 2013.08.26-08.30
(3) Chang X*, Nick P.Defence signaling triggered by flg22 and harpin is integrated into a different stilbene output inVitiscells. The 5th International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2013, Kyoto, Japan, 2012.07.29-08.02
(4) Qi XB, Cheng SJ, Gong GS, Zhang M, Chang XL, Wang YY, Sun XF, Ye KH, Lei Y, Liu N, Zhou Y, Cui YL. Etiology, dynamic of epidemic and control of garlic leaf blight in Sichuan province.The 11 conference Plant Pathology, 2014, Shenyang, China.
(5) Dai H,Liao J, Zhang C, Zheng X, Cui Y, Gong G, Chang X. Influence of laccase from Botrytis cinereaon biosynthesis and metabolism of the phytoalexin resveratrol in Vitis cells, The conference Plant Pathology, 2015, Haikou, P.R.China, 2015.07.21-07.25.
5. 主研參與完成“大豆與馬鈴薯、西瓜等經濟作物套作種植技術”成果轉化,排名15,農業部,2017.05.27


1. 張敏,楊開烈,楊春平,陳華保,龔國淑,李沛利,常小麗,蔣春先,王海建. 一種用於防治小麥赤霉病的藥劑組合及其套用. ZL201510114965.8。排名第7.
2. 陳華保,張敏,楊春平,龔國淑,李沛利,蔣春先,王海建,常小麗. 一種預防姜瘟病的種姜處理劑. ZL201410594132.1. 排名9.
3. 陳華保,楊春平,張敏,龔國淑,常小麗,蔣春先,王海建,李沛利. 一種吡咯類化合物用於製備農用殺菌劑的用途. ZL201410593659.2. 排名第5.
4. 常小麗,楊文鈺,付瑤,何宛芹,楊繼芝,武曉玲,雍太文,尚靜. 用於分析大豆鐮孢根腐真菌多樣性的特異性引物組、試劑盒及其套用. 專利申請號:201611207629.9.
5. 常小麗,王奧霖,陳華保,楊文鈺,張敏,龔國淑,楊繼芝,尚靜,吳傳磊. 一種防治大豆鐮孢根腐病的15%烯效唑·戊唑醇·惡霉靈懸浮種衣劑的研製.專利申請號:201711235929.7.


(1) Chang XL*, Seo M, Takebayashi Y, Kamiya Y, Riemann M, Nick P. Jasmonates act in the basal level of innate immunity in Vitis cells. Protoplasma, 2017, 254(1): 271-283.
(2) 何宛芹,付瑤,魯雯璐,常小麗*,楊文鈺*. 大豆根腐病致病鐮孢菌的多重PCR檢測技術. 植物保護學報, 2017,44(4):609-616.
(3) Yang CP, Chang XL, Zhang M, Gong GS, Yue GZ, Chen HB*.Active compounds of stem bark extract from Schima superba and their molluscicidal effects on Pomacea canaliculata. Journal of Pest Science, 2017, in press.
(4) Zheng X, Tang G, Tian Y, Huang X, Chang X, Chen H, Yang H, Zhang S, Gong G*. First report of leaf rust of blueberry caused by Thekopsora minima in China. Plant Disease, 2017, 101(5): 835.
(5) Xu J, Wang C, Fang L, Cui Y, Ma L, Chang X, Zheng X, Zhu Y, Zhang M, Gong G*. First report of Powdery mildew caused by Phyllactinia actinidiae on kiwifruit in Sichuan, China. Plant Disease, 2017, 101(6): 1033.
(1) 戴浩, 羅麗雅, 張翠苹, 孫小芳, 龔國淑, 張敏, 常小麗*. 兩個玉米自交系對紋枯病的抗病反應機制初探. 植物保護, 2016, 12(38): 1-9.
(2) 常小麗*,戴浩,張小玲,陳磊,孫小芳,祁小波. 兩個玉米自交系對Bipolariszeicola的抗病相關反應比較. 西南大學學報(自然科學版), 2016, 38(12): 1-9.
(3) Xu J, Qi XB, Zheng XJ, Cui YL, Chang XL, Gong GS. First report of Corynespora leaf spot on sweet potato caused by Corynespora cassiicola in China. Plant Disease, 2016, 100(10): 2163. (4) Huang XL, Zheng XJ, Xu J, Sun XF, Cui YL, Zhang M, Chang XL, Gong GS. First Report of Brown Leaf Spot on Honeysuckle Caused by Corynespora cassiicola in China. Plant Disease, 2016,100(11):2326. (5) Liu F, Tang G, Zheng XJ, Sun XF, Qi XB, Zhou Y, Xu J, Chen HB, Chang XL, Zhang SR, Gong GS. Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose disease in peppers from Sichuan Province, China. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:32761.
(6) Yang CP, Zhang M, Lei B, Gong GS, Yue GZ, Chang XL, Sun XF, Tian Y, Chen HB. Active saponins of root extracts from Pueraria peduncularis (Grah. ex Benth.) Benth. and their molluscicidal effects on Pomacea canaliculata. Pest Management Science, 2016, 73(6):1143-1147.
(7) 梁銀萍,常小麗,張敏,龔國淑,雷雨,祁小波,羅麗雅,胡玉亭. 小麥 L699 葉片受白粉菌脅迫後蛋白質的差異表達. 麥類作物學報,2016, 36(4):460-464.
(1)Chang XL*, Riemann M, Liu Qiong, Nick P. Actin as deathly switch? How auxin can suppress cell-death related defence. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(5): e0125498.
(2) Zhou You , Gong Guoshu*, Cui Yongliang, Zhang Daixi , Chang Xiaoli, Hu Rongping , Liu Na, Sun Xiaofang. Identification of Botryosphaeriaceae causing Kiwifruit rot in Sichuan Province, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 5(99): 699-708.
(3) Liu Na, Lei Yu, Gong Guoshu*, Zhang Min, Wang Xu, Zhou You, Qi Xiaobo, Chen Huabao, Yang Jizhi, Chang Xiaoli, Liu Kai. Temporal and spatial dynamics of wheat powdery mildew in Sichuan Province, China. Crop Protection, 2015, 74(5): 150-157.
(4) Cui Youliang, Gong Guoshu*, Yu Xiumei, Xu Jing, Wen Xuewei, Zhang Min, Chen Huabao, ZhengXiaojuan, Zhou You, Chang Xiaoli. First report of brown leaf spot on kiwifruit caused by Corynesporacassiicola in Sichuan, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(5): 725.
(5) ZhengXiaojuan, QiaoXiaobo, Xu Jing, Cui Yongliang, Yu Xiumei,Chang Xiaoli, Zhou You, Gong Guoshu*. First report of Corynespora leaf Spot of blueberry Caused by Corynesporacassiicola in Sichuan, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(11): 1651.
(6) Sun XF, Zhang DX, Gong GS, Qi XB, Ye KH, Zhou Y, Liu N, Chang XL. Spot blotch on volunteer wheat plants in sichuan, China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2015,97(1): 173-176.
(7) 常小麗*, 龔國淑, 廖建霞, 戴浩, 鄭曉琴, 崔永亮, 張翠苹. 漆酶誘導北美沙地葡萄抗毒素Res合成及代謝研究. 西北農業學報, 2015,24(4):105-113.
(1) Zhou You, He Shan, Gong Guoshu*, Zhang Shirong,Chang Xiaoli, Liu Na, Sun Xiaofang, Qi Xiaobo, Ye Kunhao. Soil fungal diversity in three nature reserves of Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province, China.Annals of Microbiology, 2014, 64(3): 1275-1290.
(1) Xiaoli Chang*, Peter Nick. Defence signaling triggered by flg22 and harpin is integrated into a different stilbene output in Vitis cells. PloS ONE. 2012, 7(7): e40446.
(2)Xiaoli Chang*, Ernst Heene, FeiQiao and Peter Nick. The phytoalexin resveratrol regulates the initiation of hypersensitive cell death in Vitis cell. PloS ONE. 2011, 6(10): e26405.
(3) FeiQiao, Xiaoli Chang* and Peter Nick. The cytoskeleton enhances gene expression in the response to the Harpin elicitor in grapevine. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010,61:5021-4031.
(4) Liu Qiong*, FeiQiao, Ismail Ahmed, Chang Xiaoli, Nick Peter. The plant cytoskeleton controls regulatory volume increase. BBA Biomembranes, 2013; 1828 (9): 2111.
(5) 常小麗, 劉雅莉*, 王躍進, 徐偉榮, 張宗琴. 百合花特異啟動子PchsA表達載體的構建及功能分析. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 37(2): 135-140.
(1) Chang X*, Seo M, Takebayashi Y, Kamiya Y, Riemann M, Gong G, Nick P. Jasmonatesignalling and the two layers of plant immunity-lessons from grapevine cells. The 11th conference Plant Pathology, 2014, Shenyang, P.R. China, 2014.07.30-08.01
(2) Chang X*, Riemman M, Gong G, Nick P.Auxin modulates Harpin-induced defence signaling in Vitiscells. The 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2013, Beijing, P.R. China, 2013.08.26-08.30
(3) Chang X*, Nick P.Defence signaling triggered by flg22 and harpin is integrated into a different stilbene output inVitiscells. The 5th International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2013, Kyoto, Japan, 2012.07.29-08.02
(4) Qi XB, Cheng SJ, Gong GS, Zhang M, Chang XL, Wang YY, Sun XF, Ye KH, Lei Y, Liu N, Zhou Y, Cui YL. Etiology, dynamic of epidemic and control of garlic leaf blight in Sichuan province.The 11 conference Plant Pathology, 2014, Shenyang, China.
(5) Dai H,Liao J, Zhang C, Zheng X, Cui Y, Gong G, Chang X. Influence of laccase from Botrytis cinereaon biosynthesis and metabolism of the phytoalexin resveratrol in Vitis cells, The conference Plant Pathology, 2015, Haikou, P.R.China, 2015.07.21-07.25.


