

布朗中國峰會由布朗大學中國留學生劉佳妮發起,布朗大學國際關係學院中國研究啟動中心 Watson Institute China Initiative 提供全資資助,來自大陸、香港、台灣、美國的布朗在校學生組成的籌備團隊完成全部設計和籌辦工作。布朗中國峰會旨在促進大中華地區各領域的領軍人物以前輩的視角與在美學生學者進行溝通與交流、探討熱點問題、為美東地區高校的師生們介紹新鮮而真實的中國面貌。

Brown China Summit was initiated by Chinese students, sponsored by the ChinaInitiative at the Watson Institute for International Relations, and organized annually by ateam of Brown students. The summit was created with the clear goal in mind of bridgingBrown and China. This goal is accomplished by creating opportunities for face-to-faceconversations with leading figures in various fields, discussing China- themed topics atpanels, and introducing the dynamic development of China through presentations.


  • 中文名:布朗中國峰會
  • 外文名:Brown China Summit
  • 活動時間:2015年4月11日-4月12日
  • 活動地點:美國 RI Providence 布朗大學


China's Stride Forward中國邁進新常態
Brown China Summit 2015布朗中國峰會2015
第一屆布朗中國峰會於 2014 年 4 月在布朗大學成功舉辦、布朗大學校長 Christina Paxson 教授親自為峰會開幕並發表主旨演講。第一屆布朗峰會以“我的中國夢”為主題,邀請到了二十餘位中美嘉賓與二百多名布朗、哈佛、哥倫比亞、達特茅斯等美東高校的學生們共同交流探討。
2014 年,我們迎來了深化改革元年,中國經濟社會的各個方面都開啟了新一輪的改革浪潮。中國的深化改革朝向何方?各行各業對深化改革的積極回響對本行業的發展意味著什麼?深化改革會給中國帶來怎樣的新機遇和新挑戰?這些問題不僅僅關係著每一個中國人的生活命運,當中國走到世界舞台的中心位置上,中國的改革也影響著全世界的發展和前途。深化改革讓中國走向了“新常態”。“新常態”的內涵是什麼?“新常態”在教育、藝術、商業、社會治理等領域有怎樣不同的表現?本屆峰會以“中國邁進新常態”為主題,分設藝術分論壇,科技分論壇,教育分論壇,公共政策分論壇。以峰會為平台,為各行業的領軍人物和在美的老師同學們架起交流溝通的橋樑,一起探討邁進“新常態”的嶄新中國。
The first Brown China Summit was held in April of 2014. The summit's themewas "My Chinese Dream", and was a great success. The President of Brown University,Christina Paxson, delivered the opening speech. More than twenty guest speakers fromChina and the United States joined hundreds of audience members from Brown andother universities to explore and discuss the idea of the “Chinese Dream.”
Brown China Summit's 2015 theme -- China's Stride Forward -- is an extension ofthe individual's "Chinese Dream" to their hopes and aspirations for China's future. Nowover sixty years since formation of the People's Republic of China, what lies ahead forthis nation is an interesting and important topic that warrants examination. During thisexciting time of accelerated transformation, newfangled ideas become normality andare rapidly replaced. The Brown China Summit steps into the fields of Chinese arts,education, technology, and public policy in order to promote a better understanding ofthese extraordinary topics and facilitate discussion on what the "New Normal" of Chinawill be.
My Chinese Dream 我的中國夢
Brown China Summit 2014 布朗中國峰會 2014
Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr.’s words “I have a dream” spread like wildfire throughoutthe world. It spread not through language but through conviction. In the distant East, in China,there also lives a dream. It is not just a grandiose slogan; it is real. Not just propagated by thegovernment, but by the common man. Because of this, it belongs to everyone, ordinary andextraordinary, old and young, rich and poor. Each and every person lived and breathed the dream.
The Chinese Dream, an ideology that has been propagandized by the Chinese leadership, hasalways been a hot topic of debate in the social media. The concept of the Chinese Dream has alsobeen very fluid. In a way, the Chinese Dream has been seen to be a vehicle embedding theideology of the political party. However, such a view is open to personal interpretation on anindividual level. As such, the forum does not limit the possibilities of topics and allows speakersdefine their own speeches. The forum provides the platform that guides the topics ofconversation.
布朗中國峰會2015 嘉賓:
Keynote Speeches:
· 劉為民 中華人民共和國駐美利堅合眾國大使館研究室主任,公使銜參贊。曾任中國外交部第二十六任發言人。
· 李銀河 中國社會科學院社會學所研究員、教授、博士生導師。中國第一位研究性的女社會學家,性學家。匹茨堡大學社會學博士。曾被《亞洲周刊》評為中國50位最具影響的人物之一。
Education Panel:
Bridging the gap between Chinese and Western education
o Margot Landman美國美中關係全國委員會教育項目主任Senior Director for Education Programs, National Committee on United States-China Relations
o Trevor Nunn 寧波諾丁漢大學國際校長領導力研究中心主任Director of Nottingham-Ningbo's International Centre for School Leadership and the School of Education
o Denis Simon亞利桑那州立大學校長高級顧問Senior Adviser on China and Global Affairs in the Office of the President at Arizona State University
o Sun Baifeng 麻州大學波士頓分校孔子學院美方院長 Director of the Confucius Institute at University of Massachusetts in Boston
Public Policy Panel
China’s Green GDP
o 高利紅 中南財經政法大學教授,圖書館館長Professor, Director of Library, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
o 張中祥 復旦大學公共經濟系主任,千人計畫特聘教授 Distinguished Professor, Chairman of Department of Public Economics, Fudan University
o William KellyCo-Author of People's Republic of Chemicals
o 楊鵬 第一任壹基金秘書長, 前阿拉善生態協會秘書長Former Research Center Director of China’s Environmental Protection Department, Secretary General of ALASHAN Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology, Secretary General of One Fundation
Entreprenuership and Techology Panel
From Made in China to Innovated in China-The ambition of Chinese technology
o 趙勇 格林深瞳創始人Founder of Deep Glint
o 王勝寒 企鵝吃喝創始人 Founder of PenguinGuide
o 貝曉超 新浪微博社會責任總監Director, Corporation Social Responsibility Department of Sina Weibo
Art Panel
Globalization is not Westernization
Chinese artists’ influence outside of China
o 王沂蓬 中央美術學院教授, 2008 年北京奧運會獎牌設計者Associate professor of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Designer of the 2008 Beijing Olympics medals
o 王水泊 奧斯卡獎提名導演,美國古根翰姆學者獎獲得者,中央美院電影與影像藝術系創建系主任Oscar Nominated filmmaker, Guggenheim Fellow, Professor and founding director of Film & Media Art department at Central Academy of Fine Arts


Intended Date: April 5th - 6th, 2014
峰會時間:2014年4月5日- 6日
Intended Location: Metcalf Friedman Auditorium, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
峰會地點:美國 羅德島州 普羅維登斯市 布朗大學
The Summit is divided into four Panels according to the context:
Art Panel, Media Panel, Education Panel, Business & Enterprise Panel.論壇根據內容分成四個分會:藝術分會,媒體分會,教育分會,商業企業分會。


Brown China Summit – AGENDA
9:50am – 10:10am
Introduction & Opening Ceremony
Friedman Auditorium
Address: 190 Thayer Street
10:10am – 11:30am
Tech & Entrepreneurship Panel
11:30am –01:00pm
01:00pm – 02:00pm
Keynote Speech-Dr. Li Yinhe (Chinese)
Lunch Break (Speakers Only)
02:00pm – 03:30pm
Education Panel
Friedman Auditorium
Address: 190 Thayer Street
03:30pm – 05:00pm
Keynote Speech- Mr. Liu Weimin
05:00pm – 06:30pm
Public Policy Panel
06:30 pm – 07:00pm
SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015
10:00am – 12:00am
Movie Screening & Art Panel
Friedman Auditorium
Address: 190 Thayer Street


Brown China Summit 2015 Team:
AdvisorEdward Steinfeld
Co-Presidents: 李軼謀Andrew Li 何銘健Alex He
Operations: 羅富元Fuyuan Luo
Public Relations: Emily Schell
聞雯Wen Wen
張良之Liangzhi Zhang
Information Technology: 朱思瑪Sima Zhu
Art Panel: 劉佳妮Apple Liu
楊淞Song Yang
Sarah-Eve Dill
Hi-Tech Panel: 韓卓非Zhuofei Han
邵啟明Qiming Shao
Public Policy Panel: 劉吉佺Jiquan Liu
羅富元Fuyuan Luo
張良之Liangzhi Zhang
聞雯Wen Wen
高海純Haichun Gao
Education Panel: Emily Schell
韓凌霄Lingxiao Han
Agnes Chan
Alumni Relations: 施政Zheng Shi
Gabrielle (Shannon) Frampton


