


  • 中文名:岑望來
  • 外文名:Wanglai Cen
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:四川大學

以第一性原理與分子動力學為研究方法,開展環境催化反應機理研究與材料設計。目前從事炭材料低溫催化脫硫、霧霾形成的大氣非均相過程和g-C3N4紫外可見光催化活性拓展方面的基礎研究工作。常用軟體:VASP, CPMD, LAMMPS。


1. 煙氣脫硫若干基礎問題計算模擬研究(成都國化環保科技有限公司委託項目)。
2. GIS絕緣氣體擴散特性數值模擬與特效吸附劑的合成(廣東電網公司電力科學研究院委託項目)。
3. 六氟化硫新型吸附劑製備方法最佳化研究(廣東電網公司電力科學研究院委託項目)。
4. 中空低溫高效煙氣脫硫催化劑製備與脫硫工藝最佳化研究(成都市科技惠明項目)。
5. 四川省環保產業技術路線圖與前瞻性研究(四川省環境保護科學研究院)。
6. 炭材料空位、氮摻雜和受限空間協同催化氧化SO2機理研究(自然科學基金)。
7. 硫酸化工尾氣高效治理關鍵技術裝備與套用示範:高溫脫硫催化材料與工藝最佳化(四川省科技支撐項目子課題)。

1. 層間摻雜鹼/鹼土金屬g-C3N4的原位構建及其可見光催化去除NOx的性能增強機制(自然科學基金,排名第二)。
14. Jieyuan Li, Shi Yin, Fan Dong,Wanglai Cen, and Yinghao Chu,Tailoring Active Sites via Synergy between Graphitic and Pyridinic N for Enhanced Catalytic Efficiency of a Carbocatalyst,ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces,2017,DOI:10.1021/acsami.7b04026.
13.Jieyuan Li, Wen Cui, Yanjun Sun, Yinghao Chu,Wanglai Cen, Dong Fan,Directional electron delivery via a vertical channel between g-C3N4layers promotes photocatalytic efficiency,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(19): 9358-9364.
12. Yanqiu Chen, Shi Yin, Yueli Li,Wanglai Cen, Jianjun Li, Huaqiang Yin,Curvature dependence of single-walled carbon nanotubes for SO2adsorption and oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 404: 364-269
11. Ting Xiong,Wanglai Cen, Yuxin Zhang, Fan Dong, Bridging the g-C3N4Interlayers for Enhanced Photocatalysis, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6(4): 2462-2472.(ESI高引)
10. Yulu Liu, Jie Liu, Gang Feng, Shi Yin,Wanglai Cen, Yongjun Liu, Interface effects for the hydrogenation of CO2on Pt4/-gamma-Al2O3, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 386: 196-201.
9.Jieyuan Li, Jie Liu, Shi Yin, Yongjun Liu, Jianjun Li,Wanglai Cen, Yinghao Chu, Promotion mechanism of pyridine N-doped carbocatalyst for SO2oxidation, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(89): 86316-86323.
8. MeilingHou,Wanglai Cen, Fang Nan, Jianjun Li, Yinghao Chu, Huaqiang Yin, Dissociation of O2and its reactivity on O/S doped graphene, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(9): 7015-7021.
7.Wanglai Cen, MeilingHou, Jie Liu, Shandong Yuan, Yongjun Liu, Yinghao Chu, Oxidation of SO2and NO by epoxy groups on graphene oxides: the role of the hydroxyl group, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(29): 22802-22810.
6. MeilingHou,Wanglai Cen, Huijuan Zhang, Jie Liu, Huaqiang Yin, Fushen Wei, Adsorption and oxidation of NO on graphene oxides: A dispersion corrected density functional theory investigation, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 339: 55-61.
5. Huijuan Zhang,Wanglai Cen, Jie Liu, JiaxiuGuo, Huaqiang Yin, PingNing, Adsorption and oxidation of SO2by graphene oxides: A van der Waals density functional theory study. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 324, 61-67.
4.Wanglai Cen, Ting Xiong, Chiya Tang, Shandong Yuan, Fan Dong, Effects of Morphology and Crystallinity on the Photocatalytic Activity of (BiO)2CO3Nano/microstructures, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(39): 15002-15011.
3.Wanglai Cen, Yue Liu, Zhongbiao Wu, Jie Liu, Haiqiang Wang, XiaoleWeng, Cl Species Transformation on CeO2(111) Surface and Its Effects on CVOCs Catalytic Abatement: A First-Principles Investigation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(13): 6758-6766.
2. Yulu Liu,Wanglai Cen, Gang Feng, Yinghao Chu, Dejin Kong, Huaqiang Yin, First principles study on the adsorption of Ptn(n=1-4) on gamma-Al2O3(110) surface, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 313: 424-431.
1.Wanglai Cen, Yue Liu, Zhongbiao Wu, Haiqiang Wang, XiaoleWeng, A theoretic insight into the catalytic activity promotion of CeO2surfaces by Mn doping, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14(16): 5769-5777.


