- 中文名:尤鋒
- 職業:教師
姓 名: 尤鋒
性 別: 女
研究方向: 魚類遺傳及遺傳育種
職 稱: 研究員/博導
部 門: 實驗海洋生物學重點實驗室
1984.10 – 至今,中國科學院海洋研究所研究,先後為研究實習員、助理研究員、副研究員、研究員、博士生導師
1998.5 – 2000.5, 新加坡國立大學分子農業研究院,訪問學者
發表接收相關學術論文120餘篇,其中SCI/ EI 論文46篇,參與編寫專著7部,授權國家發明專利11項、國家實用新型專利2項;申報國家發明專利14項。獲得國家技術發明獎二等獎、國家海洋局、威海市科技二等獎和青島市科技進步一等獎各1項。指導博士後、博士生和碩士生20餘名。
1. Zhaofei Fan, Zhihao Wu, Lijuan Wang, Yuxia Zou, Peijun Zhang, Feng You*. Characterization of embryo transcriptome of gynogenetic olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Marine Biotechnology, accept
2. Shenda Weng, Feng You*, Zhaofei Fan, Lijuan Wang, Zhihao Wu, Yuxia Zou. Molecular cloning and sexually dimorphic expression of wnt4 in olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016, 42(4), 1167-1176
3. Zhihao Wu, Feng You*, Aiyun Wen, Deyou Ma, Peijun Zhang. Physiological and morphological effects of severe hypoxia, hypoxia, and hyperoxia in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Aquaculture Research,2016. 47(1): 219–227
4. Limin Peng, Yuan Zheng, Feng You*, Zhihao Wu, Xungang Tan, Shuang Jiao, Peijun Zhang. Comparison of growth characteristics between skeletal muscle satellite cell lines from diploid and triploid olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. PeerJ, 2016,4: e1519 (,並列第一)
5. Aiyun Wen, Feng You*, Peng Sun, Jun Li, Dongdong Xu, ZhihaoWu, Deyou Ma, Yuxia Zou, Xungang Tan, Zhaofei Fan, Peijun Zhang. Sexually dimorphic gene expression patterns during gonadal differentiation in olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Animal Biology, 2015, 65:193–207
6. Yuan Zheng, Limin Peng, Feng You*, Yuxia Zou, Peijun Zhang, Songlin Chen. Establishment and characterization of a fish cell line from the brain of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. J. of Fish Biology, 2015, 87(1):115-122 (,並列第一)
7. Lijuan Wang, Feng You*, Shenda Weng, Aiyun Wen, Zhihao Wu, Yuxia Zou, Mengjiao Xin, and Peijun Zhang, Molecular cloning and sexually dimorphic expression patterns of nr0b1 andnr5a2 in olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Development Genes and Evolution, 2015, 252(2): 95-104
8. Wenji Wang, Jing Wang, Feng You, Liman Ma, Xiao Yang, Jinning Gao, Yan He, Jie Qi, Haiyang Yu, Zhigang Wang, Xubo Wang, Zhihao Wu, Quanqi Zhang. Detection of alternative splice and gene duplication by RNA-Seq in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2014, doi:10.1534/g3.114.012138
9. Jinwei Hu, Feng You*, Qian Wang, Shenda Weng, Hui Liu, Lijuan Wang, Pei-Jun Zhang. Xungang Tan. Transcriptional responses of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) to low temperature. PLoS One, 2014, 9(10): e108582
10. Zhaofei Fan, Feng You*, Lijuan Wang, Shenda Weng, Zhihao Wu, Jinwei Hu, Yuxia Zou, Xungang Tan and Peijun Zhang. Gonadal transcriptome analysis of male and female olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). BioMed Research International, 2014, Volume 2014, Article ID 291067, 10 pages
11. Aiyun Wen, Feng You*, Peng Sun, Jun Li, Dongdong Xu, Zhihao Wu, Deyou Ma,Peijun Zhang. CpG methylation of dmrt1 and cyp19a promoters in relation to their sexual dimorphic expression in the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. J. of Fish Biology, 2014,84, 193–205
12. Peng Sun,Feng You*, Deyou Ma, Jun Li, Peijun Zhang. Sex steroid changes during temperature-induced gonadal differentiation in Paralichthys olivaceus. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 2013,29: 886–890
13. Dongdong Xu,Feng You*,Zhihao Wu,Jun Li,Jing Ni,Zhizhong Xiao,Peijun Zhang,Yongli Xu. Genetic characterization of asymmetric reciprocal hybridization between the flatfishes Paralichthys olivaceus and Paralichthys dentatus. Genetica,2009,137(2):151-158
14. Feng You, Wei Wang, Dongdong Xu, Yongli Xu, Xincheng Wang, Peijun Zhang. Hybrids between olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and stone flounder Kareius bicoloratus: allozyme and RAPD analyses. Chin. J. of Oceanology and Limnology, 2009, 27(2): 317-323
15. Aiyun Wen, Feng You*, Xungang Tan, Peng Sun, Jing Ni,Yuqing Zhang,Dongdong Xu, Zhihao Wu, Yongli Xu, Peijun Zhang. Expression pattern of dmrt4 from olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in adult gonads and during embryogenesis. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry,2009, 35(3):421-433
16. Feng You, Jianhe Xu, Xiangping Zhu, Yongli Xu, Peijun Zhang. Effect of UV irradiation on sperm of the left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2008, 39(3):414-422. 0.5
17. 郭佳偉, 朱香萍*, 吳志昊, 宋宗誠, 范兆飛, 譚訓剛, 尤鋒*. 大菱鮃周期蛋白依賴激酶基因cdk1、cdk6克隆及表達分析. 海洋科學,2016,40(4):11-21
18. 劉慧,吳志昊,李楨*,朱香萍,尤鋒*,宋宗誠,胡金偉. 三倍體牙鮃(Paralichthys olivaceus)群體遺傳多樣性的微衛星分析. 海洋漁業進展,2015,36(1):33-40
19. 吳志昊,尤鋒*,宋宗誠,胡金偉,王麗娟,譚訓剛,李軍. 大菱鮃四倍體的人工誘導研究. 海洋與湖沼,2014, 45(3): 636-641
20. 尤鋒,許建和,倪靜,孫威,朱香萍,徐冬冬,徐永立,張培軍. 牙鮃同質雌核發育人工誘導研究. 高技術通訊,2008,18(8):874-880 (,並列第一)