




  《小型水利水電工程碾壓式土石壩設計規範(SL189-2013Replace SL189-96 英文版)》共10章 條、1個附錄,主要包括以下內容:規定了規程編制目的和適用範圍;對壩址、樞紐布置、壩型選擇以及應遵循的原則作了規定;對填築材料的選擇原則及填築標準作了規定;規定了壩體結構設計、基礎處理的工作內容、原則及要求;規定了壩體設計中的計算內容、方法及要求;規定了壩體加高、加固的原則、方法與要求;附錄部分對波浪和護坡的計算等做了規定。


Introduction to English Version
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Dam Site Selection and Project Layout
3.1 Dam Site Selection
3.2 Project Layout
4 Dam Type Selection
5 Filling Materials and Compaction Requirements
5.1 Filling Materials
5.2 Compaction Requirements
6 Dam Structure
6.1 Zoning of Dam
6.2 Freeboard of Dam Crest
6.3 Details of Dam Crest
6.4 Dam Slope
6.5 Impervious Zone
6.6 Filter Zone and Transition Zone
6.7 Drainage of Dam
6.8 Slope Protection
6.9 Dam Surface Drainage
6.10 Connection Between Dam and Foundation,Bank Slope or Other Structures
6.11 Overflow Earth-Rockfill Dam
7 Dam Foundation Treatment
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Treatment of Sand and Gravel Foundation
7.3 Treatment of Easily Liquefiable Soil Foundation
7.4 Treatment of Soft Soil Foundation
7.5 Treatment of Collapsible Loess Dam Foundation
7.6 Treatment of Rock Foundation
8 Calculations for Earth-Rockfill Dams
8.1 Seepage Flow Calculation
8.2 Stability Calculation
8.3 Settlement Calculation
9 Dam Heightening and Reinforcing
9.1 Dam Heightening
9.2 Dam Reinforcing
10 Safety Monitoring Design
Annex A Wave and Slope Protection Computation
Explanation of Wording


