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  • 中文名:實用商務英語函電
  • 作者:杜春雷、孫志娟
  • 出版社: 東南大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • ISBN: 9787564184315




Unit 1Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing1
Lesson 1An Introduction to Business Letter Writing1
Lesson 2Layout of a Business Letter2
Lesson 3Writing Principles of a Business Letter10Unit 2Establishing Business Relations15
Lesson 1Company Profile16
Lesson 2Selfintroduction by Exporter19
Lesson 3(1) Importer Writing to Exporter22
(2) Reply to the Above23
Writing Practice26
Useful Sentences26Unit 3Enquiries and Replies28
Lesson 1(1) General Enquiry30
(2) Reply to the Above31
Lesson 2(1) Order Enquiry33
(2) Reply to the Above35
Lesson 3(1) Status Enquiry39
(2) Reply to the Above40
Writing Practice42
Useful Sentences42Unit 4Offers and Counteroffers43
Lesson 1(1) A Quotation45
(2) Reply to the Above46
Lesson 2(1) A Firm Offer49
(2) The Counteroffer50
(3) Reply to the Above51
Lesson 3(1) A Nonfirm Offer55
(2) The Counteroffer56
(3) The Countercounter Offer57
Writing Practice60
Useful Sentences61Unit 5Orders, Acceptances and Rejections63
Lesson 1Sample Letters for Orders65
Lesson 2Acceptance and Partial Acceptance of Orders69
Lesson 3Rejection of Orders73
Writing Practice76
Useful Sentences76Unit 6Contract Signing78
Lesson 1Sending a Sales Confirmation79
Lesson 2Sales Confirmation82
Lesson 3Counter Signature Letter89
Writing Practice91
Useful Sentences93Unit 7Payment95
Lesson 1(1) Urging Establishment of the L/C97
(2) Reply to the Above98
Lesson 2(1) Amendment to an L/C102
(2) Reply to the Above106
Lesson 3Asking for Extension of an L/C108
Writing Practice110
Useful Sentences111Unit 8Packing113
Lesson 1Inner Packing114
Lesson 2Outer Packing117
Lesson 3(1) Amending Packing Requirements and Marking119
(2) Reply to the Above120
Writing Practice123
Useful Sentences123Unit 9Shipment125
Lesson 1(1) Shipping Instructions126
(2) Reply to the Above128
Lesson 2(1) Urging for Prompt Shipment129
(2) Reply to the Above130
Lesson 3Shipping Advice133
Writing Practice135
Useful Sentences136Unit 10Insurance138
Lesson 1(1) Buyer Asking Seller to Cover Insurance139
(2) Reply to the Above140
Lesson 2(1) To Insure the Goods with an Insurance Company144
(2) Reply from the Insurance Company145
Lesson 3(1) Asking the Seller to Arrange Shipment and Excessive Insurance146
(2) Reply to the Above147
Writing Practice149
Useful Sentences150Unit 11Complaints, Claims and Settlements152
Lesson 1(1) Complaint of Wrong Goods Delivered154
(2) Reply—Complaint Accepted155
Lesson 2(1) Claim for Improper Packing157
(2) Reply—Suggesting a Claim to the Shipping Company158
Lesson 3Claim for Inferior Quality161
Writing Practice163
Useful Sentences163Unit 12Agency166
Lesson 1Importer Asking for Sole Agency168
Lesson 2Entrusting a Customer with Sole Agency170
Lesson 3Sole Agency Agreement172
Writing Practice176
Useful Sentences176Unit 13Telegrams178
Lesson 1An Introduction to Telegrams178
Lesson 2Examples of Business English Correspondence through Telegrams180Unit 14Telexes182
Lesson 1An Introduction to Telexes182
Lesson 2Examples of Business English Correspondence through Telexes183Keys to Exercises185


