編號 | AMS-94-02 |
拉丁菌名 | Pseudomonas halosensibilis Zou & Cai nov. sp. |
中文菌名 | 宣威漢遜酵母 |
定名人 | 江東福 |
Nomencla | Zou Guohe and Cai Miaoying |
發表文章 | 漢遜酵母屬的兩個新種 |
Article | A New Species of Pseudomonas |
作者 | 江東福 馬 萍 王 登 張玲琪 姜國銀 |
Author | Zou Guohe, Li Wenling, Gan Qilu, Zou Lezhi, and Xu Junhua / Cai Miaoying and Wei Jun / Lei Jingjiang and Dai Hong |
作者單位 | 雲南省微生物研究所, 昆明 650091 |
摘要 | 從中國宣威腿中分離到兩株典型的火腿 酵母. 它們是火腿微生物菌群的最優勢種, 可獨立, 成功 地完成火腿發酵全過程, 從而避免黴菌及其毒素對火腿的 污染.經鑑定, 這兩株菌均為漢遜酵母屬 (Hansenula H. et P. Sydow) 中的新種, 分別命名為宣威漢遜酵母 (Hansenula xuanweiensis Jiang. sp.nov.)和中國漢遜 酵母 (Hansenula sinensis Jiang sp. nov.) . |
Abstract | A strain No. 9191 isolated from fruit juice mineral drink is gram-negetive short-rod. It differs from reported species of Pseudomonasin morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Main characteristics of No.9191 are single polar flagelled, oxidaseand catalase positive, no acid from glucose but producing alkali, nitrate reduced to nitrite, inability to hydrolize gelatin and starch,arginine dihydrolase absent, no growth in presence of 0.85% NaCl. The G+C mol% of DNA is 65.15. It is named Pseudomonas halosenibilis Zou & Cai nov. sp.by the sensibility property for salt. |
關鍵字 | 宣威漢遜酵母, 中國漢遜酵母, 霍爾斯特漢酵母 |
Key | |
期刊 | 微生物學報 34(1-6):179-183, 1994 |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 34(1-6):pp.96-99, 1994 |
分享省市 | 雲南省宣威縣 |
Place | Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China |
採集地 | 宣威食品公司提供的雲南宣威 火腿樣品 |
Environment | The bacteriun isolated in orange juice mineral water drink, but the drink colected from Nachang Drink Factor on line. |
海撥高度 | |
生態環境 | 暖溫帶高原季風氣候火腿加工車間 |
寄主 | 火腿 |
Habitat | middle-subtropical moist climate drink factor |
Host | orange juice mineral water drink |
採集人 | 江東福 馬 萍 王 登 張玲琪 姜國銀 |
Isolation Person | Zou Guohe, Li Wenling, Gan Qilu, Zou Lezhi, and Xu Junhua |
採集時間 | |
保存單位 | 雲南省微生物研究所真菌標本室, 昆明 650091 |
Preservation Unit | Bacteriological Taxonomy Group, Department of Bacteriological Taxonomy, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
描述 | |
等模式 | |
Speciman No. | No.9191 |
全文 | |
Note | The bacterium is a new pathogen in drink which caused the drink rottening and the organism is a new testing term for anti-epidemic station. |
備註 | 該菌是耐高鹽和耐低溫的 酵母菌. |