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  • 中文名:宋麗麗 
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:山東博興
  • 出生日期:1977年1月
  • 畢業院校中國科學院華南植物園
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:經濟林產品加工與利用


1995/09-1999/07 青島農業大學(原萊陽農學院)園藝系,農學學士
1999/09-2002/07 安徽農業大學園藝系,農學碩士
2003/03-2006/03 中國科學院華南植物園,理學博士


2006/04-2014/02 浙江省農業科學院食品科學研究所 助理研究員/副研究員
2012/04-2013/04 澳大利亞墨爾本大學 植物系 副研究員
2014/02-2016/12 浙江農林大學 林業與生物技術學院 副教授
2017/01-起浙江農林大學 林業與生物技術學院 教授


中國林學會青年工作委員會 常務委員
浙江省食品學會 常務理事
浙江省林學會經濟林專業委員會 副主任委員


1.2019年 浙江省“萬人計畫”科技創新領軍人才
2.2018年 浙江省“新世紀151人才工程”第二層次
3.2017年 中國青年科技獎第十四屆中國林業青年科技獎
4.2017年 浙江省高校中青年學術帶頭人


1.香榧種實成熟過程中金松酸合成積累的分子機理研究 國家自然科學基金面上項目 2020-2023 主持
2.LOX途徑在香榧堅果生理後熟期間呈香物質形成中的調控作用 國家自然科學基金面上項目 2017-2020 主持
3.竹筍采後木質化進程中木聚糖合成代謝及其調控機制 浙江省自然科學基金委傑出青年基金項目 2015-2018 主持
4.香榧幼年林高效生態經營技術集成與示範推廣 國家林業局 2017-2019 主持
5.香榧傳統加工品質提升關鍵技術研究與套用省院合作林業科技項目2014.7-2017.7 主持
6.生物與非生物因子誘發果實采後衰老的生物學基礎 973項目專題 2013-2017 主持
7.香榧籽加工前預處理與炒制技術規程 浙江省地方標準制(修)訂項目 浙江省質量技術監督局 2017-2018 主持


1.Mingzhu Ding, Heqiang Lou*, Wenchao Chen, Ying Zhou, Zihao Zhang, Minghui Xiao, Zhanqi Wang, Yi Yang, Lei Yang, Feicui Zhang, Jiasheng Wu*, Lili Song*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the genes involved in lipid biosynthesis pathway and regulation of oil body formation in Torreya grandis kernels. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 145. doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.112051 (SCI)
2.Xianghe Meng*, Dan Xiao, Qin Ye, Xiaohua Nie, Jiasheng Wu*, Lili Song. Positional distribution of Δ5-olefinic acids in triacylglycerols from Torreya grandis seed oil: Isolation and purification of sciadonic acid. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 143. doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.111917 (SCI)
3.Heqiang Lou#, Mingzhu Ding#, Jiasheng Wu*, Feicui Zhang, Wenchao Chen, Yi Yang, Jinwei Suo, Weiwu Yu, Chuanmei Xu, Lili Song*. Full-length transcriptome analysis of the genes involved in tocopherol biosynthesis in Torreya grandis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019, 67, 1877-1888. (SCI)
4.Minying Zhou#, Lili Song#, Shan Ye, Wei Zeng, Heikki Hännien, Weiwu Yu, Jinwei Suo, Yuanyuan Hu, Jiasheng Wu*. New sights into lipid metabolism regulation by low temperature in harvested Torreya grandis nuts. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99, 4226-4234. (SCI)
5.Changtao Li#, Jinwei Suo#, Lingling Xuan, Mingzhu Ding, Hui Zhang, Lili Song*, Yeqing Ying**. Bamboo shoot-lignification delay by melatonin during low temperature storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019, 156. doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.110933 (SCI)
6.Kaili Wang, Bo Wang, Ruibo Hu, Xianhai Zhao, Huiling Li, Gongke Zhou, Lili Song**, Aimin Wu*. Characterization of hemicelluloses in Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) culm during xylogenesis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 221, 127–136. (SCI)
7.Jinwei Suo#, Ke Tong#, Jiasheng Wu*, Mingzhu Ding, Wenchao Chen, Yi Yang, Heqiang Lou,Yuanyuan Hu, Weiwu Yu, Lili Song*. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals key genes in the regulation of squalene and β-sitosterol biosynthesis in Torreya grandis. Industrial Crops & Products, 2019, 131, 182-193. (SCI)
8.Changtao Li#, Lingling Xuan#, Yuming He, Jie Wang, Hui Zhang, Yeqing Ying, Aimin Wu, Antony Bacic, Wei Zeng*, Lili Song*. Molecular mechanism of xylogenesis in Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) shoots during cold storage. Polymers, 2019, 11, 38. doi:10.3390/polym11010038 (SCI)
9.Jiasheng Wu*, Jiandiao Huang, Yiwei Hong, Haizhen Zhang, Mingzhu Ding, Heqiang Lou, Yuanyuan Hu, Weiwu Yu, Lili Song*. De novo transcriptome sequencing of Torreya grandis reveals gene regulation in sciadonic acid biosynthesis pathway. Industrial Crops & Products, 2018, 120, 47-60. (SCI)
10.Hui Zhang, Yeqing Ying, Jie Wang, Xianhai Zha0, Wei Zeng, Cherie Beahan, Junbo He, Xiaoyang Chen, Antony Bacic, Lili Song*, Aimin Wu*. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into xylogenesis formation in Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) shoot. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 3951. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21766-3 (SCI)
11.Rui Zhang, Yongling Zhang, Lili Song, Xinzhang Song, Heikki Hänninen, Jiasheng Wu*. Biochar enhances nut quality of Torreya grandis and soil fertility under simulated nitrogen deposition. Forest Ecology and Management, 2017, 391, 321-329. (SCI)
12.Lili Song*, Jinhua Wang, Mohammad Shafi, Yuan Liu, Jie Wang, Jiasheng Wu*, Aimin Wu*. Hypobaric treatment effects on chilling injury, mitochondrial dysfunction, and the ascorbate−glutathione (AsA-GSH) cycle in postharvest peach fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2016, 64, 4665-4674. (SCI)
13.Jie Shen#, Lili Song#, Karin Müller, Yuanyuan Hu, Yang Song, Weiwu Yu, Hailong Wang, Jiasheng Wu*. Magnesium alleviates adverse effects of lead on growth, photosynthesis, and ultrastructural alterations of Torreya grandis seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01819. (SCI)
14.Wei Zeng#, Edwin R. Lampugnani#, Kelsey L. Picard#, Lili Song, Aimin Wu, Isabela M. Farion, Jia Zhao, Kris Ford, Monika S. Doblin, and Antony Bacic*. Asparagus IRX9, IRX10, and IRX14A are components of an active xylan backbone synthase complex that forms in the golgi apparatus. Plant Physiology, 2016, 171, 93-109 (SCI)
15.Yuanyuan Hu#, Weiwu Yu#, Lili Song, Xu Hua Du, Xiaohua Ma, Yang Liu, Jiasheng Wu*, Yeqing Ying*. Effects of light on production of camptothecin and expression of key enzyme genes in seedlings of Camptotheca acuminate Decne. Acta-physiological plantaruns, 2016, 38. doi 10.1007/s11738-016-2084-z (SCI)
16.Weiwu Yu, Yang Liu, Lili Song, Douglass F. Jacobs, Xuhua Du, Yeqing Ying, Qingsong Shao, Jiasheng Wu*. Effect of differential light quality on morphology, photosynthesis, and antioxidant enzyme activity in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2016. doi 10.1007/s00344-016-9625-y (SCI)
17.Yuan Yao, Runjun He, Qiaoli Xie, Xianhai Zha, Xiaomei Deng, Junbo He, Lili Song, Jun He, Alan Marchant, Xiao-Yang Chen*, Ai-Min Wu*. ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR 74 (ERF74) plays an essential role in controlling a respiratory burst oxidase homolog D(RbohD)-dependent mechanism in response to different stresses in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 2016, doi: 10.1111/nph.14278 (SCI)
18.Jinhua Wang#, Yanli You#, Wenxuan Chen, Qingqing Xu, Jie Wang, Yuan Liu, Lili Song*, Jiasheng Wu**. Optimal hypobaric treatment delays ripening of honey peach fruit via increasing endogenous energy status and enhancing antioxidant defence systems during storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2015, 101, 1-9. (SCI)
19.Lili Song#*, Wei Zeng#, Aimin Wu, Kelsey Picard, Edwin R. Lampugnani, Roshan Cheetamun, Cherie Beahan, Andrew Cassin, Andrew Lonsdale, Monika S. Doblin*, Antony Bacic*. Asparagus spears as a model to study heteroxylan biosynthesis during secondary wall development. PLOS ONE, 2015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123878 (SCI)
20.Yang Liu#, Lili Song #, Weiwu Yu, Yuanyuan Hu, Xiaohua Ma, Jiasheng Wu*, Yeqing Ying**. Light quality modifies camptothecin production and gene expression of biosynthesis in Camptotheca acuminata Decne seedlings. Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 66, 137-143. (SCI)
21.Yeqing Ying#, Lili Song#, Douglass F. Jacobs, Li Mei, Peng Liu, Songheng Jin, Jiasheng Wu*. Physiological response to drought stress in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings from two provenances. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00361. (SCI)
22.Xiaohua Ma#, Lili Song#, WeiwuYu, YuanyuanHu, YangLiu, Jiasheng Wu*, YeqingYing*. Growth, physiological, and biochemical responses of Camptotheca acuminata seedlings to different light environments. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00321. (SCI)
23.Hui Tang#, Yuanyuan Hu#, Weiwu Yu, Lili Song, Jiasheng Wu*. Growth, photosynthetic and physiological responses of Torreya grandis seedlings to varied light environments. Trees, 2015, 29, 1011–1022. (SCI)
24.Lili Song, Hai Liu, Yanli You, Jian Sun, Chun Yi, Yuebiao Li, Yueming Jiang*, Jiasheng Wu**. Quality deterioration of cut carnation flowers involves in antioxidant systems and energy status. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 170, 45-52.
25.Lili Song, Haiyan Gao*, Wenxuan Chen, Hangjun Chen, Jinlin Mao, Yongjun Zhou, Xuewu Duan, Daryl C. Joyce. The role of 1-methylcyclopropene in lignification and expansin gene expression in peeled water bamboo shoot (Zizania caduciflora L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011, 91, 2679-2683. (SCI)
26.Hai Liu, Lili Song, Yanli You, Yuebiao Li, Yueming Jiang*, Daryl C. Joyce, Muhammad Ashraf. Cold storage duration affects litchi fruit quality, membrane permeability, enzyme activities and energy charge during shelf time at ambient temperature. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 60, 24-30.
27.Lili Song, Haiyan Gao*, Hangjun Chen, Jinlin Mao, Yongjun Zhou, Wenxuan Chen, Yueming Jiang. Effects of short-term anoxic treatment on antioxidant ability and membrane integrity of postharvest kiwifruit during storage. Food Chemistry, 2009, 114 (4), 1216-1221. (SCI)
28.Haiyan Gao, Lili Song, Yongjun Zhou, Ying Yang, Wenxuan Chen, Hangjun Chen, Jinlin Mao, Yonghua Zheng*. Effects of hypobaric storage on quality and flesh leatheriness of cold-stored loquat fruit. 農業工程學報, 2008, 24(6), 245-249. (EI)
29.Lili Song, Hangjun Chen, Haiyan Gao*, Xiangjun Fang, Honglei Mu, Ya Yuan, Qian Yang, Yueming Jiang*. Combined modified atmosphere packaging and low temperature storage delay lignification and reduce the defense response of minimally processed water bamboo shoot. Chemistry Central Journal, 2013, 7, 131-139.
30.Lili Song, Hai Liu, Yanli You, Yong Wang, Yueming Jiang, Changtao Li, Daryl C. Joyce. Effect of exogenous adenosine triphosphate supply on the senescence-related physiology of cut carnation flowers. HortScience, 2008, 43 (1), 271-273.
31.Lili Song, Yueming Jiang*, Haiyan Gao, Changtao Li, Hai Liu, Yanli You, Jian Sun. Effects of Adenosine triphosphate on browning of harvested litchi fruits. American Journal of Food Technology, 2006, 1(2), 173-178.
34.房祥軍,郜海燕,宋麗麗,陳杭君,毛金林,楊倩。減壓貯藏保持茭白采後品質及調控細胞壁物質代謝。農業工程學報,2013, 29(12):257-263.
35.王金花,王傑,陳文烜,宋麗麗*. N2預處理結合MAP複合保鮮處理對水蜜桃采後貯藏品質、活性氧代謝及能量狀態的影響. 林業科學, 2015, 51(3): 75-83.
36.王傑,李軍,仝婷婷,邵香君,宋麗麗*,吳藹民. 毛竹 PeIRX10 基因在木聚糖合成中的功能. 林業科學, 2016, 52(11): 79-87
37.葉珊,王為宇,周敏櫻,何煜明,壯志誠,喻衛武,吳家勝,宋麗麗.*不同採收成熟度和堆漚方式對香榧種子堆漚後熟品質的影響. 林業科學,2017, 53(11):43-51
38.趙荻,樓君,壯志誠,劉圓,喻衛武,胡淵淵,宋麗麗*,吳家勝。叔丁基對苯二酚(TBHQ)對香榧烘烤和貨架品質以及抗氧化能力的影響。林業科學,2018, 54(10):39-45


4.一種開口鹽炒香榧的加工方法(ZL201611156152.6,國家發明專利,2019;第2 )


1.竹筍貯藏與加工關鍵技術研究及套用, 浙江省人民政府, 科技進步獎一等獎(7/12), 2019。
2.竹筍綜合利用關鍵技術的研究與產業化 梁希林業科學技術獎二等獎(2/11)(2018)。




