Zhu, L.; Zancarini, A.; Louati, I.;De, C. S.; Duval, C.; Tambosco, K.;Bernard, C.; Debroas, D.; Song, L. R.;Leloup, J.; Humbert, J–F., Bacterial Communities Associatedwith Four Cyanobacterial GeneraDisplay Structural and FunctionalDifferences: Evidence from anExperimental Approach. Frontier in Microbiology 2016, 7:1662.
Zhou, Q. C.; Zhang, Y. L.; Lin, D. M; Shan, K.; Luo, Y.; Zhao, L.; Tan, Z. W.; Song, L. R., The relationships of meteorological factors and nutrient levels with phytoplankton biomass in a shallow eutrophic lake dominated by cyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23: 15616.
Wei, N.; Hu, L. L.; Song, L. R.; Gan, N. Q., Microcystin-bound protein patterns in different cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa and field samples. Toxins 2016, 8, 293.
Hu, L. L.; Shan, K.; Lin, L.; Shen, W.; Huang, L. C.; Gan, N. Q.; Song, L. R., Multi-year assessment of toxic genotypes and microcystin concentration in northern Lake Taihu, China. Toxins2016, 8, 23.
Qiao, Q.; Huang, Y. Y.; Qi, J.; Qu, M.Z.; Jiang, C.; Lin, P. C.; Li, R. H.; Song, L. R.; Yonezawa, T.; Hasegawa, M.; Crabbe, M .J. C.; Chen, F.; Zhang, T. C.; Zhong, Y.,The genome and transcriptome of Trichormus sp NMC-1: insights into adaptation to extreme environments on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 29404
Jiang, J. H.; Zhang, N.; Yang, X. J.; Song, L. R.; Yang, S., Toxic metal biosorption by macrocolonies of cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. Journal of Applied Phycology 2016, 28, 4: 2265-2277.
Feng, W. Y.; Zhu, Y. R.; Wu, F. C.; Meng, W.; Giesy, J.; He, Z. Q.; Song, L. R.; Fan, M.,Characterization of phosphorus forms in lake macrophytes and algae by solution P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016,23, 8: 7288-7297.
Zhu, L.; Zuo, J.; Song, L. R.; Gan, N. Q.,Microcystin-degrading bacteria affect mcyD expression and microcystin synthesis in Microcystis spp.. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2016, 41: 195-201.
Wu, Y.L., Li, L., Zheng, L.L., Dai, G.Y., Ma, H.Y., Shan, K., Wu, H.D., Zhou, Q.C., Song, L.R.,Patterns of succession between bloom-forming cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Microcystis and related environmental factors in large, shallow Dianchi Lake, China. Hydrobiologia 2016, 765:1–13.
Ma, H. Y.; Wu, Y. L.; Gan, N. Q.; Zheng, L. L.; Li, T. L.; Song, L. R., Growth inhibitory effect of Microcystis on Aphanizomenon flos-aquae isolated from cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Dianchi, China. Harmful Algae 2015, 42, 43-51.
Jiang, J.; Zhang, N., Yang; X., Song, L. R.; Yang, S., Toxic metal biosorption by macrocolonies of cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Kützing. Journal of Applied Phycology 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s10811-015-0753-8.
Wu, X. Q.; Wang, C. B.; Tian, C. C.; Xiao, B. D.; Song, L. R., Evaluation of the potential of anoxic biodegradation of intracellular and dissolved microcystins in lake sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 286, 395-401.
Jia, M. K.; Hu, X. L.; Wang, S. L.; Huang, Y. P.; Song, L. R., Photocatalytic properties of hierarchical BiOXs obtained via an ethanol-assisted solvothermal process. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2015, 35, 172-180.
Wang, S. Q.; Zhu, L.; Li, Q.; Li, G. B.; Li, L.; Song, L. R.; Gan, N. Q., Distribution and population dynamics of potential anatoxin-a-producing cyanobacteria in Lake Dianchi, China. Harmful Algae 2015, 48, 63-68.
Dai, G. F.; Zhong, J. Y.; Song, L. R.; Guo, C. J.; Gan, N. Q.; Wu, Z. B., Harmful algal bloom removal and eutrophic water remediation by commercial nontoxic polyamine-co-polymeric ferric sulfate-modified soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (14), 10636-10646;
Wang, Z.; Zhang, J. Q.;Song, L. R.; Li, E. H.; Wang, X. L.; Xiao, B. D., Effects of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate on the growth and toxin production of Microcystisaeruginosa isolated from Lake Dianchi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (7), 5491-5499.
Bai, S. J.; Dai, J. C.; Xia, M.; Ruan, J.; Wei, H. H.; Yu, D. Z.; Li, R. H.; Jing, H. M.; Tian, C. Y.; Song, L. R.; Qiu, D. R., Effects of intermediate metabolite carboxylic acids of TCA cycle on Microcystis with overproduction of phycocyanin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (7), 5531-5537.
Zhou, Q.C., Chen, W., Shan, K., Zheng, L.L., Song, L.R., (2014). Influence of sunlight on the proliferation of cyanobacterial blooms and its potential applications in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 26, 626-635.
Zhu, L., Wu, Y.L., Song, L.R., Gan, N.Q., (2014). Ecological Dynamics of Toxic Microcystis spp. and Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria in Dianchi Lake, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80, 1874-1881.
Wu, Y.L., Li, L., Gan, N.Q., Zheng, L.L., Ma, H.Y., Shan, K., Liu, J., Xiao, B.D., Song, L.R., (2014). Seasonal dynamics of water bloom-forming Microcystis morphospecies and the associated extracellular microcystin concentrations in large, shallow, eutrophic Dianchi Lake. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 26, 1921-1929.
Shan, K.,LI, L.,WANG, X.X.,WU, Y.L.,HU, L.L.,YU, G.L., SONG, L.R., (2014). Modelling ecosystem structure and trophic interactions in typical cyanobacterial bloom-dominated shallow Lake Dianchi, China. Ecological Modelling 291: 82-95.
Yang, Chen, Zhang, Wei, Ren, Minglei, Song, Lirong, Li, Tao, & Zhao, Jindong. (2013). Whole-Genome Sequence of Microcystis aeruginosa TAIHU98, a Nontoxic Bloom-Forming Strain Isolated from Taihu Lake, China. Genome Announc, 1(3).
Yang, Wanwan, Tang, Zepei, Zhou, Fanqi, Zhang, Weihao, &Song, Lirong. (2013). Toxicity studies of tetracycline on Microcystis aeruginosa and Selenastrum capricornutum. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 35(2), 320-324.
Zhou, Qichao, Wei, Nian, Zheng, Lingling, &Song, Lirong. (2013). Host re-identification of cyanophage PP and its implications for host range and specificity. Virol Sin, 28(5), 306-308.
Chen, W., Jia, Y., Li, E., Zhao, S., Zhou, Q., Liu, L., andSong, L. (2012) Soil-Based Treatments of Mechanically Collected Cyanobacterial Blooms from Lake Taihu: Efficiencies and Potential Risks. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 13370-13376
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