- 中文名:宋學力
- 畢業院校:西安交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:數學專業
- 職務:長安大學理學院院長
10.長安大學卓越青年科研基金,基於稀疏回響深度神經網路的圖像變化檢測研究, 2016.1-2020.12.
9.陝西省青年科技新星人才資助項目,時滯脈衝微分方程的穩定性分析及其套用, 2014.1-2016.12.
8.2013年度留學人員科技活動擇優資助經費,商品市場中價格波動模型定性分析研究, 2013.1-2014.12.
6.長安大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目----高新技術研究,單一商品市場中價格波動模型定性分析新的數學方法研究, 2013.1-2014. 12.
5.橫向項目,承秦隧道地質數學模型力平衡方程的解法, 2011.3-2011.11.
3.長安大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目----基礎研究,具時滯和脈衝細胞神經網路的穩定性研究, 2011.1-2012.12.
2.長安大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目----基礎研究,隨機時滯Cohen-Grossberg 神經網路穩定性新方法研究, 2010.1-2011.12.
1.國家自然科學基金子課題,基於Lie群方法的圖像匹配研究, 2010.1-2010.8.
[61] 馬南芳,鄧慶田,李新波,宋學力. 多層內凹蜂窩圓柱殼衝擊動力學行為分析. 機械強度,45(2): 423-429, 2023.
[60] 王鳳丹,宋學力,李榮鵬,肖玉柱,鄧慶田,李新波. 基於固有頻率和應變模態加權lp正則化模型的小損傷識別. 中國公路學報,36(04): 124-134, 2023.
[59] 宋雨,肖玉柱,宋學力. 基於偽標籤回歸和流形正則化的無監督特徵選擇算法. 南京大學學報(自然科學), 59(02):263-272, 2023.
[58] Rongpeng Li, Xueli Song, Fengdan Wang,Qingtian Deng, Xinbo Li, Yuzhu Xiao. A fraction function regularization model for the structural damage identification. Advances in Structural Engineering. (SCI)
[57] Xueli Song, Rongpeng Li, Kaiming Wang, Yuntong Bai, Yuzhu Xiao and Yuping Wang. Joint sparse collaborative regression on imaging genetics study of schizophrenia. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. (SCI)
[56] 許王琴,宋雨,張連娜,宋學力. 一種改進的光滑化共軛梯度稀疏信號重構算法. 南京郵電大學學報(自然科學版), 接受待發表.
[55] 宋雨,李榮鵬,許王琴,宋學力,肖玉柱. 基於自適應流形正則化自表示的無監督特徵選擇算法. 重慶工商大學學報.
[54] 黃炳赫,宋學力,肖玉柱,許王琴,易穩,杜社林. 基於DS證據融合生成偽標籤的SAR圖像變化檢測. 雷射雜誌.
[53] 杜社林,黃炳赫,李榮鵬, 宋學力,肖玉柱. 基於加權分類損失和核範數 領域自適應模型. 計算機套用研究, 2023-01-02.
[52] Xinru Zhang, Qingtian Deng, Xueli Song, Xinbo Li. Elastic properties of irregular auxetic cellular structure. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. (SCI)
[51] Zhao Nannan, Sun Zhongkui, Song Xueli, Xiao Yuzhu. Measuring the transient time of amplitude death in coupled oscillators. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 439: 133434, 2022. (SCI)
[50] Zhao Nannan, Sun Zhongkui, Song Xueli, Xiao Yuzhu. Amplitude death in multiplex networks with competing attractive and repulsive interactions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 608: 128288, 2022. (SCI)
[49] 李興瑞,肖玉柱,宋學力,趙楠楠,史東鑫,單美華. 不連續驅動---回響網路的固定與預定時間同步. 深圳大學學報(理工版),39(6): 709-718, 2022.
[48] 張晨帆, 鄧慶田, 李新波, 宋學力. 梯度蜂窩加筋板的彎曲變形及最佳化設計. 力學與實踐, 44(4): 857-867.
[47] 鄭素佩,閆佳,宋學力,陳熒. 求解大規模矛盾方程組的最小二乘支持向量機算法. 浙江大學報(理學版), 49(4): 435-442, 2022.
[46] Rongpeng Li, Fengdan Wang, Qingtian Deng, Yuzhu Xiao, Xinbo Li, Haiyang Li and Xueli Song. A novel joint sparse regularization model to structural damage identification by the generalized fused lasso penalty. Advances in Structural Engineering, 25(9): 1959-1971, 2022. (SCI)
[45] 王凱明, 魯伊莎, 肖玉柱, 宋學力. 基於自適應稀疏監督典型相關分析的特徵選擇. 計算機套用與軟體, 39(04): 294-299, 2022.
[44] 王凱明, 李榮鵬, 肖玉柱, 宋學力. 多模態高維數據關聯分析的聯合協同回歸模型. 計算機套用與軟體, 39(08): 28-33, 2022.
[43] 張欣茹, 鄧慶田, 李新波, 宋學力. 平面多孔結構裂紋擴展研究. 塑性工程學報, 29(4): 158-167, 2022.
[42] 張鈺倩,張太雷,侯雯珊,宋學力. 一類具有媒體效應和追蹤隔離的 SIQR 時滯傳染病模型. 浙 江 大 學 學 報(理學版), 49(2): 159-169, 2022.
[41] 張連娜,張慧萍,李榮鵬,宋學力. 基於二次篩選的回溯廣義正交匹配追蹤算法的稀疏信號重構. 計算機與現代化,3:111-115+126, 2022.
[40] Tailei Zhang, Zhimin Li, Lingjuan Ma, Xueli Song. Threshold dynamics in a clonorchiasis model with time delays. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 102: 351–370, 2022. (SCI)
[39] Fengdan Wang, Rongpeng Li, Yuzhu Xiao, Qingtian Deng, Xinbo Li, Xueli Song. A strain modal flexibility method to multiple slight damage localization combined with a data fusion technique. Measurement, 182: 109647, 2021. (SCI)
[38] 張慧萍,張連娜,李榮鵬,宋學力. 基於改進的近似l0範數的稀疏信號重構算法. 計算機科學與套用, 11(8): 2179-2189, 2021.
[37] Li Zhimin, Gao Jianzhong, Zhang Tailei , Fang Shu, Song Xueli. Influence of human behavior on quitting smoking dynamics. 工程數學學報, 38(4): 573-585, 2021.
[36] 王世傑, 易穩, 姬楠楠,王長鵬,宋學力. 基於組合差異圖和卷積小波神經網路的SAR圖像變化檢測. 雷射雜誌, 42(01): 93-97, 2021.
[35] Yuzhu Xiao, Guoli Dong and Xueli Song. Data-Based reconstruction of chaotic systems by stochastic iterative greedy algorith. Mathematical problems in Engineering, Volume 2020, Article ID 6718304, 9 pages. (SCI)
[34] Changpeng Wang, Jiangshe Zhang, Xueli Song. Tianjun Wu. Face clustering via learning a sparsity preserving low-rank grap. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79: 29179–29198, 2020. (SCI)
[33] 魯伊莎, 王凱明,肖玉柱,宋學力. 基於高斯近似l0範數典型相關性分析的特徵選擇. 計算機仿真,37(4): 234-238, 2020.
[32] 趙迎利,王凱明,肖玉柱,宋學力. 基於l1,2懲罰典型相關分析的特徵選擇. 計算機套用與軟體,36(10): 279-284, 2019.
[31] Xiaohan Cheng, Jianhu Feng, Supei Zheng and Xueli Song. A new type of finite difference WENO schemes for Hamilton–Jacobi equations. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 30(2-3): 19510020, 2019.
[30] 鄭強,姬楠楠,肖玉柱,宋學力. 一種新的基於光滑L0範數的受限玻爾茲曼機. 計算機仿真,36(4): 234-239, 2019.
[29] Tianjun Wu, Liegang Xia, Jiancheng Luo, Xiaocheng Zhou, Xiaodong Hu, Jianghong Ma, Xueli Song.Computationally efficient mean-shift parallel segmentation algorithm for high-resolution remote sensing images. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 46(11):1805-1814, 2018. (SCI)
[28] Tianjun Wu, Jiancheng Luo, Xiaocheng Zhou, Jianghong Ma and Xueli Song. Automatic newly increased built-up area extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images using line-density-based visual saliency and Pantex. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(1): 015016/1-015016/18, 2018. (SCI)
[27] Yuzhu Xiao, Sufang Tang, Zhongkui Sun, Xueli Song. Positive role of multiplication noise in attaining complete synchronization on large complex networks of dynamical systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 54:803–816,2018. (SCI)
[26] Changpeng Wang, Xueli Song and Jiangshe Zhang. Graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization with sample diversity for image representation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 68:32–39,2018. (SCI)
[25] Tianjun Wu, Jiancheng Luo, Jianwu Fang, Jianghong Ma and Xueli Song. Unsupervised object-based change detection via a Weibull-mixture-model-based binarization for high-resolution remote sensing images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(1): 63-67, 2018. (SCI)
[24] 胡霽芳,鄭強,宋學力.基於主成分分析的EWMA圖對單只股票短期交易的監控. 信陽師範學院學報(自然科學版), 31(1): 11-16, 2018.
[23] Wang Xiaowei, Hu Jifang, Xiao Yuzhu, Song Xueli. A criterion for global exponential stability of CNNs with impulses and multi-proportional delays. 安徽師範大學學報(自然科學版),40(4): 330-335,2017.
[22] 王小偉, 胡霽芳, 肖玉柱, 宋學力. 周期多比例時滯細胞神經網路全局漸近穩定性的平均準則. 套用數學進展, 5(4): 705-715, 2016.
[21] 趙盼,宋學力. 泊松分布參數的序貫機率比檢驗. 統計與決策,14:63-65, 2016.
[20] Song Xueli, Zhao Pan, Xing Zhiwei and Peng Jigen. Global asymptotic stability of CNNs with impulses and multi-proportional delays. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39(4): 722-733, 2016. (SCI: DD9GV,ESI高被引和熱點論文)
[19] 宋學力,張彥周,彭濟根. Hille-Yosida運算元的非線性Lipschitz擾動半群的直接緊性. 數學的實踐與認識, 45(16): 290-294, 2015.
[18] Song Xueli,Zhao Pan,Wang Xiaowei. An average criterion for global exponential stability of periodic CNNs with delay and impulses. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 32(4): 608-622, 2015.
[17] 宋學力,趙盼,王小偉. Hille-Yosida運算元的非線性Lipschitz擾動. 套用泛函分析學報, 17(2): 130-138, 2015.
[16] Song Xueli,Zhao Pan, Wang Xiaowei. Global exponential stability of the single commodity price fluctuation model with delays and impulses. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 32(2): 307-316, 2015.
[15] Xueli Song, Jigen Peng. Global asymptotic stability of impulsive CNNs with proportional delays and partially Lipschitz activation functions. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 832892, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/832892. (SCI: AR3HA)
[14] 宋學力,代輝亞,彭濟根. 擾動雙參數C_0半群的範數連續性和直接緊性. 數學的實踐與認 識, 43(21): 222-226, 2013.
[13] Junqi He, Huiya Dai and Xueli Song. The combination stretching function technique with simulated annealing algorithm for global optimization. Optimization Methods and Software, 29(3): 629-645, 2014. (SCI: AH5FS)
[12] Song Xueli, Xin Xing, Dai Huiya and Peng Jigen. Reative nonlinear measure method to exponential stability of impulsive delayed differential equations. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 760893, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/760893. (SCI:250DZ )
[11] Song Xueli, Xin Xing and Huang Wenpo. Exponential stability of delayed and impulsive cellular neural networks with partially Lipschitz continuous activation functions. Neural Networks,(29-30): 80-90, 2012. (SCI: 944YL)
[10] Song Xueli, Peng Jigen. Equivalence of Lp stability and exponential stability of nonlinear Lipschitzian semigroups. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 55 (4): 882–889, 2012. (SCI: 040ML)
[9] Song Xueli, Peng Jigen. A novel approach to exponential stability of nonlinear systems with time varying delays. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(6): 1700-1705, 2011. (SCI: 689ZP)
[8] Song Xueli, Peng Jigen. Lipschitzian semigroups and abstract functional differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Method and Applications, 72(5): 2346-2355, 2010. (SCI: 547XV)
[7] Song Xueli, Peng Jigen. Exponential stability of equilibria of differential equations with time-dependent delay and non-Lipschitz nonlinearity. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(5): 3628-3638, 2010. (SCI: 644OZ)
[6] Song Xueli, Peng Jigen. On strong convex compactness property of space of nonlinear operators. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 74(3): 411-418, 2006. (SCI: 117PO)
[5] Peng Jigen, Song Xueli, Zhang Xiangqin. Stability analysis of age-structured disabled population dynamics. Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 43(1): 42-44, 2009. (SCI: 420BT)
[4] Mei Zhandong, Peng Jigen, Song Xueli. A class of semilinear systems with state and input delays. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 17(1): 123-139, 2011. (SCI: 711QZ)
[3] Song Xueli, Peng Jigen. Exponential stability of a class of neural networks with discrete time-varying and distributed delays. 工程數學學報, 27(4): 731-740, 2010.
[2] 彭濟根,宋學力,王凱明. 非線性Lipschitz 運算元的一個特徵不變數及其套用. 套用數學學報,30(2): 228-234,2007.
[1] Song Xueli, Feng Jianhu. Global Exponential Stability of a Class of Neural Networks with Distributed Delays, 套用數學, 22(4): 888-894, 2009.
1.針對非線性時滯脈衝常微分方程模型,在非線性半群的框架下,給出了該方程的適定性與非線性半群生成性的等價性刻畫;利用非線性測度和相對非線性測度方法,給出了該類方程全局漸近穩定性和指數穩定性的一系列判別條件;利用非線性運算元半群給出了一般非線性抽象Cauchy 問題的指數穩定性和Lp 穩定性的等價性證明。獲得的這些研究結果不僅完善了非線性運算元半群理論體系,而且為非線性微分方程的適定性和漸近性提供了新的判別方法,推廣和改進了現有的某些研究成果,豐富和完善了非線性微分方程理論。
3. 基於統計學方法,針對圖像配準和圖像變化檢測問題,提出了一系列好的配準和和檢測方法,獲得了一些重要的研究成果。
4. 設計了一些新的統計過程控制圖,並致力於套用研究,獲得的研究成果改進了現有的某些控制圖和套用範圍。
5. 基於壓縮感知理論、時間序列分析等提出了一系列新的結構損傷檢測理論模型和算法,進一步提升了結構損傷檢測的性能。
1. 2010年發表的兩篇學術論文分別在陝西省數學會、工業與套用數學會組織的青年優秀論文獎評審中均獲得二等獎;
2. 2013年度長安大學優秀教師;
3. 2013-2014年度長安大學科技工作先進個人;
4. 2011、2013、2014和2016年度考核直定優秀;
5. 2014年陝西省青年科技新星;
6. 作為指導教師,指導的學生在全國大學生數模競賽、研究生數模競賽和國際大學生數模競賽中多次獲獎;
7. 主持完成的科研成果榮獲2018年陝西省科學技術獎三等獎;
8. 主持完成的科研成果榮獲2018年陝西高等學校科學技術獎二等獎;
9. 參與完成的教學成果獲得2017年陝西省高等學校教育教學成果獎二等獎;
10. 獲第十三屆青年科技獎。