學歷,專業經歷,其他專業經歷,教學經歷,研究專業,顧問,學術成果,專書,編著,學報 / 期刊論文,
Ph.D. (2009) Xiamen University, China (History)
2009 年畢業於廈門大學歷史系博士學位
MA (1995) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (History and Philosophy)
1995 年畢業於成功大學歷史語言系碩士學位
BA (1993) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (History)
1993 年畢業於成功大學歷史系學士學位
2006-Present, Head, Dept. of Chinese Studies, Southern University College
2001-Present, Researcher, Research Institute of Chinese Ethnicity & Culture
1995-Present, Head, Academic Research Office, Southern University College
2010-2011, Acting Head, Student Affairs Office, Southern College
2000-2001, Head, Student Affairs Office, Southern College
2011-2013, Research Fellow, Research Center for Cultural Studies in South Seas Region of
Hainan Province海南師範大學“海南省南海區域文化研究中心”特約研究員
1995-Present, Columnist, Sin Chew Daily Newspaper
Aug 2008 – Oct 2009, Join-researcher, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (RCHSS),
Academic Sinica, Taiwan 台灣中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心合作研究員
2004-2005, Columnist, Oriental Daily Newspaper
1998-2002, Columnist, Nanyang Siang Pau Newspaper
1997-1999, Columnist, Sin Chew Daily Newspaper
2013-Present, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Southern University
College 南方大學學院中文系副教授
1996-2012, Lecturer, Department of Chinese Studies, Southern College
2007-2008, Guest Lecturer, College of the Humanities, Xiamen University, China
Local History Research 地方史研究
History of Malaysian Chinese 馬來西亞華人史
Studies of Native Place 籍貫研究
2012-Present, 馬來西亞華校董事聯合會總會(董總)課程局歷史科學術顧問
2011-2012, 麻坡中化百年校慶《中化歷史長河》編務顧問
2006-Present, 南方大學學院中文系學生會顧問
1. 《古代馬中文化交流史論集》,安煥然,新山:南方學院出版社,2010 年。TheCompilation of History of Ancient Sino – Malaysian Culture Exchange. Johor Bahru:Southern College Press. 2010.
2. 《遠觀滄海闊 - 海南歷史綜述(海南島·馬來西亞·柔佛)》,安煥然、吳華合著,新山:南方學院出版社,2009 年。 Hainanese History Review (Hainan·Malaysia·Johor). Johor Bahru: Southern College Press. Jul 2009. - co-authored withMr. Wu Wah.
3. 《柔佛客家人的移植與拓墾》,安煥然,劉莉晶編撰,新山:南方學院,新山客家公會,2007 年。The Community of Hakka Immigrants and its Pioneer Trail inJohor. Johor Bahru: Southern College, Persatuan Thong Nyien (Hakka). Dec 2007. - coauthored & edited with Ms. Liu Li Jing.
4. 《寬柔紀事本末》,鄭良樹,安煥然合著,新山:南方學院出版社,2005 年。History of Foon Yew High School Development. Johor Bahru: Southern College Press.2005. - co-authored with Prof. Tay Lian Soo.
5. 《公心與良心:郭鶴堯傳》,安煥然,吳華,舒慶華合著,新山:彩虹出版有限公司、陶德書香樓,2004 年。Biography of Tan Sri Dato’ Kuek Ho Yao. JohorBahru: Pelangi Books, Thow Teck Club. Aug 2004. – co-authored with Mr. Wu Wah &Mr. Shu Qing Xiang.
6. 《本土與中國:學術論文集》,安煥然,新山:南方學院出版社,2003 年。Native Country and China: Academic Compilation, Johor Bahru: Southern CollegePress, 2003.
1. 《孫中山與柔佛》,安煥然,吳華,舒慶華主編,新山:南方學院、新山中華公會轄下新山華族歷史文物館,2012 年。Sun Yat Sen and Johor. Johor Bahru:Southern College, Persekutuan Tiong-Hua Johor Bahru. May 2012. – co-edited withMr. Ngow Koon Kee and Su King Siang.
2. 《老東西也能跳舞——文物館經營管理研討會文集》, 何朝東、 安煥然主編,新山:南方學院出版社,2010 年。The Compilation of Seminar Papers on Museum Management. Johor Bahru: Southern College, Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum.2010. – co-edited with Mr. Ho Sow Tong.
3. 《探索馬來西亞高教發展路向》,祝家華、安煥然主編,新山:南方學院出版社,2008 年。Exploration of Malaysia Higher Education Development. Johor Bahru:Southern College Press, Persekutuan Tiong-Hua Johor Bahru. 2008. – co-edited withDr. Thock Kiah Wah.
4. 《馬來西亞、新加坡社會變遷四十年(1965-2005)》,何啟良、祝家華、安煥然主編,新山:南方學院出版社、新加坡亞洲研究學會、新山中華公會教育委員會,2006 年。Social Changes in Malaysia and Singapore (1965-2005). Johor Bahru:Southern College, Persekutuan Tiong-Hua Johor Bahru & Singapore: Society of AsianStudies. 2006. - co-edited with Dr. Ho Khai Leong & Dr. Thock Kiah Wah.
學報 / 期刊論文
1. 安煥然〈神人嘉年華──馬來西亞柔佛古廟游神文化的承傳與再造〉,葉樹姍主編《2011媽祖國際學術研討會──民俗,觀光與文化資產論文集》,台中市:台中市文化局,2011 年 12 月。The Inheritance and Revival of the Deities Parade ofJohor Ancient Chinese Temple of Malaysia, compilation of 2011 Ma Zu InternationalConference, Taichung city: Cultural Affairs Bureau. Dec 2011.Edited by Susan Yeh
2. 安煥然〈馬新華人研究視角的學術史回顧〉,廖文輝、伍燕翎編《馬新學術史研究概覽》,吉隆坡:新紀元學院中國語言文學系,2011 年 12 月。Observationson the history of Academic Research in Malaysia and Singapore. Selangor:Department of Chinese Language & Literature, New Era College. Dec 2011. Edited byLew Bon Hoi & Ng Yean Ling.
3. 安煥然〈戴國輝與東南亞華人研究〉,《漢學研究學刊》第二卷,2011 年 10月,馬來亞大學中文系。”Tai-Kuo-hui and Southeast Asia Chinese Studies”.Journal of Sinological Studies. Vol2 No.2. Oct 2011. PP.1-14
4. 安煥然〈戴國輝的生命史追索與其客家論述〉,封德屏編《戴國輝國際學術研討會論文集》,台北:文訊出版社,2011 年 7 月。Tai-Kuo-hui and The HakkaStudies, Compilation of Tai-Kuo-hui International Conference. July 2011.Edited byFeng De-ping.
5. 安煥然〈馬來西亞柔佛古來客家聚落〉,蕭新煌主編《東南亞客家的變貌》,台北:中央研究院,人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心,2011。HakkaCommunity in Kulai, Malaysia. Changing Faces of Hakka in Southeast Asia: Singaporeand Malaysia. Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies RCHSS Academia Sinica.2011. Edited by Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao.
6. 安煥然〈馬來西亞新山潮人,客家人與海南社群移殖的比較研究〉,黃賢強主編《族群,歷史與文化:跨域研究東南亞和東亞》,新加坡國立大學中文系、八方文化聯合出版,2011。A Comparative Study of the Immigration of Teochew, Hakkaand Hainan Communities in Johor Bahru (Malaysia). Ethnicity, History and Culture:Trans-Regional and Cross-Disciplinary Studies on Southeast Asia and East Asia. Volume1. 2011. Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore,Global Publishing Ltd. Edited by Wong Sin Kiong
7. 安煥然:《馬來西亞柔佛古廟游神的演化及其與華人社會整合的關係》,載於《河南師範大學學報》,2009 年第 2 期。“The Evolution of the Deities Parade ofJohor Ancient Chinese Temple of Malaysia and Its Relation to the Integration ofChinese Community”. Journal of Henan Normal University. Mar 2009.
8. 安煥然〈馬來西亞柔佛客家人的移植及其族群認同探析〉,《台灣東南亞學刊》,第 6 卷第一期,2009 年,頁 81-107。“Hakka Community Migration to Johor, Malaysia and Their Self-identification”. TaiwanJournal of Southeast Asian Studies. Vol. 6. No. 1. Apr 2009.pp. 81-107.
9.安煥然:《柔佛古廟及其游神傳統的演變》,載於(新加坡)《南洋學報》第62 卷,2008 年 10 月。“The Johor Ancient Chinese Temple and the Evolution ofthe Parade of its Deities”. Journal of the South Sea Society. Vol.62. Oct 2008.
10. 安煥然:《反的制衡與反的失落──大馬社會與國家機關互動關係之探討》,收於祝家華、潘永強主編:《馬來西亞國家與社會的再造》,馬來西亞吉隆坡:新紀元學院、吉隆坡暨雪蘭莪中華大會堂、新山:南方學院聯合出版,2007。“The study of interaction between social and the state in Malaysia”. Reconstructionof the Malaysian State and Society. Kuala Lumpur: The Kuala Lumpur & SelangorChinese Assembly Hall. 2007.
11. 安煥然:《鄭和形象與鄭和詮釋:以馬來西亞華人社會為例》,收於劉宏主編:《海洋亞洲與華人世界之互動》,新加坡:華裔館,2007。“Zheng he andZheng he image interpretation – A Case Study of the Chinese community inMalaysia”. Maritime Asia and Chinese-speaking World Interaction. Singapore:Chinese Heritage Centre. 2007.
12. 安煥然〈寬柔:雙邊緣的奇葩〉,何啟良,祝家華, 安煥然主編《馬來西亞、新加坡社會變遷四十年(1965-2005)》,柔佛 : 南方學院出版社, 2006 年,頁149-166。Dr. Ho Khai Leong, Dr. Thock Kiah Wah & Dr. Onn Huann Jan (eds). SocialChanges in Malaysia and Singapore (1965-2005). Johor Bahru: Southern College,Persekutuan Tiong-Hua Johor Bahru & Singapore: Society of Asian Studies. Oct 2006.pp. 149-166
13. 安煥然〈柔佛客家人的移植與拓展 - 以“蒐集柔佛客家人史料合作計畫”成果論述〉,載於《南方學院學報》第二期,新山:南方學院出版社,2006 年,頁29-52。“ History of Hakka Descendant Development in Johor”. Southern CollegeAcademic Journal Vol. 2. Johor Bahru: Southern College Press. Nov 2006. pp. 29-52.