孫梅庭,男,1981年出生在上海的一個音樂家庭,3歲開始學琴,由畢美之和尤大淳老師指導。6歲獲得上海市兒童鋼琴比賽第一名,被譽為“神童”。1991年,10歲的孫梅庭被世界著名的美國曼尼斯音樂學院(Mannes College of Music)看中,以全額獎學金破格進入該校。在曼尼斯音樂學院的十年里,師從著名的音樂理論大師鋼琴家埃爾得維爾(Dr. Edward Aldwell),20歲便取得了音樂學士、碩士學位。2001年,20歲的孫梅庭進入茱莉亞音樂學院(The Juilliard School)學習,在鋼琴演奏家麥克唐納得(Dr. Robert McDonald)門下攻讀博士學位,於2005年5月取得鋼琴演奏博士學位,成為茱莉亞音樂學院最年輕的鋼琴演奏博士。鋼琴演奏家孫梅庭
孫梅庭從2003年9月起,在義大利科莫的鋼琴大師班由當今世界上著名的鋼琴家巴什克萊夫,傅聰等為他上課。並遊學於歐洲的多個城市:柏林、萊比錫、拜羅伊特、魏瑪、波蘭、匈牙利、維也納,實地考察了巴赫、舒曼、孟德爾頌、華格納、李斯特、歌德、席勒、蕭邦、貝多芬、莫扎特、海頓、舒伯特、勃朗姆斯等音樂家、作曲家、詩人的出生地、結婚的教堂、彈過的鋼琴、生活過的地方以及墓地。孫梅庭也熱衷於古典音樂的教育及延伸。他定時在全球著名大學高級音樂講習班及講座授課,致力於蕭邦練習曲op.10的書籍寫作。在華沙蕭邦博物館,孫梅庭仔細的研究了蕭邦練習曲的手稿,以至於完成了博士論文:《蕭邦練習曲 op 10 演奏技巧解說》。
孫梅庭的世界巡迴演出,途經捷克、巴西、哥倫比亞、智利、阿根廷、西班牙、美國、中國及波蘭。他參與了許多音樂節,包括:Taubman音樂節、Newport藝術節、布拉格之春國際音樂節、法國Festival de Radio France et Montpellier、上海之春國際音樂節、法國Festival International de Piano de la Roque d’Anthéron。他與許多大型管弦樂隊合作,包括:溫尼伯交響樂團、里奇蒙交響樂團、聖保羅州交響樂團、布拉格愛樂樂團、上海交響樂團、西班牙國家樂團、香港小交響樂團、澳門交響樂團。2007年與華沙愛樂樂團合作的南美巡迴演出得到熱烈迴響。他經常受美國國家蕭邦基金會及波蘭國家蕭邦協會之邀出席音樂會及蕭邦和其他作曲家的獨奏會。2008年,孫梅庭受邀在波蘭的波茲南為聯合國環境規劃署演出,為了向高爾副總統的獲獎致敬。電視及廣播中亦有孫梅庭的身影:WQXR古典作品廣播電台的“青年藝術明星”欄目、NPR的“今日演奏”欄目、NBC-6的“今日南佛羅里達”欄目。他的最新CD “Mannes 2005: Themes” 及 “Mannes 2006: Variations”。紀念蕭邦誕辰200周年孫梅庭鋼琴獨奏音樂會
Mei-Ting Sun is the First Prize winner of the 7th National Chopin Piano Competition in 2005 and the first Minnesota International Piano-e-Competition in 2002. Named one of the Musicians of the Year 1996 by the Village Voice at age 15, Mr. Sun has performed in many of world’s great concert halls, including Alice Tully Hall, where his performance of Ravel's Concerto in G was praised by The New York Times as "stunningly fluid."
Mr. Sun has been heard in recital throughout the American Continents, Europe, and Asia. Recent appearances include concert tours in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Spain, the U.S., and China, and concerto engagements with the National Spanish Orchestra, the Macau Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia, the Warsaw Philharmonic, and the Orchestra of Almeria. Forthcoming engagements include recitals in the U.S., China, Poland, and Spain, and concerto performances with the Macau Orchestra and Shanghai Symphony. Mr. Sun can also be heard on numerous radio and TV shows such as the “Young Artist Showcase” on WQXR Classical Radio, “Performance Today” on NPR, and “South Florida Today” on NBC-6. His newest CD offerings, "Mannes 2005: Themes" and "Mannes 2006, Variations".
Mr. Sun is highly involved in education and outreach of classical music, where his newest efforts at whitekeys com have garnered major press attention shortly after its grand-opening. He regularly gives masterclasses at major universities around the world.
A native of Shanghai, Mr. Sun arrived in New York at the age of 9, and entered the Professional Children's School and the Mannes College of Music, where he studied Ear Training with Marie Powers, Theory with Robert Cuckson, and Piano with Edward Aldwell. He has since received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Mannes College of Music, studying with Edward Aldwell. In May of 2006, he received his Doctorate of Musical Arts degree from the Juilliard School, under the tutelage of Robert McDonald.
Mr. Sun is represented by Cæcilia, Agence de concerts et spectacles and Musika Produções Artísticas e Culturais.