13、2004.5 榮獲美國科學服務社和“英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽”頒發的“國際大賽指導教師表彰證書”(2004 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Certificate presented to Weiyi Lou for your encouragement of young researchers and dedicated of 55th Intel ISEF finalist)
14、2006.5 榮獲美國科學服務社和“英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽”頒發的“國際大賽指導教師表彰證書”(2006 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Certificate presented to Weiyi Lou for your encouragement of young researchers and dedicated of 57th Intel ISEF finalist)
15、2008.5 榮獲美國科學服務社和“英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽”頒發的“國際大賽指導教師表彰證書”;(2008 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Certificate presented to Weiyi Lou for your encouragement of young researchers and dedicated of 59th Intel ISEF finalist)
16、2008.4 榮獲史丹福大學工學院“弗雷德里克·特曼工程學術獎”。(Frederick E. Terman Award for Scholastic Achievement in Engineering this certificate presented to Weiyi Lou for contributions to the education high school students in general ,and in particular for exceptional influence on the engineering career of Hao Zou)