



  • 書名:大學英語實用教程
  • ISBN:9787508389943
  • 頁數:199
  • 出版社:中國電力出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年6月1日
  • 開本:16




Unit 1 Love and Friendship
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: Friendship
Paragraph Reading B: Friendship
Grammar Focus: 情態動詞(一)
Unit 2 Customs and Habits
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: Beliefs and Interests
Paragraph Reading B: Gender Tax
Grammar Focus: 情態動詞(二)
Unit 3 Human and the Earth
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Meaning of the 21st Century
Paragraph Reading B: Imagine Earth without People
Grammar Focus: 主謂一致(一)
Unit 4 Youth and Dreams
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Autumn the Harvest Season
Paragraph Reading B: The Two Roads
Grammar Focus: 主謂一致(二)
Unit 5 Festivals and Holidays
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Thanks We Give
Paragraph Reading B: The Origins of the April Fool's Day
Grammar Focus: 虛擬語氣
Unit 6 Language and Culture
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: Proverbs
Paragraph Reading B: What Is the Worth of Words?
Grammar Focus: 名詞性從句
Unit 7 Time and Money
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Value of Time
Paragraph Reading B: Your Money Is Your Life
Grammar Focus: 定語從句(一)
Unit 8 How to Learn
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Special Joy of Super-slow Reading
Paragraph Reading B: Feed Your Mind
Grammar Focus: 定語從句(二)
Unit 9 Weather and Climate
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Weather in Britain
Paragraph Reading B: Weather
Grammar Focus: 狀語從句(一)
Unit.10 Education
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: In Amy's Eyes
Paragraph Reading B: Culture and Arts
Grammar Focus: 狀語從句(二)
Unit 11 Traffic and Transmission
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Breakdown Assistance
Paragraph Reading B:A Letter
Grammar Focus: 交際用語和習慣表達(一)
Unit 12 Environment and Conservation
Communicative Samples
Paragraph Reading A: The Air Pollutant
Paragraph Reading B: Greenspace
Grammar Focus: 交際用語和習慣表達(二)
Model Test 1
Model Test 2
Answer Keys


