



  • 書名:大學英語互動閱讀教程2
  • 作者:沃利 (Mary Lee Wholey) 張繼賢 
  • 出版日期:原藍色暢想); 第1版 (2011年8月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787040332100
  • 外文名:Reading Matters 2:An Interactive Approach to Reading
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社(原藍色暢想)
  • 頁數:261頁
  • 開本:16





作者:(美國)沃利(Mary Lee Wholey)


Reading Matters 2:Overview 6
Acknowledgments 8
Introduction to the Second Edition
UNIT 1 Habits of a Lifetime 14
Chapter 1 Where Does the Time Go? 16
Time Management for Academic Success 17
Harvard Universitu's Habits for Success 24
Chapter 2 Habits of a Lifetime:Are rue Affected? 27
1 A Life Welt Lived
The Road Less TraveLed 28
2 The Secrets of a Long Life
A Positive Approach to Life 32
Healthg Habits-The Compang Way 39
Chapter 3 The Power of Naps 41
We Need to Nap! 43
Who Naps Most? 45
The Citg That Never Sleeps 49
UNIT 2 Exptoring Our Roots 54
Chapter 4 What'sin a Name? 57
The Roots of Our Names 58
NeuJ Names:LUho Decides? 60
The Business of Names 64
Chapter 5 Researching Our Hidden Roots 66
1 John's Story
A Surprising Discovery 67
2 Joy's Story
What's Your Medical History? 69
Destiny:A Father and Child Reunion 76
Chapter 6 Writing Our Own History 77
Our Own Stories 78
My Life as a Sandwich 81
UNIT 3 Moneg Matters 86
Chapter 7 Starting Young:Learning the Value of Money 88
Can We Teach Kids to Save? 89
Should This Child Be Working? 92
The Youth Market Just Keeps on Growing 95
Chapter 8 Lotteries:Good for Society? 97
1 Lottery Luck
Against All Odds 99
Lottery Loss
Beating the Odds 102
Teen GambLing:The Hidden Addiction 108
Chapter 9 The Future of Money 110
How Will You Be Paging? 111
Pennies from Heaven 114
In Debt at the Attar:A Wedding on Credit 118
UNIT 4 Protecting Nature 120
Chapter 10 Night Light Pollution 122
The Disappearing Darkness 124
Saving the Sky 127
The Joys of Stargazing 132
Chapter 11 The Return of the Wolves 134
1Wolves in the Wild
Wolves in Yellowstone National Park 134
2 The Wolves Next Door
The Unknown Lives of Wolves 138
Lunathe Orca 146
Chapter 12 Protecting Water Resources 148
Global Water Shortages 150
The Living Machine 155
Coming Together to Save a River 161
UNIT 5 Personality 164
Chapter 13 The Importance of Friendship 167
With a Little Help from Her Friends 169
New Kidney Is Gift from the Heart 172
Newman's Own:Friendship and Business Can Mix 176
Chapter 14 Living with Our Emotions 178
1 Coping with Shuness
Can Shyness Be Overcome? 178
2 Coping with Worry
Don't Let Vour Worries Get to You 183
Sharing 190
Chapter 15 Handwriting and Our Personality 192
Graphology:Can It Be Trusted? 195
The Lowdown on Handwriting Analysis 199
The Letter Detective 204
UNIT 6 The Search for Answers 206
Chapter 16 The Mgstery of the Iceman 208
The Iceman of the Alps 209
Hummified Hunter Ate Well 217
Chapter 17 What Will Happen to the Titanic? 218
1 The Tragedy of the Titanic
Titanic Lost! 218
2 The Titanic Rediscovered
Titanic Found! 222
Trging to Save the Titanic 226
Locating the LittLe Prince 229
Chapter 18 The Anasazi:Whg Did Theg Leave? 231
Mystery of the Southwest 233
The Mystery of the Cliff DweLlers 238
Text Credits 243
Word List 245


