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  • 中文名:外貿英語
  • 作者:郝美彥 朱麗萍
  • 類別:高職高專教材
  • 出版社:東北財經大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年9月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787565436765


3.本書每一章後面都有大量的練習題,包括基本技能訓練、案例分析、解答題和材料閱讀等。本書的*後提供了 3套綜合測試題,便於學生進行技能訓練,以提高學生分析問題和解決問題的能力。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Objectives 1
Key terms 1
1.1 Exporting and importing 1
1.2 Terms and conditions of contract 2
1.3 Procedures of exporting and importing business 3
1.4 The laws and usual practices of the international trade 4
Summary of objectives 5
Key words,phrases and special terms 6
Reading material 7
Chapter 2 Terms of Commodity 8
Objectives 8
Key terms 8
2.1 Name and quality of commodity 8
2.2 Quantity of commodity 13
2.3 Packing of commodity 16
Summary of objectives 21
Key words,phrases and special terms 21
Basic skill training 22
Reading material 24
Chapter 3 International Trade Terms 27
Objectives 27
Key terms 27
3.1 Trade terms and international trade usages 27
3.2 The commonly used trade terms in Incoterms
2010 31
3.3 Other trade terms 37
3.4 The choice of trade terms in practice 40
Summary of objectives 40
Key words,phrases and special terms 41
Basic skill training 42
Reading material 44
2 外貿英語
Chapter 4 Terms of Price 48
Objectives 48
Key terms 48
4.1 About the price 48
4.2 Formation of unit price and price accounting 50
4.3 Accounting of gain or loss and price clause 58
Summary of objectives 61
Key words,phrases and special terms 62
Basic skill training 62
Reading material 64
Chapter 5 International Cargo Transport 66
Objectives 66
Key terms 66
5.1 Modes of transportation 66
5.2 The shipment clauses 74
5.3 Shipping documents 79
Summary of objectives 84
Key words,phrases and special terms 85
Basic skill training 86
Reading material 90
Chapter 6 Insurance—Marine Cargo Insurance 93
Objectives 93
Key terms 93
6.1 The scope of marine cargo insurance coverage 94
6.2 Conditions of marine cargo insurance 97
6.3 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses 100
6.4 Insurance clauses in the contract and forms of Insurance Contract 102
Summary of objectives 107
Key words,phrases and special terms 108
Basic skill training 110
Reading material 112
Chapter 7 International Payment 115
Objectives 115
Key terms 115
7.1 Instruments of payment 115
7.2 Modes of payment 121
7.3 Combination of different modes of payment 135
7.4 Payment clause in a contract 136
Summary of objectives 138
3 Contents
Key words,phrases and special terms 139
Basic skill training 141
Reading material 145
Chapter 8 Inspection and Claims 149
Objectives 149
Key terms 149
8.1 Inspection 149
8.2 Claims 155
Summary of objectives 162
Key words,phrases and special terms 163
Basic skill training 164
Reading material 167
Chapter 9 Force Majeure and Arbitration 169
Objectives 169
Key terms 169
9.1 Force majeure 169
9.2 Arbitration 172
Summary of objectives 178
Key words,phrases and special terms 179
Basic skill training 180
Reading material 181
Chapter 10 Negotiation of Contract 185
Objectives 185
Key terms 185
10.1 The steps of signing a contract 185
10.2 The form and contents of a contract 191
Summary of objectives 196
Key words,phrases and special terms 197
Basic skill training 198
Reading material 200
Chapter 11 Implementation of Contract 203
Objectives 203
Key terms 203
11.1 The performance of export contract 203
11.2 The performance of import contract 208
11.3 The main import and export documents 211
Summary of objectives 218
Key words,phrases and special terms 219
Basic skill training 220
Reading material 222
Chapter 12 Modes of International Trade 224
Objectives 224
Key terms 224
12.1 Exclusive sales and agency 224
12.2 Invitation to tender and submission of tender 227
12.3 Auction and consignment 231
12.4 Counter trade and processing and assembling trade 234
Summary of objectives 236
Key words,phrases and special terms 237
Basic skill training 238
Reading material 240
Appendix 243
Bibliography 253


