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  • 中文名:外貿英語口語大全
  • 作者:李雪、李鐵紅、范宏博
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787111455615




Chapter 1 Meeting and Seeing Off 外賓接待
Unit 1 Meeting Foreign Guests 迎接外賓 /
Unit 2 Introducing Each Other 互相介紹 /
Unit 3 Visiting a Factory 參觀生產車間 /
Unit 4 Having Business Dinner 商務會餐 /
Unit 5 Accompanying Shopping 陪同購物 /
Unit 6 Sightseeing 帶客觀光 /
Unit 7 Arranging Hotels 安排住宿 /
Unit 8 Seeing Foreign Guests Off 送別外賓 /
Chapter 2 Business Travel 外貿出差
Unit 1 In the Plane 在飛機上 /
Unit 2 Checking Luggage 行李託運 /
Unit 3 Exchanging Money 貨幣兌換 /
Unit 4 Visiting Clients 拜訪客戶 /
Unit 5 Transportation 交通出行 /
Unit 6 Western Food 品味西餐 /
Unit 7 At the Hotel 入住酒店 /
Unit 8 Checking Out 離店付款 /
Chapter 3 Trade Marketing 外貿行銷
Unit 1 Booth Booking 預訂展位 /
Unit 2 Show Preparation 展會準備 /
Unit 3 Advertising 廣告宣傳 /
Unit 4 Introduction to Products 產品介紹 /
Unit 5 Promotional Events 促銷活動 /
Unit 6 Market Survey 考察市場 /
Unit 7 Quality and Pricing 質量和定價 /
Unit 8 Customer Services 客服 /
Chapter 4 Forms of Trade 貿易形式
Unit 1 Compensation Trade 補償貿易 /
Unit 2 Barter Trade 易貨貿易 /
Unit 3 Consignment Sales 寄售貿易 /
Unit 4 Agents 代理 /
Unit 5 Technology Transfer 技術轉讓 /
Unit 6 Joint Venture 合資企業 /
Unit 7 Bid 招標 /
Unit 8 Tender 投標 /
Chapter 5 Trade Office 外貿辦公
Unit 1 Office Facilities 辦公設備 /
Unit 2 Conference Preparations 會議籌備 /
Unit 3 Business Correspondence 商業信函 /
Unit 4 Typing and Photocopying打字複印 /
Unit 5 Sending a Fax 發傳真 /
Unit 6 Using a Computer 電腦使用 /
Unit 7 Emails 電子郵件 /
Unit 8 Managing Documents 檔案管理 /
Chapter 6 Declaration of Goods 商品報關
Unit 1 Commodity Inspection 商品檢驗 /
Unit 2 Inspections at Customs 海關檢查 /
Unit 3 Customs Clearance 海關通關 /
Unit 4 Business Visa 商務簽證 /
Unit 5 International Taxation 國際稅收 /
Unit 6 Packing 包裝 /
Unit 7 Shipment 裝運 /
Unit 8 Departure and Entry 出入境 /
Chapter 7 Practical Operations 貿易實務
Unit 1 Inquiry 詢盤 /
Unit 2 Offer 發盤 /
Unit 3 Counteroffer 還盤 /
Unit 4 Order and Delivery 訂貨與交貨 /
Unit 5 Online Sales 網上銷售 /
Unit 6 Discount and Commission 折扣和佣金 /
Unit 7 Terms of Payment 付款方式 /
Unit 8 Insurance and Compensation 保險與賠償 /


