



  • 中文名:外貿英語與函電
  • 作者:周欣奕、高亞妹、徐慶穎、蘇玉剛
  • 出版時間:2016年11月
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302450962
  • 定價:32 元




Lead In 課程先導1
Unit 1The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter 商務信函寫作格式1
Seven Necessary Parts七個必要部分1
Eight Unnecessary Parts八個非必要部分4
Four Layout Styles四種布局風格8
Unit 2The International Trade Procedure 國際貿易流程13
Chapter 1Company and Product Introduction 公司和產品介紹16
Unit 1Making a Company Profile 公司簡介16
Skill Points技能要點16
Task 1Read a Company Profile閱讀公司簡介17
Task 2Write a Company Profile撰寫公司簡介18
Task 3Translate the Following Company Profile翻譯公司簡介18
Knowledge Points必備知識要點19
Language Points必備語言要點19
Reference Guide參考答案19
Unit 2Making a Product Description 產品描述20
Skill Points技能要點21
Task 1Read a Product Description閱讀產品描述21
Task 2Write a Product Description撰寫產品介紹22
Task 3Translate the Following Product Description翻譯產品介紹22
Knowledge Points必備知識要點23
Language Points必備語言要點23
Reference Guide參考答案25
Unit 3Making a Product Catalogue 製作產品26
Skill Points技能要點27
Task 1Read a Product Catalogue閱讀產品27外貿英語與函電ContentsTask 2Write a Product Catalogue製作產品28
Task 3Translate the Following Product Catalogue翻譯產品28
Knowledge Points必備知識要點29
Language Points必備語言要點30
Reference Guide參考答案30
Chapter 2Customer Development 客戶開發32
Unit 1Launching an Advertisement 發布廣告32
Skill Points技能要點32
Task 1Read an Advertisement閱讀廣告33
Task 2Write an Advertisement撰寫廣告34
Task 3Translate the Following Advertisement翻譯廣告34
Knowledge Points必備知識要點34
Language Points必備語言要點35
Reference Guide參考答案35
Unit 2Making a First Contact (General Enquiry)
Skill Points技能要點37
Task 1Read a General Enquiry閱讀一般性詢價信函38
Task 2Write a General Enquiry撰寫一般性詢價信函39
Task 3Reply to a General Enquiry回復一般性詢價信函40
Task 4Translate the Following General Enquiry翻譯一般性詢價信函40
Knowledge Points必備知識要點40
Language Points必備語言要點41
Reference Guide參考答案41
Unit 3Making a First Touch (Promotion) 進行首次接觸(推銷)44
Skill Points技能要點44
Task 1Read a Promotion Letter閱讀推銷信函45
Task 2Write a Promotion Letter撰寫推銷信函46
Task 3Reply to a Promotion Letter回復推銷信函46
Task 4Translate the Following Promotion Letter翻譯推銷信函46
Knowledge Points必備知識要點47
Language Points必備語言要點47
Reference Guide參考答案48
Unit 4Making a Status Enquiry 諮詢50
Skill Points技能要點51
Task 1Read a Status Enquiry閱讀諮詢信函52
Task 2Write a Status Enquiry撰寫諮詢信函53
Task 3Reply to a Status Enquiry回復諮詢信函53
Task 4Translate the Following Status Enquiry翻譯諮詢信函54
Knowledge Points必備知識要點54
Language Points必備語言要點55
Reference Guide參考答案55
Chapter 3Business Negotiation Ⅰ 商務談判(一)58
Unit 1Making a Specific Enquiry 具體詢價58
Skill Points技能要點58
Task 1Read a Specific Enquiry閱讀具體詢價信函59
Task 2Write a Specific Enquiry撰寫具體詢價信函61
Task 3Reply to a Specific Enquiry回復具體詢價信函61
Task 4Translate the Following Specific Enquiry翻譯具體詢價信函61
Knowledge Points必備知識要點62
Language Points必備語言要點63
Reference Guide參考答案63
Unit 2Making a Firm Offer 發實盤66
Skill Points技能要點66
Task 1Read a Firm Offer閱讀實盤67
Task 2Write a Firm Offer撰寫實盤68
Task 3Reply to a Firm Offer(Acceptance)回復實盤(接受)69
Task 4Reply to a Firm Offer (Declining)回復實盤(拒絕)69
Task 5Translate the Following Firm Offer翻譯實盤69
Knowledge Points必備知識要點70
Language Points必備語言要點71
Reference Guide參考答案72
Unit 3Making a Nonfirm Offer 發虛盤75
Skill Points技能要點75
Task 1Read a Nonfirm Offer閱讀虛盤76
Task 2Write a Nonfirm Offer撰寫虛盤77
Task 3Reply to a Nonfirm Offer (Acceptance)回復虛盤(接受)78
Task 4Reply to a Nonfirm Offer (Declining)回復虛盤(拒絕)78
Task 5Translate the Following Settlement Letter翻譯虛盤78
Knowledge Points必備知識要點79
Language Points必備語言要點81
Reference Guide參考答案81
Chapter 4Business Negotiation Ⅱ 商務談判(二)86
Unit 1Making a Counter Offer 還盤86
Skill Points技能要點86
Task 1Read a Counter Offer閱讀還盤88
Task 2Write a Counter Offer撰寫還盤89
Task 3Reply to a Counter Offer回復還盤90
Task 4Translate the Following Counter Offer翻譯還盤90
Knowledge Points必備知識要點91
Language Points必備語言要點91
Reference Guide參考答案93
Unit 2Making a Countercounter Offer 反還盤95
Skill Points技能要點95
Task 1Read a Countercounter Offer閱讀反還盤97
Task 2Write a Countercounter Offer撰寫反還盤98
Task 3Reply to a Countercounter Offer回復反還盤99
Task 4Translate the Following Countercounter Offer翻譯反還盤99
Knowledge Points必備知識要點100
Language Points必備語言要點101
Reference Guide參考答案102
Chapter 5Business Negotiation Ⅲ 商務談判(三)105
Unit 1Placing an Order 訂購105
Skill Points技能要點105
Task 1Read an Order閱讀定單107
Task 2Write an Order撰寫定單108
Task 3Reply to an Order (Acceptance)回復定單(接受)109
Task 4Reply to an Order (Declining)回復定單(拒絕)109
Task 5Translate the Following Order翻譯定單109
Knowledge Points必備知識要點110
Language Points必備語言要點111
Reference Guide參考答案111
Unit 2Accepting,Confirming and Declining 接受、確認和拒絕115
Skill Points技能要點116
Task 1Read a Letter of Accepting閱讀接受信函118
Task 2Write a Letter of Confirming撰寫確認信函120
Task 3Translate the Following Letter of Declining翻譯拒絕信函120
Knowledge Points必備知識要點121
Language Points必備語言要點121
Reference Guide參考答案122
Unit 3Signing a Contract 簽訂契約124
Skill Points技能要點124
Task 1Read a Contract閱讀契約125
Task 2Write a Contract撰寫契約127
Task 3Translate the Following Contract翻譯契約128
Knowledge Points必備知識要點129
Language Points必備語言要點129
Reference Guide參考答案130
Chapter 6Payment Ⅰ 支付方式(一)134
Unit 1Discussing the Terms of Payment 商討支付條款134
Skill Points技能要點134
Task 1Read a Letter of Payment閱讀支付方式的信函137
Task 2Write a Letter of Payment撰寫支付方式的信函138
Task 3Reply to a Letter of Payment (Acceptance)
回復支付方式的信函 (接受)139
Task 4Reply to a Letter of Payment (Refusal)
Task 5Translate the Following Letter of Payment翻譯支付方式的信函139
Knowledge Points必備知識要點139
Language Points必備語言要點142
Reference Guide參考答案143
Unit 2Urging Establishment of L/C 催開信用證145
Skill Points技能要點146
Task 1Read a Letter of Urging Establishment of L/C
Task 2Write a Letter of Urging Establishment of L/C
Task 3Reply to a Letter of Urging Establishment of L/C
Task 4Translate the Following Letter of Urging Establishment of L/C
Knowledge Points必備知識要點149
Language Points必備語言要點150
Reference Guide參考答案151
Unit 3Applying for Issuing a L/C 申請開立信用證153
Skill Points技能要點153
Task 1Read a L/C閱讀信用證154
Task 2Fill in a Form of Application for L/C填寫信用證申請書156
Task 3Issue a L/C開立信用證158
Task 4Translate the Following L/C翻譯信用證160
Knowledge Points必備知識要點161
Language Points必備語言要點162
Reference Guide參考答案162
Chapter 7Payment Ⅱ 支付方式(二)167
Unit 1Amending a L/C 修改信用證167
Skill Points技能要點167
Task 1Read a Letter of Amending閱讀修改信用證信函168
Task 2Write a Letter of Amending L/C撰寫修改信用證信函169
Task 3Reply to a Letter of Amending回復修改信用證信函171
Task 4Translate the Following Letter of Amending
Knowledge Points必備知識要點172
Language Points必備語言要點173
Reference Guide參考答案174
Unit 2Extending a L/C 信用證展期176
Skill Points技能要點176
Task 1Read a Letter of Extending L/C閱讀信用證展期信函178
Task 2Write a Letter of Extending L/C撰寫信用證展期信函179
Task 3Accept the Request for Extending L/C
Task 4Refuse the Request for Extending L/C
Task 5Translate the Following Letter of Extending L/C
Knowledge Points必備知識要點180
Language Points必備語言要點181
Reference Guide參考答案181
Unit 3Issuing a Bill of Exchange 開立匯票184
Skill Points技能要點185
Task 1Read the Bill of Exchange閱讀匯票185
Task 2Issue a Bill of Exchange開立匯票186
Task 3Translate the Following Bill of Exchange翻譯匯票187
Knowledge Points必備知識要點187
Language Points必備語言要點188
Reference Guide參考答案188
Chapter 8Packing, Shipping and Insuring 包裝、運輸和保險190
Unit 1Packing 包裝190
Skill Points技能要點190
Task 1Read a Letter of Packing閱讀包裝信函191
Task 2Write a Letter of Packing撰寫包裝信函193
Task 3Reply to a Packing Letter回復包裝信函193
Task 4Translate the Following Letter of Packing翻譯包裝信函193
Knowledge Points必備知識要點194
Language Points必備語言要點195
Reference Guide參考答案196
Unit 2Shipping 運輸198
Skill Points技能要點199
Task 1Read a Letter of Shipment閱讀裝運信函201
Task 2Write a Letter of Urging the Shipment撰寫催促裝運信函202
Task 3Reply to a Letter of Urging Shipment回復催促裝運信函203
Task 4Translate the Following Shipping Advice翻譯裝船通知203
Knowledge Points必備知識要點204
Language Points必備語言要點206
Reference Guide參考答案206
Unit 3Insuring 保險209
Skill Points技能要點209
Task 1Read a Letter of Insurance閱讀保險信函211
Task 2Write a Letter of Insurance撰寫保險信函212
Task 3Reply to a Letter of Insurance回復保險信函212
Task 4Translate the Following Insurance Policy翻譯保險單212
Knowledge Points必備知識要點213
Language Points必備語言要點214
Reference Guide參考答案215
Chapter 9Claim and Settlement 索賠和理賠218
Unit 1Claiming 索賠218
Skill Points技能要點218
Task 1Read a Letter of Claim閱讀索賠信函220
Task 2Write a Letter of Claim撰寫索賠信函221
Task 3Translate the Following Letter of Claim翻譯索賠信函221
Knowledge Points必備知識要點222
Language Points必備語言要點222
Reference Guide參考答案223
Unit 2Settling a Claim 理賠224
Skill Points技能要點224
Task 1Read a Letter of Claim Settlement閱讀理賠信函226
Task 2Write a Letter of Claim Settlement撰寫理賠信函227
Task 3Translate the Following Letter of Claim Settlement
Knowledge Points必備知識要點228
Language Points必備語言要點228
Reference Guide參考答案229
Bibliography 參考文獻231


