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《外貿英語函電》是2023年10月重慶大學出版社出版的圖書,作者:劉治國 黃自偉。


  • 中文名:外貿英語函電
  • 作者:劉治國 黃自偉
  • 出版時間:2023年10月27日
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568940139
  • 定價:55 元
  • 開本:16 開




Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letters
Section One The Meaning of Business Letters
Section TWO The Roles of Business Letters
Section Three Writing Principles of Business Letters
Section Four Useful Words and Expressions
Section Five Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 2 Format and Structure of Business Letters
Section One Format of Business Letters
Section TWO Structure of Business Letters
Section Three Addressing Envelopes
Section Four Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Five Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 3 Letters of Establishing Business Relations
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 4 Letters of Enquiries and Replies
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 5 Letters of Offers and Counter-offers
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 6 Letters of Order and Confirmation
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 7 Letters of Payment
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 8 Establishment of L/C and Amendment
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section FoHr Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Expressions and Sentences
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 9 Letters of Packing
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 10 Letters ofTransportation
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 11 Letters of Insurance
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 1 2 Routine Claims and Persuasive Claims
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 13 Letters of Adjustments and Refusals
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 14 Letters of Agencies
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letter Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 15 International Sales Contract
Section One Writing Principles
Section Two Sample Letters
Section Three Sample Letmr Analysis
Section Four Contrast of Sample Letters
Section Five Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Six Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Chapter 16 Other Letter Writing
Section One Letters of Introduction
Section Two Letters of Apology
Section Three Letters of Appointment
Section Four Letters of Thanks
Section Five Letters of Congratulations
Section Six Letters of Notices
Section Seven Useful Sentences and Expressions
Section Eight Exercises
Ideological and Political Garden
Appendix Samples of Letter of Credit and Commercial Documents


作者:劉治國 黃自偉
字數(千):625 頁數:305 印次:1-1
開本:16開 平裝
出版時間: 2023-10-27


