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  • 中文名:外貿英語函電
  • 作者:易露霞
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302562535


外貿英語函電(第4版)系統地介紹了外貿業務中英語常用文體寫作的基本知識,包括各類商務信函、傳真、電子郵件的格式、擬寫方法和技巧,並按照外貿業務磋商過程中各個環節的順序附有往來函電的大量例文和案例,提供了大量常用語句。外貿英語函電(第4版)還介紹了電子商務的基礎知識和對外經濟貿易中的常用文體,如意向書、協定、契約、招標通知書、投標書、中標通知書及廣告等的格式、擬寫方法及語言文字的套用,此外,還列舉了外貿業務實踐中常用的一些單據和單證實例。另外,為適應近年來跨境電子商務的迅猛發展和《國際貿易術語解釋通則2020》的生效使用,在第3版新增跨境貿易內容的基礎上,第4版又增加了有關Incoterms 2020的信函的調整與更新,使本書更加符合當前國際貿易發展的需要。外貿英語函電(第4版)共18章,包括商務英語信函的基本知識、外貿業務關係的建立、詢價、報盤、還盤、交易達成、付款方式、開證及審證、包裝、運輸、保險、投訴與索賠、代理、貿易形式、電傳、傳真與E-mail、英文契約及商務社交信函等。外貿英語函電(第4版)適用於國際貿易、市場行銷、電子商務、商務英語等專業的學生,同時也適用於從事或準備從事外貿工作的其他專業人員。


Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 1
Section One Introduction of Business Letter Writing 1
Section Two Layout of a Business Letter 2
Section Three Structure of Business Letter 7
Section Four Addressing Envelopes 14
Section Five Good Writing Principles 16
Section Six Some Rules of Good Writing 20
Section Seven Useful Words & Expressions 22
Section Eight Useful Sentences 23
Section Nine Exercises 25
Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations 29
Section One Introduction 29
Section Two Specimen Letters 30
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 43
Section Four Useful Sentences 44
Section Five Exercises 49
Chapter Three Enquiries 52
Section One Introduction 52
Section Two Specimen Letters 53
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 60
Section Four Useful Sentences 62
Section Five Exercises 66
Chapter Four Offers and Quotations 70
Section One Introduction 70
Section Two Specimen Letters 71
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 79
Section Four Useful Sentences 80
Section Five Exercises 84
Chapter Five Counter-offers 87
Section One Introduction 87
Section Two Specimen Letters 87
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 95
Section Four Useful Sentences 96
Section Five Exercises 100
Chapter Six Conclusion of Business 105
Section One Introduction 105
Section Two Specimen Letters 106
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 112
Section Four Useful Sentences 114
Section Five Exercises 118
Chapter Seven Terms of Payment 122
Section One Introduction 122
Section Two Specimen Letters 124
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 131
Section Four Useful Sentences 135
Section Five Exercises 139
Chapter Eight Establishment of L/C and Amendment 144
Section One Introduction 144
Section Two Specimen Letters 146
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 151
Section Four Useful Sentences 167
Section Five Exercises 172
Chapter Nine Packing 182
Section One Introduction 182
Section Two Specimen Letters 183
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 190
Section Four Useful Sentences 193
Section Five Exercises 197
Chapter Ten Shipping Marks and Shipment 201
Section One Introduction 201
Section Two Specimen Letters 203
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 211
Section Four Useful Sentences 214
Section Five Exercises 218
Chapter Eleven Insurance 223
Section One Introduction 223
Section Two Specimen Letters 223
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 229
Section Four Useful Sentences 231
Section Five Exercises 234
Chapter Twelve Complaints and Claims 239
Section One Introduction 239
Section Two Specimen Letters 239
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 246
Section Four Useful Sentences 247
Section Five Exercises 252
Chapter Thirteen Agency 255
Section One Introduction 255
Section Two Specimen Letters 255
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 261
Section Four Useful Sentences 263
Section Five Exercises 267
Chapter Fourteen Trade Forms 271
Section One Introduction 271
Section Two Specimen Letters 271
Section Three Useful Words & Expressions 279
Section Four Useful Sentences 282
Section Five Exercises 285
Chapter Fifteen Job-Application Writing in English 290
Section One Introduction 290
Section Two Cover Letter 297
Section Three Specimen Letters of Application Letter 298
Section Four Useful Words & Expressions 301
Section Five Useful Sentences 303
Section Six Exercises 307
Chapter Sixteen International Business Contracts 310
Section One Basic Concept of Contracts 310
Section Two Main Features of International Business Contracts 311
Section Three Categories of International Business Contracts 312
Section Four Language Features in the Contracts 313
Section Five Sample Contracts 315
Section Six Useful Words & Expressions 320
Section Seven Useful Sentences 323
Section Eight Exercises 327
Chapter Seventeen Telex, Fax and E-mail 334
Section One Telex 334
Section Two Business Fax 336
Section Three E-mail 339
Section Four Useful Words & Expressions 340
Section Five Useful Sentences 342
Section Six Exercises 344
Chapter Eighteen Other Letter Writing 247
Section One Invitation 247
Section Two Introduction 251
Section Three Letters of Appointment 252
Section Four Letters of Thanks 253
Section Five Letters of Congratulations 254
Section Six Letters of Reservation 255
Section Seven Notice and Announcement 255
Section Eight Interoffice Menos 256
Section Nine Business Reports 257
Section Ten Agenda and Resolutions 259
Section Eleven Letter of Notes 259
Section Twelve Exercises 260
參考文獻 362


